With the movement of hot skin towards him.

A low "um" rang in his ears with thousands of vibrations.

It's tingling.


sensed the little brother's eagerness, and seemed to want to prove something immediately.

Ye Ran raised his hand against his shoulder.

Stopped his next move.

Ye Ran smiled and asked

, "Then, when are we going?"

The little brother's movements paused, and the Adam's apple rolled up and down twice.

The voice was as calm as ever, but under the calm, it was the turbulence that had been suppressed with all his strength:

"Go now." "

Go now?"

Ye Ran was laughed at by the little brother's determination.


laughed, raised his hand and gently rubbed the broken hair on the man's forehead, and said,

"What do you want to do?"

The little brother was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Then, tomorrow morning." "

Then it's settled, tomorrow morning.

Ye Ran was waiting for his words.

Seeing that the little brother swallowed his saliva, he rubbed towards him again.

Isn't it?!

Ye Ran's

eyes are quick.

grabbed the little brother's hand and stopped the little brother's movements again.


looked at the little brother deeply, and there was a little aggrieved look.

Ye Ran was not weak. He cleared his throat and said seriously,

"That's right.

"As you know, it's not been long since the registration side opened for same-sex registration.

"It's been a good time lately, so there are a lot of husbands and wives who want to get a certificate, and it's crowded every day, and you have to queue for a long time. The

little brother was silent for a moment.

The action paused and asked, "So?"

...... So, it's tomorrow morning that you say it yourself.

"That means we've got to get up early tomorrow.

Ye Ran's tone was very resolute, and he said undoubtedly: "It's already early in the morning, and the two of us need to rest quickly." This

special man who has eaten vegetarian for hundreds of years suddenly opened his meat ......

Ye Ran said silently in his heart, he really couldn't stand it.

“...... Just. The

little brother was silent for a moment and said,

"No. "

I was just interrupted by the uninteresting three-thousand-year-old dead baby.

He is now, hungry and thirsty.

You have to swallow the person in front of you into your stomach.

At this time, there was already some faint light outside the window.

The little brother licked his lips gently.

His eyes were deep, staring at him for a moment.

The unicorn tattoo with a strong ink color was coiled around his waist.

However, the little brother did not make the next move.

It seems to be weighing in the heart.

In the end, the desire to get married and have the man in front of him in this life suppressed his impulse at this time.

[No, bear with me.

He thought silently in his heart, "

If he is tired.

[I may not get up tomorrow and go get my certificate with me.]

[After two days, if he is sober, he may not get the certificate with me.]

[But if you get the certificate tomorrow.]

[That is, for a lifetime.

It's a good deal, and it couldn't be more cost-effective.

There was no room for him to refuse.

The little brother lowered his eyes and agreed.

He nodded silently, hoarsely voiced, and said,

"Okay." "


Ye Ran breathed a sigh of relief.

Lay back down and yawned.

He was already very sleepy. Although he said that he would get married tomorrow, he was quite excited, but he should still be sleepy.

He fell asleep in a daze.

Half-asleep and half-awake, it seemed that someone had forcefully taken him in his arms, like some kind of beast, between his collarbones, sniffing and sniffing.


In the morning, half past nine.

Ye Ran leaned back on the sofa and yawned.

He lazily asked, "Are you all right?"

and "......"

There was silence in the bathroom.

Ye Ran put down his phone and raised his eyebrows.


The little brother usually enters the bathroom, and the slowest is about 20 minutes.


Ran was helpless and said,

"You've been in for almost an hour...... What the hell are you doing?"

He pushed the bathroom door open.

I saw the little brother standing silently in front of the mirror, and he wore the new ink-colored suit meticulously.

Tied a dark blue tie.

The hair was also combed neatly, and a little bit of setting spray that Ye Ran had placed in the corner of the bathroom was sprayed.

The little brother's hair was originally a little long, often floating in front of his forehead, blocking a little bit of narrow eyes.

But at this time, they were all combed to the back of their heads, and the long, narrow, deep eyes were completely exposed.

The facial features are extraordinarily deep and three-dimensional, and there is a kind of cold-blooded and ascetic atmosphere that rejects people thousands of miles away.

Ye Ran: "...... good


The raunchy little brother suddenly became a tide?

This made him feel a little uncomfortable.

But I have to admit that the little brother who puts on a suit and tie and dresses up meticulously ......

It's like a night pearl that was originally covered with dust, but was suddenly wiped clean and emitted countless lights.

He was so handsome that he couldn't take his eyes off it.

Ye Ran instinctively walked towards him.

After being silent for two seconds, he tried to take his eyes off the little brother and said with a smile,

"...... Don't shave, you really don't have a beard anymore. "

The little brother is already standing in front of the mirror, shaved for a long time.

And I looked in the mirror for at least half an hour.

It is estimated that the first half of the little brother's life has not been in the mirror for so long.

Ye Ran felt a little funny, and felt a little sad.

He tilted his head, helped the little brother put on a tie clip, and asked, "Little brother, are you nervous?"


The little brother put down the electric razor in his hand with an expressionless face.

There was silence for two seconds.

He calmly said, "No." It

seems that Ye Ran doesn't believe it very much.

He immediately repeated it again, saying

, "No, nervous.

After speaking, he lowered his head and glanced at the tie clip that Ye Ran helped him clip, his narrow eyes swept lightly, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

Little brother strides.

It's a bit embarrassing again.

Hands and feet.

I took three steps and two steps from the bathroom, and walked out quickly.

Ye Ran looked at his back and fell into deep thought:


still said that he was not nervous


? Turned.

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