Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 525 We come from all over the country

He was very moved!

It feels like they live in the boss's big villa, and the boss works hard outside to set up a stall to support them.

Really, this feeling is amazing!

"Boss, is there anything I can do to help?"

Then Xiao Li joined in without a long memory.

Lin Zhou's eyes lit up when he saw Xiao Li.

"You're just in time, come and try my newly prepared milk tea."

Xiao Li:......

So sloppy!

"Well, let me clean the stall. The aunties like to drink milk tea, so I'll call them over."

After speaking, Lin Zhou walked away without waiting for a response.

Lin Zhou saw him running away and shook his head helplessly.

Continue researching milk tea.

Aunt Fang and Aunt Xu walked in after a while.

When Lin Zhou saw them coming, he immediately presented his new products.

Half a cup per person, very average.

Aunts who have been drinking milk tea for six days in a row may be a little scared when it comes to milk tea.

In the past, when I tried new products, I couldn't get them, and I wanted to rush to eat them.

I really couldn’t finish the milk tea this week, so I just drank it as water.

Everyone who drank was unable to eat.

The satiety of milk is still there, and with sweets and water filling your stomach, drinking a glass of it means you don’t have to eat anymore.

As soon as the new product was in their mouths, Aunt Fang and Aunt Xu nodded fiercely.

This new product tastes very refreshing.

Pure banana puree, without the roasted caramel flavor, is very refreshing. When paired with the fruity duck shit-flavored oolong tea, the taste is refreshing and delicious.

Lin Zhou felt good after taking a sip.

There is a refreshing feeling of milky green.

When Aunt Fang and Aunt Xu finished drinking the new products in their hands, Lin Zhou handed over two more glasses with a smile.

Below, Auntie Xu and Auntie Xu were also sweating coldly.

After drinking it, there is no need to eat dinner.

Day by day, I skipped meals and kept gaining weight.

I really can’t stop it.

"I'll ask Butler Sun to come and drink. As a chef, he has a more sophisticated taste."

Lin Zhou laughed helplessly. After a while, Butler Sun came over with a group of people.

"You can't try it with just one person. You need to find several people to figure out everyone's taste."

Even the rice balls were pulled over and hugged together.

Even if you can’t drink, you still have to accompany me!

On the other side, Jiang Ci and others also saw the hot search and were surprised.

Unexpectedly, the milk tea stall they went to today was Boss Lin’s stall which is very popular on the Internet!

They told their colleagues about this as soon as they came back from the construction site, and even asked them to go to the company to drink milk tea together tomorrow.

Unexpectedly, in a blink of an eye, the milk tea stall they drank from would become a hot search topic. It was Boss Lin’s stall.

When they were chatting happily, when a colleague saw the news and showed it to everyone, everyone in the room was surprised.

How awesome!

Such luck!

"Awesome, I'm worried about where to go to receive a customer tomorrow. That customer is a famous foodie in the industry. Now there's no need to worry. I'll tell the person in charge at the construction site to arrange for people to line up in advance and make sure the customer drinks. Go to the milk tea made by Boss Lin!”

Jiang Ci was extremely happy.

He hadn't thought of it originally.

When receiving customers, you must find a restaurant to eat.

But with Boss Lin here, no restaurant can be as good as that cup of milk tea.

Based on Boss Lin's reputation, it is estimated that if they take customers to line up, the customers will not have any objections.

"Then say so."

The customer's arrangements were made, and other colleagues also looked at Jiang Ci eagerly.

"Manager, I think it's okay if you don't have to queue up at the construction site. I can just queue up!"

"Yes, yes, I can go. My home is close to the construction site."

"Let me go. I won't go to work tomorrow. I'll queue up when the alarm goes off in the morning!"

"Good guy, it's time for you to take a break!"

Seeing a group of colleagues quarreling over a candidate in line, Jiang Ci was helpless.

"No need, there are people at the construction site 24 hours a day, it's more convenient."

Jiang Ci's handling method was very direct, and he refused to let anyone go.

"Manager, can I take leave to buy milk tea?"

Jiang Ci smiled and looked at the employee who spoke, as if he understood it himself.

The employees lowered their heads in frustration, thinking about it they knew it wouldn't work.

Customers are coming tomorrow and everyone will be extremely busy.

So I want to take leave, unless I wait until this project is finished.

The next day Lin Zhou got up and started making milk tea.

Not only did he come up with Heng Nian's milk tea last night, but he also made a new milk tea with sea salt cheese milk cap flavor.

Plenty of gains.

After preparing my things at around nine o'clock, I set off confidently.

On the other side, business at the entrance of Shengli Supermarket has been booming since it opened in the morning.

When a group of regular diners came here, they thought the queue would be long, or they would be bored, and there would be a lot of people buying food and drinks.

Supermarket owners are almost overwhelmed.

"Where are you all from? Why are there so many people here all at once?"

The supermarket owner was very puzzled. Strange things happen all the time, especially this year.

Yesterday, there was such a delicious milk tea stall in front of the supermarket.

So many guests came again today.

Look, her supermarket is packed.

"We come from all over the country."

A man buying cigarettes heard the boss's words, looked inside the crowded supermarket, and responded.

"Ah? Are you coming to travel?"

The supermarket owner was even more confused when he heard that these people came from all over the country.

Good guy.

Even if you are traveling, you will not come to such a remote place.

There is a construction site nearby, what are you doing here?

"No, we are here to drink milk tea made by Boss Lin. Boss, don't you know? There was a milk tea stand in front of your supermarket yesterday."

After hearing this, the supermarket owner understood.

"Ah! The milk tea stand in front of the door yesterday, the milk tea tasted really good, I bought a cup!"

Seeing that the supermarket owner also drank the milk tea made by Boss Lin, the man who bought cigarettes was immediately envious.

After taking a look at the long queue at the scene, he doubted whether he could drink it.

I heard from local netizens that the milk tea that Boss Lin bought this time was put in a thermos, and it seemed that one pot was not very full.

There were so many diners at the scene, I was really worried.

Fortunately, there was no one here, because of the demolition, the open space was very large.

No one cared about the long queue.

It was just spectacular.

For example, when Lin Zhou arrived at the intersection, the first thing he saw was not the Victory Supermarket, but a queue of people that was hundreds of meters long.

He might have seen so much, and he didn't see the end at a glance.

I knew there would be a lot of people coming today, but I didn't expect so many people!

The old customers were also very sharp-eyed. They saw Lin Zhouyi coming over.

It was like a fan meeting.

The crowd cheered continuously.

The workers on the nearby construction site were distracted from their work and came to watch the excitement.

This scene is not common!

It's a pity to miss it.

You can put your work aside for now. At worst, you can work overtime after watching the excitement.

This scene of thousands of people scrambling for milk tea will never happen again.

"There are so many rich people. Such expensive milk tea is like free. So many people are queuing up!"

The workers looked at the diners with envy.


(Chapter 5, finished. Please use love to generate electricity!)

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