Lin Zhou wrote him a number to get the number, and then he saw him setting up a tent directly on the open space next to the stall.

This is a familiar operation.

Lin Zhou's eyes twitched when he saw it.

It's so damn familiar!

When the diners in the queue had all taken their numbers, Lin Zhou's beggar chicken had already been booked for the third batch.

The diners who got the numbers went to work, and some went out to play.

There were not many people waiting in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

When he was free, he took out his mobile phone and started to fish.

This week, the stall was only busy when customers lined up to get numbers and when the beggar chicken was out of the oven.

The two hours of roasting the beggar chicken were not busy.

In a blink of an eye, there were only two days left for the task.

Even though they didn't know that the owner of the beggar chicken stall was Boss Lin, as more and more people ate the beggar chicken.

Some old diners also found something strange.

Boss Lin's steamed bun stall diners group.

It gathered a group of old diners from Jiangdong. After such a long time of development, it has become a group of foodies.

Without Boss Lin, everyone's tastes have become more sophisticated, and they are all looking for delicious food on their own.

Now Harbin's beggar chicken is very popular.

People in the group are also discussing this.

"Why do I feel that this stall looks like Boss Lin?"

"Take a screenshot of the video, cover the head in the photo, and see if the body shape looks like Boss Lin?"

Gao Jiazhi also sent the photo he made to the group after saying this.

The most popular video of beggar chicken was when Lin Zhou set up the stall on the first day.

He was smoked black without any preparation, and the video effect was full.

There were no shots of him in the videos that came out later.

They were all videos of everyone smashing beggar chicken together.

The photo Gao Jiazhi sent was that one.

Originally, everyone's focus in the video was on the boss's dark face.

Now that the head is covered.

Guess what, the whole person's temperament immediately changed.

"Fuck! Don't say it, don't say it!"

Originally, no one thought about it, but now that Gao Jiazhi did this, they really reacted immediately.

If we ask who is most familiar with Boss Lin on the Internet, it is still this group of people.

That has long been a habit.

Without looking at his face or his clothes, you can tell Lin Zhoulai by his temperament.

"If you think about it carefully, this really seems like something Boss Lin can do."

"Do you want to go and see?"

"There has been no news about Boss Lin for a long time. I feel that this wave is very likely."

"Who has time to see it?"

"Eighty percent of it is Boss Lin! I just went to look at the comments on Harbin Beggar Chicken's video. Those who have tasted Beggar Chicken said it was delicious, and there was no bad review, so it is very likely to be Boss Lin."

"Where is the boss who chartered a plane to find Boss Lin last time? I came back after checking the tickets, and I couldn't buy a ticket."

"If it is really Boss Lin, then I will contact people to rush, and manage and count the group members who want to rush." ​​As the group owner, Fang Jun has the resources in his hands to arrange charter flights. It is still simple.

There are many rich bosses in the group.

In order to eat the food made by Boss Lin, they don't care about spending money.

So when Lin Zhou faced an unprecedented queue on the last day, his calm demeanor could no longer be maintained.

"No, why are there so many people today?"

Before Lin Zhou came to set up the stall, when the queues were getting bigger and bigger, patrol cars on the street had already parked next to the queues.

When there were too many people in the queues and traffic was affected, traffic police, security and other personnel stood in a row at the entrance of the Ice and Snow World.

With these people, public security was very good even if a large number of people gathered at the scene.

When they saw Lin Zhou coming, security personnel immediately came forward to support him in setting up the stall.

In addition to the people in the queue, there were also onlookers around.

Lin Zhou recalled that the last time he set up such a big stall was during the steak week.

But there were not so many people in the queue that week, and the number of onlookers was about the same.

As soon as they saw Lin Zhou appear, the eyes of the old diners from Jiangdong in the queue immediately lit up.

"It's Boss Lin, definitely Boss Lin!"

With this figure and this well-designed stall cart, if it weren't for Boss Lin, he could have eaten this stall cart!

"Ahhhh, my God, Boss Lin!"

The old customers from Jiangdong who hadn't seen Lin Zhou for a long time couldn't hold back their tears after seeing the familiar figure of Lin Zhou.

In the days when they couldn't find Boss Lin, they could only look for news about Boss Lin on the Internet again and again.

The person they thought about day and night appeared in front of them.

At this moment, I didn't want to cry.

But I couldn't calm down, and my eyes were filled with tears of excitement.

The old customers came in groups on chartered flights.

They came quite early and occupied the front positions of the line.

Lin Zhou heard their voices and turned back subconsciously.

When his eyes met with the old customers from Jiangdong, his body froze.

Damn it!

He hadn't been recognized by tourists for so many days.

He had let his guard down.

Hearing the familiar Boss Lin, he turned back subconsciously.

It was very embarrassing.

Isn't this confessing himself?

The rest of the onlookers also widened their eyes in surprise when they saw this scene.

There were returning customers in the crowd. Looking at the customers who were already crying with excitement, and then looking at the stall owner who was standing stiffly in front of the stall, he slowly asked a question.

“Is the stall owner Mr. Lin?”

“No, didn’t someone ask the owner if he was Mr. Lin before? The owner said he was not Mr. Lin!”

"Look at the way the boss turned his head subconsciously when he heard the three words "Boss Lin". Subconscious reactions can't lie. This must be Boss Lin."

"Fuck, I'm shocked for ten thousand years. This popular beggar chicken stall is made by Boss Lin?"

"When did Harbin have such delicious beggar chicken? It turns out that Boss Lin is here!"

"I really didn't think of Boss Lin. I thought Harbin was popular recently, and the skilled masters came out to entertain tourists!"

"Boss Lin, is it really Boss Lin?"


As soon as Boss Lin was heard, the originally quiet queue immediately became lively.

Many people in the back wanted to squeeze to the front to see the excitement.

The crowd was about to get chaotic.

So the people who maintained law and order immediately moved.

They started to stand along the queue.

"Quiet, quiet, don't cut in line, and don't squeeze forward!"

The security personnel didn't expect that the recently popular Harbin beggar chicken was sold by Boss Lin.

They were really unprepared.

The tourists were getting restless.

He quickly took out his intercom to exchange teammates.

He couldn't bear it.

When Lin Zhou came to his senses, he saw the crowd in chaos.

There was no way.

He was recognized.

This time he really couldn't hide it.

His boss Lin's wise, brave and handsome image was about to be overshadowed.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhou, who was ready to die, took off his mask.

He raised a warm smile and greeted everyone.

"I covered myself so tightly, but you still recognized me. You are really amazing."

"Don't crowd, come one by one."

"There are 120 beggar chickens in total, one for each person, count later, and you don't have to queue up if you have more, there are not so many."


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