"It tastes good!"

The eldest brother finished the meal in one bite and was not in a hurry to pay. He looked at Lin Zhou in surprise and nodded while eating.

Then add skewers.

"A few more skewers of chicken. It's so tender and fresh, and tastes like chicken soup."

Lin Zhou nodded with a smile and took out five skewers of chicken, "Can five skewers be okay?"

The eldest brother couldn't stop eating from ear to ear. After finishing the meal in one bite, he immediately ordered a refill.

Lin Zhou saw his eldest brother eating skewers after skewers, never stopping, and he was curious whether everyone in Chengdu could eat spicy food so well.

The Bobo Chicken recipe made yesterday was too spicy. Lin Zhou, Butler Sun and others didn't eat much because they couldn't stand it.

People who can't eat spicy food eat something so spicy all at once. It's delicious, but if you eat too much, your stomach will be really uncomfortable from the spicy food, and you'll feel uncomfortable for a long time.

So when I was preparing the soup base today, I prepared two portions. One portion was the original proportion of the system recipe for the stall.

Then they just eat the slightly spicy ones.

In fact, Lin Zhou adjusted it more than once before he got it to suit his taste. It was spicy but not very spicy. It retained the aroma of chili but was not very spicy.

The food was delicious.

He ate dozens of skewers in one sitting, not to mention Xiao Li, who ate as much as he wanted, finishing more than 500 skewers by himself.

The portion he ate didn't even have skewers, which was a waste of skewers.

Lin Zhou cooked the ingredients directly, soaked them in the soup base, and ate them as soon as they were delicious.

Back to the present, Lin Zhou saw that his elder brother was not in a hurry, so he asked curiously: "Is this spicy enough for you locals, or is it just right?"

The eldest brother heard Lin Zhou's words and looked at him confused.

"Huh? Boss, are you not a local?"

Such an authentic Kushima Rattan Pepper Spicy, the various flavors are blended just right, and every flavor can be tasted. There is nothing particularly outstanding, and there is nothing that has no sense of presence. I can only say that the seasoning is excellent.

This craft is not made by locals?


Lin Zhou nodded: "Yes, not local."

"That's amazing, boss. Such amazing craftsmanship is actually not from a local. Did you do it yourself?"

The eldest brother came to pick up the children from school, so he wasn't hungry.

But standing next to the food court, the smell of various foods penetrated their noses, making them greedy even if they were not hungry.

Now that I have eaten this Bobo Chicken, my eldest brother is very happy. Fortunately, I am greedy, otherwise I would have missed such a delicious Bobo Chicken.

"Yes, I can't eat this spicy food myself, it's too spicy, but you all taste it delicious and it doesn't look spicy at all."

"It's just right. I can't handle the spiciness at this point. It's spicy but not spicy. You can taste the umami and aroma. It's amazing."

"We don't eat spicy food just for the sake of it. Otherwise, it would be spicy if we buy some chili powder. It has to have a taste."

When he said this, Lin Zhou understood.

The spiciness of love is not very spicy for locals.

He has a general understanding of the tastes of Sichuan people.

"I'm going to order a hundred skewers. Boss, just have some of them as long as you look good. My son will be out of school soon and he probably likes them too."

The eldest brother waved his hand and asked for another hundred strings.

Then Lin Zhou counted the money in strings.

The elder brother looked at this primitive algorithm and was a little confused.

"Brother, don't you have the software to count the skewers?" They have a lot of skewers, and most skewer shops use that kind of software. You can accurately know how many skewers there are by scanning them with the software.

"Ah?" Is there such a good thing?

Lin Zhou raised his head in confusion and looked at his elder brother with a confused expression.

And this thing?

"Search to see if there is that kind of software. I think everyone in our Chuanchuan store uses it. I don't know the specific software used."

The eldest brother warned kindly.

Lin Zhou decided to finish counting the strings in his hand and then look for them.

After counting the lots, calculate the price.

A total of more than five hundred, zero, 520.

It's also quite romantic.

The elder brother's smile seemed a little shy.

Upon hearing the price, the passers-by who had just walked over silently changed their direction.

Why is Bobo Chicken so expensive? I ate 520.

After Lin Zhou collected the money, he looked at the rice ball specifically, wondering if the dog understood.

When he closed the stall and went back last night, he told the housekeeper and others about what the rice balls had done.

But Butler Sun and the others couldn't be happier.

He praised Fantuan for being sensible.

On the first day I went out to set up a stall with him, I knew how to help look after the stall.

Also know that food cannot be taken away.

Butler Sun and the others guessed that the rice balls were eaten in front of them when they were at home, and someone took the food away, so they wanted to chase after them.

Lin Zhou thought about this carefully.

It is impossible to expect such a small dog to understand what he said.

Dogs are smart, but they won't be able to understand people right away without training.

Then Lin Zhou thought it made sense and asked Butler Sun to find a dog trainer to take care of the rice balls and train the dogs.

Now there is one more person in the family.

Rice Ball was fully clothed and lying on the pedal in front of the tricycle.

When I went back yesterday, the clothes on it were dirty from lying on the ground.

When Lin Zhou took the dog out to set up a stall today, he directly put the dog on the pedal and lay down.

"Don't let the rice balls run around."

Seeing that the students were about to get out of school, Lin Zhou quickly gave Fantuan a word.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to take care of it when you’re busy.

Sure enough, the time came.

A large number of students came out in a swarm.

Instantly, the owners of the roadside stalls all had enthusiastic smiles on their faces.

Everyone knew clearly that these high school students were their gods of wealth tonight.

The more people eat, the more money they can make.

They shouted enthusiastically.

"Child, do you want to eat hand-grabbed pancakes? Auntie's cooking skills are very good. You will know after you try it."

"Steel plate tofu, fragrant steel plate tofu~"

"Vermicelli soup, vermicelli balls, duck blood vermicelli, meatball vermicelli soup, everything is available, don't pass by if you pass by."

"Selling egg burgers~Selling egg burgers~"

"Malatang, Malatang~"


Just when Lin Zhou was hesitating whether to shout along.

The elder brother next to him saw his son coming out, excitedly waving the Bobo chicken in his hand and shouted.

"Son, come quickly, Dad bought delicious Bobo chicken, you will definitely like it, it smells so good!"

This shout not only attracted the eldest brother's son, but also attracted the students who came out with him.

Suddenly, two girls who were close to Lin Zhou's stall came forward hand in hand.

"Boss, how much is it?"

Lin Zhou repeated his words: "Three dollars for vegetarians and five dollars for meat."

The two students were a little hesitant when they heard the price, and they gathered together to discuss quietly.

"How much money do you have? My mother will give me fifty today."

"I'll order more. I brought two hundred, which should be enough for the two of us."

"Okay, then I'll bring my pocket money tomorrow and I'll treat you."

After the two girls discussed, they looked at the skewers inserted in the big earthenware jars, swallowed their saliva, and started ordering.

It was like Lin Zhou was calling the soldiers and taking whatever was ordered.


(Chapter 3, there are still four chapters.)

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