Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 448 You can’t afford to lose or be cheated in this business!

After a while, many people gathered around Lin Zhou's stall.

The eldest brother was holding two large buckets of skewers in his hands, and he was still shouting loudly.

His son's classmates all came over one by one.

"Sure, Qiuqiu, your dad is so good to you. Not only does he pick you up from school, but he also buys food for you. Let's go and meet our dad."

"Oh my god, Bobo Chicken, I love it. Qiuqiu, I love you. Your dad is my dad. Let's go."

"Don't call me Qiuqiu, you idiots!"

Qiuqiu's real name is Wu Qiuhao, but his brothers always like to call him Qiuqiu. After protesting many times without success, this nickname has been passed down.

Now, the teacher and his parents at home also call him Qiuqiu.

He gets angry every time he hears it, which makes everyone like to call him more.

A group of people came to Old Wu in a fight.

Old Wu, who called him dad, couldn't close his mouth and responded one by one.

He raised a son, but got a group of sons.

How can he not laugh!

"Qiuqiu, Daddy bought a lot, you can share with your classmates."

"Buy more if it's not enough~"

"Enough, eat enough, thank you, Dad!"

"Dad, you're so handsome!"

"Qiuqiu, eat quickly!"

Wu Qiuhao looked at his friends who called him "Dad" more intimately than he did, and helplessly held his forehead.

With such a commotion, people passing by would look at them a few times, which made Wu Qiuhao very embarrassed.

He was half a beat slower when he took the skewers, and after his friend stuffed a skewer into his mouth, he had no time to pay attention to passers-by.

"Fuck, it's so delicious!"

A group of young men were just full of blood and energy. When they took a bite of the skewers and tasted the taste, their expressions were more excited than when they called Dad just now, and they all had a hint of madness in them.

The constant shouting of "Fuck" immediately attracted a large number of students.

"What? What is it that has so many people queuing?"

"Is it delicious? How much is it?"

People love to join in the fun.

Lin Zhou's stall was so lively, and more people gathered around, so the business was good.

The prepared skewers were swept away in a short while.

Seeing that there were still diners who hadn't bought any, Lin Zhou had to apologize and say that he would wait until tomorrow.

"Then it's settled, boss, you must come tomorrow!"

The students were very sad to see the empty earthenware jars.

So many skewers were gone in the blink of an eye, it must be that the people in front bought too much.

"I will come, don't worry." Lin Zhou found that he would be more patient with some animals and students and children.

Looking at the pairs of expectant eyes, I always couldn't bear to see that they were all disappointed.

The love in their eyes was about to overflow.

This pure love for his craftsmanship, Lin Zhou always couldn't help but take care of it.

"That's great, boss, I'll come to see you again tomorrow after school!"

"Yes, yes, yes, let's go to this place, I can ask my mother to pick me up, so that I can eat it after school!"

Then Wu Minghao, who hadn't left yet, heard this and his eyes lit up, and he immediately looked at his father.

"Old Wu, will you come to pick me up tomorrow?"

The relationship between the father and son is very good, as one of them came to pick up his son from school in the middle of the night and called him "Dad, Old Wu".

Not only can they play together, but they also have a revolutionary friendship to fool the hostess of the house together, and their feelings are deep.

"Of course!"

Old Wu originally thought that the skewers worth more than 500 yuan would be enough to eat, but he didn't expect that they were not enough for the children. He paid for some more, and the result was that his private money was squeezed out.

On the way back, after his son's classmates left, Old Wu put his arm around his son's shoulders and started to cry poor.

"My dear son, I've squeezed out my little private money today. Tomorrow, you pay for the skewers and I'll run errands. Come and line up early so that you can eat them as soon as you get out of school. How about that?"

"You can't afford to lose money or be deceived in this business!"

Wu Qiuhao:...

"I remember the wedding photo of you and your mother at home..."

Wu Qiuhao was covered before he finished speaking.

"Stop talking, what about the trust between father and son!"

Wu Qiuhao: "Mmmmm!!!"


It's the third day.

It's been the third day since Boss Lin left Dabai Mountain.

When Boss Lin was here, many people didn't dare to come to check in because of the big cat.

But Boss Lin is gone.

The big cat was reluctant to believe it.

It has been waiting for Boss Lin, and it didn't even go hunting.

The big cat didn't see it on the first day, so it was anxious to turn around. After two days, it looked for Boss Lin everywhere in the mountains. On the third day, it was the turn of the people in the scenic area to get anxious.

If it doesn't eat, the big cat will be hungry and thin!

This wave of big cats not wanting to eat because of Boss Lin's escape is really empathetic.

As a result, many people felt the same way after knowing the news, and couldn't help but go to see the big cat.

"Like, too much like!"

"Of course, I'm not looking at a big cat, I'm looking at myself."

"When I first met Boss Lin, I was so happy and felt like the happiest person in the world. But Boss Lin passed away after just two days. How did I live after you left? I lost my appetite and lost five pounds in a week!"

The tourist who was taking pictures nearby heard this and his eyes widened.

He asked excitedly, "Is there such a good thing? Where is Boss Lin?"

The old customer who was about to cry when he saw the big cat was in pain heard this, and tears hung on his face in embarrassment.


The old customer looked at the tourist in confusion, not understanding what he meant.

Tourist: "I'm trying to lose weight. If I eat the food made by Boss Lin once, won't I lose weight?"

Old customer: ...

If you say so, it's true.

"If tigers can lose weight, people can probably do it too."

"How can a tiger not lose weight after eating tofu for a week!"

The staff of the scenic spot who heard this said unhappily.

I've never seen a tiger like to eat tofu.

After eating tofu for a week and being hungry for three days, it would be strange if it didn't lose weight.

This made sense and silenced all the tourists who were watching.

When we were chatting, we forgot that Boss Lin was selling tofu last week.

Now we don't know where Boss Lin went in the new week.

"I wonder where Boss Lin will set up his stall next week. It would be great if he is still in Jilin. I can have a meal before going back."

"It's Wednesday today and there is no news. This week is probably in jeopardy."

"Alas, I didn't get to eat the tofu last week. I'm so greedy!"

"Yes, I ate it and now I'm so greedy. I didn't expect that ordinary tofu can be so delicious in the hands of Boss Lin."

"It's probably because tofu is too common, so many old diners don't come. They think it's troublesome to run so far just to eat a bowl of tofu."

"It's also because of the tiger that I feel scared."

"What are you afraid of? A diner bought hot tofu and was smelled by a bear. Then the bear came and almost fought with the tiger. As a result, Boss Lin separated them with his two hands. He is very strong."

"Fuck, there is such a thing?"


(ps: Chapter 4, there are still three chapters.)

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