Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 511 Boss, you looked quite young before you were blackened by smoke!

Lin Zhou was used to this.

He had already experienced it once before when he was in Baihe.

The same goes for Hal Bing this time.

The tourists were surprised. When they woke up, the whole street changed its appearance.

First of all, there are too many tourists. To prevent accidents, there are two more patrol cars on the road to ensure the safety of tourists.

There were some other stalls next to where Lin Zhou set up his stall.

These stall owners know how to do business. After seeing the large flow of people in the Ice and Snow World, they all came over to set up stalls.

It’s all about setting up stalls anyway, so setting up stalls is not setting up stalls anywhere, right? There’s a lot of traffic here and business is good, so I’ll definitely come here.

Some vendors who come early in the morning to set up their stalls subconsciously reserve the stall for the beggar's chicken when choosing a location.

Everyone knows that this is a popular place for beggars and chickens, attracting many tourists to check in.

After being silent for so long, Haer Bing finally became popular on the Internet. For this, everyone has really worked hard for a long time.

Now it has finally been seen by people across the country.

The hospitable Haer Bing people not only organized various street parades, but also invited ethnic minorities who rarely appeared to participate in activities. The netizens were dazzled and wanted to rush to Haer Bing to watch.

There are delicious food to eat, ice and snow world to play, and street parades like this.

It looks interesting!

Especially after the price of air tickets went up, it was lowered by the Harbing Culture and Tourism Bureau.

It’s really hard not to think about it.

When Lin Zhou came over and saw the people waiting on the roadside, he was not surprised at all and asked Xiao Li to unload the goods.

Compared to when he came yesterday, not many people paid attention to his appearance at the stall.

As soon as he came today, he immediately attracted a lot of attention.

"Is it a stall selling beggar's chicken?"

"Wow, are you going to do such a big show?"

"These are two ovens. The boss looks quite young, not like in the online videos."

"Then it's probably blackened."

"Not sure."

Lin Zhou's ears automatically blocked these words and started to show up.

Xiao Li unloaded the heavy items from the stall and then retreated.

The diners who were waiting for the Beggar's Chicken couldn't wait for Lin Zhou to set up the stall, so they came to the front and lined up one by one.

"Boss, you looked quite young before you were blackened!"

Lin Zhou:......

"I was quite young to begin with."

Lin Zhou felt that the most remarkable thing about him having been setting up a stall for so long was that he had a very stable mental state and a good temper.

No matter what kind of diners I meet, my mood is quite stable.

The diners laughed and didn't care about Lin Zhou at all. They only cared about when the beggar's chicken would be ready.

"It takes about two hours."

"It just came out of the stall and hasn't had time to bake yet."

Diners understand.

"Then let's take the number first."


"Why are you so anxious? Didn't you see that the boss is busy?"

Before Lin Zhou could speak, the diners behind him saw him in such a hurry and spoke angrily.

"You will delay the boss from roasting the beggar's chicken. You have to put the beggar's chicken into the oven first. Don't delay the roasting. You are still busy with taking the number. Don't delay eating."

The diners present nodded.

Everyone came early because they knew it would take two hours to serve Beggar's Chicken.

The diners in front of the stall include not only a large number of repeat customers, but also a group of tourists and locals who came to join in the fun after seeing the popular video.

"Hey, what are you doing here? Waiting in line to buy something delicious?"

The locals passing by saw this scene and came over curiously. They were about to go to the back of the line to join in the fun.

I was grabbed by another local who was passing by.

"Why do you, a local, come to join in the fun? Everything is prepared for tourists from out of town first. If you, a local, can't come at any time, why are you competing with outsiders? You are holding us back."

This is true.

But the locals in the team felt particularly guilty.

There have been too many tourists in Harbing recently.

Many locals come here to entertain tourists from afar.

Spontaneously sending warmth to tourists on the roadside. For example, the frozen pears are packed in boxes and boxes and given away for free on the roadside.

Needless to say, there is free shuttle service.

But only foreigners can enjoy this treatment.

The whole local people are very defensive.

In the team, Lin Yi and others, wearing hats and masks, huddled in the crowd. When they heard this, they remained silent.

Xiao Xian took out his cell phone and started sending messages.

"Let's stop talking if we can from now on. If someone recognizes us as a local, we might be beaten."

"Yesterday, a local pretended to be an outsider and went to beg for food. He was recognized as soon as he opened his mouth."

"It's so funny. The key is that he still thinks he's speaking Mandarin."

"So, don't have any illusions. We all have accents. In order not to be caught competing for food with tourists, we don't speak if we can."

Several people responded with a received expression.

Then he continued to shrink into the crowd without saying a word.

Also doing this is Xiangshan.

Xiangshan resisted the huge temptation yesterday and left the beggar's chicken to eat until his parents got off work, and then he got two loyal meal partners in one fell swoop.

Today I specially gave money to Xiang Shan and asked him to line up early and buy two more.

Anyway, the kids are old and they have a vacation, which is perfect for running errands.

Xiang Shan was happy to take the money.

I immediately resumed the eight-a-morning schedule I had at school. I got up early in the morning, had breakfast, and then ran out fully armed to queue up.

If you want to eat the food cooked by Boss Lin, queuing is really a must-have skill.

Xiang Shan, who was well prepared, brought the tent he bought last week.

I thought it was just a disposable item, but I didn't expect it could be reused.

It was worth the money.

I haven't taken a number yet, so I can't stay in the tent.

I have to queue up first.

After Lin Zhou put all the first batch of beggar chickens into the oven, he started to write numbers for the diners in line.

"How many do you want?"

Seeing the boss take out the sticky note from his apron, everyone knew it was time to take a number, and they immediately perked up.


Lin Zhou nodded, wrote one number and two on the sticky note and handed it over.

Then the next person.

Watching the team move forward little by little, Xiang Shan excitedly sent a message in the class group, saying that the number collection had begun.

Asked everyone how the progress was.

"Don't bother me, I'm about to board the plane. I bought a first-class ticket and took out all the New Year's money I saved for so many years."

"Wow, I took out all the money I saved for my wife."

"What girlfriend? I just want a beggar's chicken."

"Luckily it's winter vacation, otherwise I really wouldn't have so much time to rush over."

"Xiangshan, check how many you can buy at most. I'll be there in the evening, please bring one for me."


Messages flew in the group.

Xiangshan responded while paying attention to the moving team.

When it was his turn.

He winked at Lin Zhou and pretended to be unfamiliar with him and said, "Boss, how many can you buy at most?"

Lin Zhou glanced at the people in line behind him.

He silently raised two fingers.

Xiangshan understood immediately.

With his parents sponsoring him this time, he was very generous and asked for two with a wave of his hand!

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