"Family, Boss Lin is packing up the stall. We will soon be able to drink the milk tea made by Boss Lin. As far as I know, this is the first time Boss Lin sells drinks!"

In the crowd, Ma Ming faced the camera and skillfully introduced to the audience in the live broadcast room.

From the moment he ate the braised pork rolls made by Boss Lin, Ma Ming was sure that he would never become a monk in this life.

Knowing that there was Boss Lin in this world, he could not give up his appetite and the pain of never being able to eat again to become a monk.

Unexpectedly, he gave up becoming a monk, but was accidentally on the news, which made him a little famous.

He took advantage of the situation to start a live broadcast and became an anchor, which made him not want to go out to work, and he also had the ability to support himself.

This book was first published in ๐Ÿ”๐Ÿ—Book Barโ†’๐Ÿ—๐Ÿ”๐ฌ๐ก๐ฎ.๐ง๐ž๐ญ, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

So he has always been grateful to Boss Lin.

Where there is news about Boss Lin, he will immediately come to live broadcast for everyone.

Anyway, his job is to live broadcast.

He traveled around the country to live broadcast to find Boss Lin. As Boss Lin's fame grew, he had more and more fans.

A large number of fans could not travel around the country to find Boss Lin as they pleased, and Ma Ming's live broadcast career became more and more popular.

The number of fans exceeded one million.

Every time he broadcast live, a large number of Boss Lin's fans would hang in the live broadcast room, just to see if Ma Ming could find Boss Lin.

This time was no exception.

As soon as he heard about Boss Lin, he spent a lot of money to get a ticket to Liyang.

Of course, there was no airport in Liyang, so Ma Ming flew to the nearest airport and took a taxi to Liyang overnight, live broadcasting the whole journey and becoming the first person to come to Lin Zhou's stall.

His hard work was not in vain, as he had definitely taken advantage of Boss Lin's popularity.

The live broadcast room had more than 100,000 viewers, and the barrage was refreshed very quickly.

Ma Ming could only vaguely see some barrages to reply.

He had an assistant who followed him after broadcasting for so long, paying attention to the live broadcast situation, watching the barrage, and managing the live broadcast room.

"The host is very fast, and the view is so clear, so the location must be very forward."

"Boss Lin! Ah, I saw Boss Lin!"

"Boss Lin brought a lot of ingredients this time, and it looks like there are buckets of milk tea."

"It's a lot, but there are also a lot of people on the scene. I saw a lot of Reuters on the scene. Fortunately, this is near the construction site, and the surroundings have been demolished, otherwise I'm afraid it can't accommodate so many people!"

"Is Boss Lin really going to tour the stall nationwide? I'm looking forward to Boss Lin coming to our city!"

"This location is too hard to find. I didn't expect it to be found by netizens."

"Note that I have to thank the brothers on the nearby construction site. They didn't recognize Boss Lin, and generously posted the milk tea stall online. I don't know how many fans of Boss Lin are on the Internet, and the news spread all at once!"

"Good man, great man!"

"Host, I don't want to see you, show us Boss Lin!"


Ma Ming obviously also understands the fundamental reason why everyone watches his live broadcast.

The camera is facing Boss Lin's stall, trying not to shoot other people.

Not everyone wants to be on camera.

At the same time, he also looked at Boss Lin happily, and his eyes were no different from looking at delicious food.

Lin Zhou was accustomed to everyone's eager eyes.

He calmly took down the milk tea bucket, and then took out all the small ingredients and cups and placed them one by one.

As the first customer, Mr. Li's joy reached its peak when Lin Zhou looked at him and told him that he could order.

"How many cups can Mr. Lin order?"

Mr. Li looked at these milk teas with different names and really wanted to try every one of them.

Knowing that so many people came to the scene, it was estimated that each person was limited to one cup, but he still wanted to ask.

What if? Right!

People always have to dare to think and do, right!

Mr. Li looked at Lin Zhou expectantly.

Then Lin Zhou calmly said: "One cup."

Mr. Li immediately showed a sad expression.

"Then give me one cup, passionate love fruit fragrance."

Jiang Ci heard Mr. Li's order and looked at him unexpectedly.

As expected of Mr. Lin's old customer, he actually ordered the right one!

Thinking of the embarrassing situation when he ordered the wrong order yesterday, he really dared not recall it.

Then Jiang Ci saw Mr. Lin's expression was strange and collapsed.


Didn't Mr. Li pronounce it correctly? Why did Mr. Lin still have this expression?

Is it because everyone pronounced it wrong yesterday, and today someone pronounced it correctly, so he was too happy?

Lin Zhou couldn't tell what he was feeling at the moment.

Yesterday's diners pronounced it wrong one by one.

This made him think that everyone liked to pronounce it horizontally.

Then he developed the types of milk tea names that were pronounced horizontally overnight.

Unexpectedly, today's diners actually pronounced it vertically again!

The types of milk tea have all been changed, which is not embarrassing for Fat Tiger!

Mr. Li is a businessman, and he must read people's expressions.

Looking at Lin Zhou, whose face was not right since he ordered the order, he also felt strange.

He first reflected and recalled what he had just said, then finished the review and felt that there was no problem, then he asked: "Boss Lin, is there any problem with my order?"

Jiang Ci and others behind Mr. Li heard this and looked at Lin Zhou.

This is a big deal about their order, and they have to figure it out!

"Look at the menu horizontally."

Lin Zhou said a little frustrated.

As soon as this came out, Jiang Ci was the first to have a black face question mark.


No, didn't you read it vertically yesterday?

Mr. Li subconsciously looked at the menu when he heard Lin Zhou's words.

Scorched hot cake ginger taro

Sugar love rake mother mud

Banana fruit hair duck good

Banana fruit duck warm

Milk fragrance ice milk coconut

Sea salt cheesy milk


How can this name be outrageous and reasonable at the same time?

For a moment, his mind was confused.

He looked at the most normal sea salt cheesy milk at the bottom.

So he ordered a cup of this.

Jiang Ci, who noticed the new product, gradually became shocked when he looked at Boss Lin.

Could it be that they all read the name wrong yesterday, and Boss Lin thoughtfully changed the name of today's milk tea to read horizontally?

Jiang Ci, who had a little guess, couldn't help but look at Boss Lin.

He came back to his senses and looked at the sign.

Now he really couldn't tell whether to read it horizontally or vertically.

But it looks surprisingly delicious.

People can't help but want to know what the milk tea with such a name tastes like.

Sea Salt Cheese Milk Tea is sea salt cheese flavored.

"Do you want room temperature, iced, or hot?"

Lin Zhou asked while holding the cup.

Mr. Li didn't hesitate and asked for a hot cup directly.

In the winter, I can't imagine how happy it would be to drink a cup of hot milk tea while basking in the sun.

"It should be hot, the milk cap will melt quickly, drink it as soon as possible."

The sea salt mouth milk tea has a little salty taste, which makes the milk tea sweeter.

Just like cooking, many dishes will add some sugar to enhance the flavor, which will make the dishes taste more delicious.

The salty taste and sweet taste blend well.

Pour the silky and rich milk tea into the cup, pour the milk cap, cover the lid, and you can drink it directly from your mouth.

This milk tea does not require a straw.

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