Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 510 The landlord has no surplus food!

Lin Zhou's mouth twitched twice and he shook his head.


There are not so many customers at present that there is a limit on purchases.

And no one buys a lot at one time, basically one per person.

So there is no need to limit purchases.

"Then boss, give me 20 or 30!"

Lin Zhou:...

Good guy, no limit on purchases, you bought a whole batch directly!

"Do you think it's possible?"

Lin Zhou looked at Xiang Shan sincerely.

If there were no people queuing, it would be fine.

All of them have been booked.

The landlord has no surplus food!


Xiang Shan didn't hesitate, maybe he didn't think that he could buy unlimited quantities, he just asked tentatively.

It's not surprising to get this answer.

"How many can I buy now?"

"Sold out, can only wait until tomorrow."

After Lin Zhou finished speaking, he saw the diners in front of him took out their mobile phones and started typing, as if sending messages.

Lin Zhou almost blurted out and asked him if he was calling his classmates, but swallowed the words.

If he said this, wouldn’t it be a slap in his face? He just denied his identity, so how did he know that he was a student of Tsinghua University?

So Lin Zhou swallowed his words back.

Xiang Shan was indeed sending a message in the class group.

“Today’s beggar’s chicken is gone, it’s all booked out. There are a lot of tourists in Harbin, and most of the people queuing here are tourists.”

“If you want to eat, you can only rush over.”

After Xiang Shan sent the message, he ignored the ghosts and wolves howling in the class group.

Thinking of the sons in the dormitory.

He clicked into the dormitory group with a smile on his face.

“Sons, Dad is here, why don’t you welcome him!”

It’s winter vacation, and the roommates are also idle. Xiang Shan, as soon as the message came out, immediately welcomed the sweet words of several roommates.

"Son, you haven't woken up yet? Why can't you recognize your father?"

"Do you think you're okay again?"

"Huh? You weren't the one who called dad when you lost the game?"

Xiang Shan ignored the barking of several rebellious sons.

He directly sent the video of beggar chicken to the group.

"I said Boss Lin would come to Harbin to set up a stall. Look at this delicious beggar chicken. I asked you to come, but you didn't come. Now you are dumbfounded!"

"It's so delicious. I've eaten it. It's as delicious as pork trotter rice. I've never eaten such delicious chicken. It's so tender that it feels like drinking chicken soup."

"It's a pity that you can't eat it."


The next second, Xiang Shan saw a group video call.

He greeted Boss Lin calmly, then walked aside to take care of one of his sons before answering the phone.

Video call, click in, and see the anxious faces of several sons.

"Son, what do you want to talk to dad about?"

Now everyone's attention is on Boss Lin and Beggar Chicken, so why would they care about the name issue?

Everyone knows who is the father and who is the son.

"Is it true? Boss Lin is really setting up a stall in Harbin?"

"It's fake, I don't believe it. Send me the Beggar Chicken to try!"

"Good fellow, this abacus is jumping on my face." Xiang Shan not only did not respond to their questions, but also fixed his mobile phone on a platform in the green belt, and then put the Beggar Chicken in front of the camera.

"??? Good fellow, you are eating it?"

The Beggar Chicken in the camera is extremely tempting. When I think that it is made by Boss Lin, I can't imagine how delicious it must be.

I was so greedy that I almost drooled.

"Xiangshan, is this true? If it's true, I'll book the tickets now. No, there are definitely no tickets. I'll drive there. You two can drive, right? I'll pick you up first. We'll go to Harbin by car. We'll take turns driving, three shifts, and try to get there the day after tomorrow!"

Excluding the time for sleeping and eating, it will take about two days to get there.

Xiangshan: ? ? ?

"No, are you so decisive?"

What a mistake. I wanted to tempt these guys, but I didn't expect them to go on a self-driving tour just to eat.

As soon as Xiangshan finished speaking, the three roommates hung up the phone and discussed the self-driving tour privately.

Xiangshan: ? ? ?

This life is really unbearable. They don't take him, their father, seriously at all.

Seeing that there were still many tourists checking in in front of Boss Lin's stall, Xiangshan was done with his craving and planned to take a taxi home to eat.

The beggar's chicken was so delicious that he planned to bring it home for his parents to try.

Thinking that his parents had not tasted the delicacies made by Boss Lin, he had to let them taste it.

The beggar chicken cost 200 yuan each. His small coffers had almost been used up because of the round-trip fare to school. If his parents liked it, they could go buy it together, and he wouldn't have to pay for it then.


Xiangshan happily carried the beggar chicken home.

Then there were more and more videos of people checking in at the beggar chicken stall online.

The Ice and Snow World has become two check-in spots.

After those tourists bought the beggar chicken, they all imitated the popular videos online, wanting to test their strength, and picked up their fists to hit the outer layer of mud on the beggar chicken.

But from yesterday to today, no one has succeeded in the challenge online.

This undoubtedly made more tourists interested in this and wanted to challenge it.

If anyone succeeds in the challenge, he will be famous and become a synonym for strong strength.

With more and more challengers, the popularity of the beggar chicken stall is getting higher and higher, and the overall popularity remains high.

Tourists who come to Harbin also give the latest travel tips.

The first thing to do after arriving at the Ice and Snow World is to go to the beggar chicken stall at the door to get a number, then go into the Ice and Snow World to play around, and come out to get the beggar chicken.

Beggar chickens are fresh chickens marinated and grilled, and it takes two hours to make one oven.

After seeing this video, Xu Xiaoshuai immediately forwarded it to Xiaoyu.

The two have known each other since they were on the plane to Baihe to find Boss Lin.

They also chased Boss Lin several times together.

But because they are in different places, the relationship has not made much progress since they separated.

Since Xiaoshuai went to Sichuan to accompany Xiaoyu to find Boss Lin last time, he has no better excuse to ask Xiaoyu out to play.

Thinking of Xiaoyu's love of eating.

After seeing the video of beggar chicken, he immediately came up with an idea.

Although this is not Boss Lin's stall, it is so popular on the Internet, it is still okay to ask girls to play.

Xiaoyu really got interested after seeing it.

The main reason is that Harbin tourism has been so popular recently that she watched videos online every day and was very excited.

Xiao Shuai happened to be in Harbin, so it was good.

So she agreed immediately.

"You have to queue up for the beggar chicken stall. I will book a ticket for you now. I will ask someone to queue up in advance. We will go there to eat after we get off the plane."

He invited the girl to come over and play, and he was the host.

Xiao Shuai immediately made arrangements actively.

How can you pursue a girl without some expression!

Harbin did not expect that it would be popular this winter.

After noticing that the beggar chicken stall was getting more and more popular, the facilities around the ice and snow world intersection were also improved little by little.

It is to give tourists a better travel experience.

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