Ye Ran raised his eyebrows and thought it was very interesting.

When they entered the village yesterday, the program team said it.

Let the contestants try not to affect the lives of the villagers.

If it causes serious adverse effects, a yellow card warning and a 10-hour lockdown.

If it causes two bad impacts, it will directly withdraw from the forbidden place on the spot, and it will not be allowed to participate in the next place!

The program team made such a decision mainly out of consideration for the identity of the forbidden contestants.

After all, the players who come to participate in the forbidden land are not good at stubble, and some people don't know how many lives they have in their hands.

In case one of the villagers is unpleasant and kills them with a click, the program team will inevitably fall into the whirlpool of public opinion.

With this rule, the players are quite obedient, after all, everyone's purpose is to be in a forbidden place, not to be confined here.

I don't know who this one is,

and he's so bold.

Ye Ran walked quickly to the window, but only saw the car of the program team walking away, and there were still a few villagers standing downstairs, including Wang Gui.

Wang Gui looked angry, and he was talking to the other villagers with his hands in his hands.

Hearing the sound of Ye Ran opening the window upstairs, he raised his head and smiled, closed his mouth and said nothing, his expression was a little embarrassed.

Does this matter have anything to do with Wang Gui?

Ye Ran smiled and closed the window.

There are two clean, slightly more spacious rooms in this stilted building, one of which is also equipped with solar energy and can be used for bathing.

Ye Ran gave up the room where she could take a bath to Sister Bao'er.

Girls, it's more convenient to take a bath.

As for him, he made do with his little brother, took a cold shower, and the two slept together.

The shoulder was injured and should not come back anytime soon.

At that time, he wanted to use the magic pupil technique to control the collapsed shoulder, but the situation was really critical, and his attention was on the little brother.

And the three pieces of advice that Papa Panma gave him.

What exactly do the first two mean

? Did Jude Kuo's team already set off? They shouldn't know the specific address of the ancient building, right?

After Ye Ran lay down, various thoughts flashed in his mind in a daze, but he quickly fell asleep.

When I woke up again, it was already bright outside the window.

He subconsciously looked around and found that the room was empty, and the little brother was gone.

Where is the little brother?

Ye Ran put on his clothes and walked downstairs, only to find that there were many people downstairs, it should be said that he was a forbidden player.

Among the contestants, a familiar voice trembled with a little crying.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I beg you. "


my father!" "Only, as long as I can get my father out of the forbidden ground, let me do anything." The


Ye Ran raised his eyebrows, isn't

he Panma's son? He stepped forward, and sure enough, he saw Panma's son standing among a dozen players, holding a dark red, bloody bloody clothes, pulling their clothes and pleading one by one.

"My dad is old, and he hasn't spent the night in the forbidden land all these years. He said he came back last night, and he will definitely come back last night.

"He didn't come back last night, and the villagers found a bloody garment outside the forbidden land, and this garment was also his...... My dad must have had an accident!

" "Please, help my dad!" "

Daddy Panma is missing?"

Ye Ran's heart jumped.

The players who were held by Panma's son let out a somewhat impatient "tsk" and shook off his hand.

"No kidding, we're in a hurry. "

Yesterday we asked Daddy Panma to lead the way, and when we came to your door...... That's not the attitude of your kid.

"It's good to be able to save your life in the forbidden land, who cares about an old man, if he dies, he will die." "

Didn't you show us the way? I plunged headlong into the mountains, and if something happened, I could only say that I deserved it." A

few of the contestants sneered and walked away from Panma's son.


other players didn't speak, but they looked at each other with similar thoughts.

They can't be blamed for that.

For ordinary players, surviving in the forbidden land is already doing their best, and then hitting the big luck.

Where can I take care of others.

Besides, the forbidden land is changing rapidly, and Panma didn't come back overnight, even if it wasn't cool, it was probably about the same.

For the players, in fact, there is no use value, as for the so-called return of Panma and his son, who cares?

In the forbidden land, compassion has always been the most useless burden.

"Master Ye!"

Panma's son saw many players walking in front of him, stomping his feet in disappointment and anxiety, and when he saw Ye Ran's figure at this time, his eyes immediately lit up, and he ran over, and his knees were about to kneel down as soon as his knees were weak.

Where would Ye Ran let him really kneel.

He thought for a while and said

, "The forbidden land of 100,000 mountains is too big, and finding someone is to find a needle in the sea, and I won't go out of my way to find it."

"But if I do, I'll save him."

"No thanks. I don't have a heart of Mary, nor do I do it out of sympathy. Save him just because he still has something in him that I want to know.

Panma's son was silent for a moment and nodded.

That's already the best outcome.

Panma's son leaned over and whispered

, "Master Ye, I have to say it now. My father didn't just go into the mountains to hide from you...... He's going to get something, it's a piece of iron.

"I don't look at that piece of iron unusually, my dad is very precious, and he always says that it is priceless. Later, someone came to the village, and someone really wanted to buy the piece of iron, and the price was very high. He was reluctant to sell it, so he hid himself in the mountains.

"I knew that a piece of iron could kill him, and I wouldn't let him take it for anything.

Panma's son was crying very sadly.

It seems that he really cares about Panma.

Ye Ran nodded slightly, probably knowing what was going on in his heart.

It is so that comfort is useless.

He just said a brief "act on luck" and turned back upstairs.

In fact, Ye Ran had already made up his mind in his heart.

After entering the forbidden land, Panma still has to look for it.

Behind this, it is definitely not as simple as a piece of iron.

"Are you back?" When

Ye Ran went back, he found that the missing person brother was already in the house, and the materials prepared by the program team were also packed and packed up neatly by the little brother.

On the table are a few steaming steamed buns, sticky rice balls, and oil tea.

Ye Ran's eyes lit up, revealing two tiger teeth and said with a smile:

"Little brother, this is for me?" He

also said why the little brother went out without saying a word.

It turned out to be to buy breakfast.

Ye Ran beckoned the little brother and Sister Bao'er to eat some together, and then the three of them went out together and walked in the direction of the forbidden land.

The weather in this Banai is indeed not good, and when it comes rain, it rains, and in a blink of an eye the sky is very overcast, and it is drizzling.

There are many people in the village on the periphery of the forbidden land, all of whom are young and middle-aged people in the village. At this moment, they stood together and shouted noisily, looking anxious.

Listening to the tone, I searched for Panma all night, but I didn't find it.

I can only come back and rest for a while.

However, listening to their conversation, Ye Ran also determined one thing, the bloody clothes were found on a mountain pass about five kilometers ahead.

"Let's go over there first.

Ye Ran turned his head and said to Sister Bao'er and Little Brother.

Seeing that the two of them had no opinion, they planned to take a look in the direction that the villagers said.

"Three, three!"

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of hurried footsteps behind Ye Ran and the others, followed by a panting voice:

"Three, please stay." I'm a fat man, and I have a business in my hands. I don't know if you want to do it?".

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