Milk tea worth tens of yuan is too expensive for many people.

Just watch the excitement.

If you really give them a chance to queue up to buy it, few of them will be willing to buy it.


"I really didn't expect that this milk tea stall, which looks ordinary, could actually have a lot of history."

"No, this looks ordinary. It's obviously very special. Normal roadside stalls can't be so expensive, and the raw materials used are better than some big milk tea shops. It's rare to see roadside stalls that don't care about cost like this. "

It sounds reasonable!

A group of workers nodded one after another.

Then I saw the boss coming with customers.

The person in charge of the construction site immediately greeted Jiang Ci after he brought people over.

"Mr. Jiang, the queues have been arranged, but there are too many people on site. How about we let the workers queue up and buy them and deliver them?"

The concerns of those in charge are justified.

Jiang Ci was shocked by the scene in front of him as soon as he got out of the car.

The first reaction was that it was lucky that he had said hello in advance yesterday, otherwise when he brought the customers over, there would have been a long queue and there wouldn't even be one person in line.

It's better to save trouble now. At least when discussing cooperation with customers, you can still drink Boss Lin's milk tea.

This is not about getting twice the result with half the effort!

"Okay, I want a cup of every flavor."

After Jiang Ci spoke to the person in charge of the construction site, he introduced it to the customer with a smile on his face.

"This is the person in charge of the construction site. What's lined up over there is the stall of Boss Lin, which is very popular on the Internet. It just so happens that Boss Lin is in our Lishi this week and is still at the entrance of our construction site. After discovering it yesterday, I learned that Mr. Li likes Delicious food, specially invite you to come and try it.”

As a foodie, Boss Lin’s reputation is truly astonishing!

Mr. Li nodded reservedly, and then expressed his intention to queue up by himself.

"Huh? Mr. Li, do you want to queue up by yourself?"

Jiang Ci was a little confused. He looked at Mr. Li and then at the team over there.

There are so many people, what does Mr. Li think?

Not to mention that the boss likes to cook noodles, he had no intention of bringing customers to drink milk tea from the roadside stall. That is to say, this roadside stall was owned by Boss Lin, so he dared to try it.

Afraid that customers will think they don’t take it seriously.

Unexpectedly, Mr. Li's idea surprised him.

"Yes, Boss Lin is my idol. I want to get up close and personal with him."

Mr. Li, a middle-aged man, was a little shy when he said this.

Very few people’s idols are cooks.

But he felt that Boss Lin could study cooking skills to such an extent that he felt it was not enough to describe him as a master.

“I was lucky enough to taste Boss Lin’s delicious food, which really opened up my taste buds.”

“After eating it once, you will never forget it.”

Whenever he thinks about it, he can't help but be amazed.

"Then Mr. Li must try today's milk tea."

What's not to be satisfied with? Jiang Ci brought Mr. Li and others to the front of the team.

The people at the front of the team are all workers on the construction site.

They were already queuing up before the first batch of regular diners arrived at the place where Lin Zhou set up his stall.

Arriving early, some workers even brought the folding beds from the construction site directly to the location to set up stalls in order to complete the tasks assigned by them, and started queuing up before dawn.

This spirit occupies the right time, place and people, and the old diners really can't get enough of it.

When they saw the leaders approaching, the workers immediately gave up their positions.

At this time, the diners behind also knew that these people were helping to line up.

It's okay to help queue up, it's voluntary, just don't jump in line.

Everyone comes from all over the country, and they really pay too much just to drink the milk tea made by Boss Lin.

If they encountered someone who jumped in line, they would probably go crazy on the spot.

Mr. Li and the others completed the replacement.

More than a dozen workers had vacant positions, and they just filled them.

As for the extra people, they can only watch from the sidelines.

There are so many diners watching eagerly that no one dares to jump in line.

Unexpectedly, none of these people even looked at Boss Lin, who was coming, and just stared at them.

His eyes wandered back and forth over them, as if counting people.

This made Jiang Ci and others feel a little uncomfortable.

"Well, Boss Lin is here."

Feeling uncomfortable, Jiang Ci looked around and saw Boss Lin's tricycle riding towards the end of the team from a distance.

Along the way, everyone greeted Boss Lin enthusiastically.

Even Jiang Ci was full of expectations when facing Lin Zhou's arrival.

As a customer, Mr. Li certainly occupies the first position.

After seeing Lin Zhou's figure, he immediately looked at the assistant.

"Boss Lin is coming. Is there anything wrong with your appearance?"

Like a young fan who was about to meet his idol, Mr. Li smoothed out the wrinkles on his clothes and dusted them off.

He turned his head and looked back expectantly.

I saw Boss Lin's tricycle getting closer and closer.

Mr. Li was so excited that he chattered, "I don't know if Boss Lin will remember me. It must have been more than a month since I last ate the food cooked by Boss Lin."

While thinking, Lin Zhou also rode a tricycle to the entrance of Shengli Supermarket.

When it was time to line up, diners rushed to line up, and no one in the supermarket showed any interest.

After working hard for a long time, the supermarket owner also had time to take a rest.

Move a table to the door to bask in the sun and watch the excitement.

She originally wanted to drink milk tea today.

But the business was booming as soon as the store opened in the morning. She preferred to make money rather than spend it. If you open a store to do business, you can’t just ignore the money that comes to your door, right?

So the supermarket owner didn’t queue up even though he had the best queue position.

Instead, he warmly entertained the diners who came from afar.

Now it’s not busy, the queue has stretched to the street, and you can’t see the end at a glance.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that if you queue up now, the possibility of buying milk tea is almost zero.

So she won’t join in the fun.

Anyway, she had already had it yesterday.

It’s not just the workers and the supermarket owner who are watching the fun.

There are also people from Lishi who come to join in the fun.

There are also people live streaming at the scene.

It’s a mess, lively and chaotic.

The only neat thing is the people waiting in line to buy milk tea.

Lin Zhou stopped at the stall where he set up yesterday, and met Mr. Li’s shining eyes.

Being looked at by a big man like this, Lin Zhou reflexively shook with goose bumps.

"Wait a minute, I'll set up the stall."

Everyone knew that he was setting up the stall, so Lin Zhou didn't wear a mask when he arrived.

He took off his mask and greeted everyone.

Faced with the enthusiasm of the diners, he was very moved, and naturally treated the diners who came for him warmly and sincerely.

"Okay, no hurry, no hurry, Boss Lin, take your time, do you need help?"

This time, Lin Zhou brought a lot of milk tea buckets, filling the entire tricycle, and it looked like there was a lot of stock.

But even so, the diners were still worried that there would not be enough to drink.

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