"What's the problem?" the

fat man's face changed, and then his eyes lit up:

", it's not like I'm stepping on a tomb under my feet

......!" Fat man, I really have a vision and insight.

"Little sister Caiyun, what did I say before? Fat man, I am very lucky, you follow me, I promise to eat and drink spicy food." "

Look, fat man, I step on it casually, then step out of a tomb! What kind of yin and yang feng shui

do you expect from this, and what kind of acupoints do you expect from this?" "In the future, my fat master will take you directly to fly with one foot in a tomb!"

After speaking, the fat man couldn't wait, and tried his best to swell the fat body, and stuffed himself down, and actually stuffed himself into the ground.


Bao'er also widened her gray eyes in surprise, and said to herself,

"What luck are you? Haven't you been photographed by my sister with a shovel?"

Ye Ran also complained in his heart, looked up at the surrounding feng shui, and was surprised in his heart.

That's not right.

It stands to reason that the Zhang family is an ancient family that knows feng shui very well, and it is inevitable that the family will be buried in the treasure land of feng shui, so as to prosper the descendants of the Zhang family.

No matter how you say it, it has to be in line with the logic of Feng Shui.

How can it be such an ordinary place?

Not to mention the dragon veins around here, even the special feng shui is almost none.


It's too close to the village, isn't it?"

After less than a minute, the fat man stuck his head out of the gap under Ye Ran's feet again.

He looked disappointed at this time, and said angrily:

"The one who stepped on the horse, the cow was blown early." Ye

Ran frowned, he felt even more strange, so he gently kicked the fat man's head and said,

"Fat man, can you drill in another place?" The

fat man was very dissatisfied, raised his head from the ground, and glared at him fiercely:

"Lie down Ye Xiaoye, please be a person! You can talk as you speak, what are you doing kicking my fat master, what about whack-a-mole?"

said so, but the fat man still obediently drilled down again.

Ye Ran asked Caiyun to wait above, and the little brother borrowed Sister Bao'er's shovel to open the way, and the three of them entered the tomb below together.

"No wonder the fat man went down all of a sudden.

Ye Ran quickly dug up the mud on the ground, only to find that the mud under their feet turned out to be a mudslide that rained yesterday and washed down from the mountains not far away.

There was a gap in the center of the mudslide, and the fat man fell down the gap.

"My fat man has been traveling from south to north for so many years, and I have never seen such a poor and sour tomb!" The fat man

was very dissatisfied, and walked around the tomb complaining:

"Why don't you even have a clay pot for stepping on a horse!

It's quite poor.

Ye Ran took out a strong flashlight and shone it around the vicinity, and said

, "This tomb is made of mountain stones, it is extremely simple, it should be a civilian tomb in the Southern Song Dynasty.

"During the Southern Song Dynasty, I don't need to say more, right?"

"Wars are frequent, and wars are continuous. In addition, there are many natural disasters in Banai, not to mention that civilians are rich, and it is already very good to survive.

"Generally speaking, the aristocratic tomb has the so-called underground palace, the front hall and the apse, the jack gate or something. "

For civilian burials like this, generally speaking, there are only the main chamber and the ear chamber, and if you have a little money, you can also pile up a back room.

As for the coffin, of course, it was placed in the main chamber.

Looking at the coffin in the main room, the four of them were silent.

Where is this still called a coffin?

It's all rotted into a pile of dirt!

You can still faintly see the color of the wood.

In this pile of "soil", a few white bones are faintly exposed.

It's the owner of the tomb.

"I'm sorry, we didn't know you were so poor, bothered, just leave. The

fat man looked at the poor burial chamber, with a tired expression on his face, waved his hand at the pile of bones in a decent manner, and turned to leave.

Just at the moment when the fat man was ready to turn around.

Something suddenly flickered slightly in the pile.

"Damn, there seems to be something here!" The

fat man's eyes were very sharp, and he suddenly became energetic.

He swallowed his saliva and said, "Master Ye, Brother Qilin, Little Sister...... You stand back, let me open the coffin. "

This is too reckless!"

Ye Ran opened his mouth, trying to stop him.

I saw that the fat man quickly put a wire glove on his hand, and directly put his hand into the pile of soil.

The next second.


was a strange sound from the pile ......of wooden mud, and then densely packed, black and brown insects of different sizes came out of the pile.

With a strong rancid smell, he spread his wings and scurried around the tomb!

"This is?"

Ye Ran subconsciously thought it was a corpse cockroach.

At this time, I looked at it and was disgusted.

It's all cockroaches!

The mound of mud formed by this coffin has directly become a nest of cockroaches!

No wonder it looks so fluffy.

Countless cockroaches burrowed and multiplied in it, could it be so fluffy?

This thing was not very powerful, but after a while, the whole burial chamber was full of cockroaches of all sizes.

Densely flapping its wings and stretching out its long tentacles.

It's also going to fly in people's faces.

Isn't it disgusting

! Ye Ran's palm lit up a vermilion fire, crackling these cockroaches, and by the way, he scolded

the fat man in his heart! "Got it!"

At this moment, the fat man finally persevered in getting the shining thing just now.

The moment he got his hand, the fat man's fat face collapsed at once.

"What the hell is

this?" "Who is so mischievous, stuffing a plastic bag in the coffin, do you want to be embarrassed, do you know how to protect the environment!" "


it fooling you?" He struggled to endure the disgusting cockroach puffing on his face and the rancid smell, and dug it out of a pile of bones, and it was actually a

plastic bag? What was in this plastic bag?

A piece of iron,

sick of it! The

fat man threw away the plastic bag casually.

It happened to be thrown in the direction where Ye Ran was.

The little brother turned around and raised his hand to block.

Hold the plastic bag in your hand accurately.

"It turns out that Daddy Panma hid the iron here.

Ye Ran took the plastic bag in his brother's hand and glanced at it, and suddenly understood.

This is probably the secret that Panma's son told him when he was in the village, the piece of iron that Panma's father hid.

Unexpectedly, he was beaten crookedly, and was dug out by a fat man who was bent on treasure hunting.

This piece of iron, sure enough, is exactly the same as the one that the little brother put in the tin box, and it also has a strange fragrance, and when the fragrance is light, it is a rancid smell.

Why does Panma have the same piece of iron as the little brother? What is sealed in this

piece of iron? Isn't Panma here to dig up the piece of iron? The piece of iron is here, what about the Panma people?

Ye Ran suddenly thought of something, and walked to the ear chamber at almost the same speed as the little brother


Suddenly, his face changed.

"There's also an exit here, and the earth is new. "

And this exit, which leads diagonally behind the pass, bypasses a hill.

This is another outlet dug by Panma!

There is a strong smell of blood.

There was blood in the soil!

At that moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded above his head.

"Underneath the burial chamber, there are people.


the next second.

A bullet burst through the air.

The little brother reacted very quickly, turned over without saying a word, and directly protected him under him!

The bullet grazed the little brother's skin and hit the two of them diagonally.

Ye Ran coughed and shouted

, "Ah Ning, slow down!"

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