
Ye Ran turned around.

He looked at the fat man behind him who was panting and had beads of sweat on his forehead, felt a little funny, and slightly curled the corners of his mouth.

Ye Ran asked,

"What business do you want to do with us?"

"Oh, this matter is a long story. The

fat man saw Ye Ran with an interested expression.

immediately straightened his stomach, cleared his throat, and introduced himself:

"As for me, my name is Wang Yueban, you can just call me fat." "

Master Ye, Brother Qilin, Sister Bao'er. Good morning, everyone!" "

My fat man knows that you are very powerful and very good in the last forbidden place, and I admire it very much in my heart.

"But do you know how big these 100,000 mountains are in the forbidden land?"

"Let's just say that, the mountains here overlap, the peaks are continuous, the total area is more than 3,000 square kilometers, and I don't know how many primitive beasts and insidious ghosts there are.

"Just go straight inside, when will it go! This program team is really unkind, so I'll give me a satellite map! My fat man is the first to accept it, you say yes?"

Speaking of this, the fat man's eyes "purred" and turned around, secretly looking at the reaction of Ye Ran and the others.

Ye Ran said calmly: "Speak human words."

"Okay. The

fat man immediately nodded happily in agreement, "Hehe" laughed awkwardly: "

That's right." As for me, I have always liked to be a person who is fully prepared before leaving, so I didn't enter this forbidden place for the first time, but spent a day and hired a very experienced guide.

"If you three don't mind, we can spend a little money together and share this guide, what do you think?"

After saying that, the fat man pulled behind him and pulled a little girl over.

This little girl is only eighteen or nineteen years old, wearing a shirt, a pair of loose military trousers, the top is neatly tucked into the pants, and two small braids are tied.

Ye Ran recognized it at a glance.

Isn't this the owner of the stilted building, Wang Gui's daughter?

No wonder Wang Gui was angry at the bottom of the building last night.

"Her name is Caiyun! It's my fat man who spent a lot of money to hire a guide from Banai Village."

"Don't look at her young age, her grandfather was also a famous guide in the village back then, comparable to Panma, that is, her grandfather died early, but she also remembered the way, and could take us forward."

Speaking of this, the fat man showed a heart-wrenching expression, and continued:

"Speaking of which, my fat master will not hide it, so I will sell you another key news."

"This forbidden land was a long time ago, but it was not a forbidden place, and there were archaeological teams who went in! Those archaeological teams groped for half a year in the 100,000 mountains, and finally arrived at a lake.

"This little girl remembers the way to that lake, you just say that this news is worth nothing, is it an instant to surpass the other players in the forbidden land!"

But the fat man, Ye Ran still knows better.

He can't afford to be profitable, with such a favorable helper, why do you have to come to them to share?

"You fat man, how can my sister believe you?"

With the simplicity of Sister Bao'er, she felt that the fat man was not a traitor or a thief, and she blinked her big gray eyes and complained:

"You know, we are two teams. The points and rewards we get can't be counted on your fat baby. Why don't you go with your teammates?"

What about the fat teammates? Ye Ran also wanted to ask.

"Ah...... Well, this one.

The fat man followed Ye Ran and them forward, his eyes turned wildly, and explained:

"They are all crooked nuts, the fat man doesn't understand their language, and he can't get used to the dark food they make, so he doesn't have to play!" "

Besides, those two are really too visionless, too eager for quick success! I roared into the forbidden land last night, and I can't find a place for the bracelet at this time, fat man, I suspect that they have died gloriously."

"Then what can I do, I can only move freely. Ye Xiaoye, you said yes, right?"

said the fat man, making a sad expression.


people are very good at picking themselves up.

Ye Ran seemed to smile and said

, "I heard from the program team last night that someone openly harassed the girl in the village, and was punished by the program team with a yellow card.

"Could it be that his teammates saw him locked up and didn't bother to be with him, so they left alone?"

"Nothing! absolutely nothing. "

Master Ye, this is a misunderstanding, this is definitely a misunderstanding!" The

fat man suddenly became angry, and he stiffened his neck and said

, "Besides, my fat master's matter, can it be called harassment." "

That's called a polite greeting!" "

Besides, I'm not fat. It's not that when you see the colorful clouds look beautiful, you will see the color. The

fat man swallowed his saliva and hurriedly said,

"Fat man, I'm a serious person." I just want to find a guide! It's all a misunderstanding, a misunderstanding. Besides, Caiyun has forgiven me, otherwise can you come with me into this forbidden place?"

Ye Ran weighed it in his heart as he walked forward, and asked, "Then how much does it cost for you to share the guide?"

The fat man stretched out five fingers.

Sister Bao'er asked in surprise: "Five yuan, so expensive?"


" The fat man was silent for two seconds, and seemed to feel speechless, and then said in a showdown: "50,000! 50,000 per person! You only need to give 150,000 to the fat man, and promise to take you to the lake."

"When the time comes, we will go to the tomb according to our own ability, and no one will interfere with anyone's. When there is danger on the road, my fat man will be the first to rush to the front and use my tonnage to open the way for you. How is it?"

"What? 150,000!" Before Ye Ran could speak, Caiyun covered his mouth and screamed, jumped up and said

: "Fatty, didn't you just give me 20,000 yuan to pay for the journey!"

This change of hands earned her 130,000 yuan

! It's outrageous

! What a black-hearted middleman!


: "......" Ye Ran's team: "......

". Sister Bao'er angrily picked up the shovel.

said angrily: "Fat man, my mother feels uncomfortable when she sees you." How can you bully a young little sister?"

"Forget it, my sister is too lazy to give you nonsense. Bury it, little Caiyun returns to sister!"

Sister Bao'er's hand flashed with a cold light, and a shovel slapped it over

!"Sister, don't!" The

fat man wailed!

As soon as Ye Ran turned his head, he saw that the fat man who was originally following him suddenly disappeared.

the groove.

Ye Ran was also stunned for a moment, and said, "When will this fat man flash again?"

Sister Bao'er's shovel didn't use too much force.

Plus the tonnage of the fat man.

It's not like a shovel will fly straight to the edge of the sky!

A muffled thunder sounded in the sky, and the mud under his feet suddenly became extremely suctioning.

Immediately after, a huge human head with a pale human face.

stretched out with difficulty from the direction under Ye Ran's feet.

This scene is accompanied by thunder in the sky, and it looks extremely terrifying.

The pale man's head trembled a little, and he actually opened his mouth to speak.

"Master Ye, fat master, I'...... Here!" That's

right, the one sticking out of Ye Ran's feet was the fat man who was slapped with a shovel by Sister Bao'er.

At this time, his face was full of muddy water, and he said sadly:

", young lady, what kind of power do you have." "

A shovel hit him underground?

The audience in the live broadcast room was also blinded!

"Good guys!"

"This ...... Sister Bao'er won't have to dig the pit in the future

?" "What kind of profound cult skill is this

!" "Don't say anything, my sister Bao'er will dominate

the rivers and lakes for thousands of generations!" "Thousands of generations, dominate the rivers and lakes!!"

Ye Ran: "...... is talking about what is there to do or not?"

Ye Ran said helplessly:


Haven't you all found out? We've come to the vicinity of the mountain pass where Panma disappeared.

"It's not that Sister Bao'er has a lot of strength and shoots the fat man to the ground with a shovel...... It's that this underground is hollow in the first place.

"There's definitely something wrong down there!!".

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