The diners standing in front of the stall watched this scene, eating skewers and being confused.

What happened?

Didn't pay?

The diners who felt that there was something exciting to watch had their eyes wide open.

He just thought that such delicious skewers appeared at the gate of their community on the first day, and people who didn't know would think it was Boss Lin.

It was so delicious.

But think about it, Boss Lin is not from Sichuan, he should not be able to make such authentic Sichuan snacks, and the stall owner has a dog.

It is also different from the image of Boss Lin on the Internet, so he gave up this fleeting thought.

Now he is enjoying watching the excitement.

πŸ”πŸ—Book Barβ†’96𝙨𝙝π™ͺ.π™£π™šπ™©

"I'm sorry, I just picked up this dog today, so I may not be very familiar with it."

Lin Zhou said to the diners who were about to leave with some embarrassment.

While apologizing, he squatted down to hug the puppy.

"Rice ball, let's go."

Rice ball didn't say anything. Seeing that Lin Zhou didn't respond, he stretched out his hand to point at the Bobo chicken in the customer's hand.

Now the diner and Lin Zhou both had some guesses.

"Is he protecting his food?"

"Or do you want to eat?"

Lin Zhou was silent.

Dogs protecting their food, there is such a thing.

But he still wanted to struggle.

"Rice ball, let's go back. I'll get you some snacks."

Thinking of bringing the puppy out to set up a stall, Lin Zhou also brought some snacks, so he wanted to tempt him with food.

"That's not right. There are people eating over there too. Why is this puppy chasing me?"

The diner thought about it and took a few steps back tentatively.

The puppy followed him back.

Then when the diner walked to the stall, Rice ball retreated behind Lin Zhou as if he had completed his mission.

Seeing this, the diner turned around and planned to leave, taking two tentative steps.

Then the puppy got up and chased after him again.

Lin Zhou: ...

In an instant, Lin Zhou magically matched the puppy's brain circuit.

"Rice ball, the customer has paid."

Lin Zhou thought of the time when he was looking for a place to set up the stall just now. He had nothing to do, so he talked to the puppy.

He said a lot and assigned tasks to the puppy, such as finding out those who cut in line and those who didn't pay, and made Rice ball his security team leader.

So, Rice ball understood?

Lin Zhou asked tentatively, and saw the puppy changed his previous appearance and ran back happily.

For a moment, the three people present were a little silent.

I didn't expect this dog to be so smart.

"Boss, your dog is very smart."

The diner was also stunned, and then laughed again. He didn't feel offended, but it was quite interesting.

It's rare to see such a smart dog, and it can help the owner to watch the guests. It's amazing.

"I didn't expect it. I just said that and it remembered it."

Lin Zhou helplessly held his forehead, and then when the diner left, Rice ball didn't chase him.

But another diner next to him found it interesting.

He also left.

Then he saw the puppy stood up and chased after him.

"Rice ball, that one has also been paid."

This operation made Lin Zhou helpless, and the other two diners laughed like crazy.

"Hahaha, interesting, interesting."

After Lin Zhou called Rice Ball back, the two guests were able to get away.

In order to test whether the puppy can really understand human language.

The two diners walked a few steps, turned around and ran back, deliberately approaching the puppy to eat Bobo Chicken.

Then they left tentatively to see if the puppy would catch up.

This time the puppy lay on the ground and didn't even give him two extra glances.

Everyone who saw it laughed.

"Okay, okay, no more playing, such delicious Bobo Chicken, I have to take it back for my wife to try, boss, will you come to set up a stall tomorrow?"


Lin Zhou really didn't say it was good.

"Not necessarily, I like to wander around and stop wherever I see a suitable stall."

Lin Zhou finished speaking.

The customer looked at him with an "I know what's going on" look.

Lin Zhou was a little confused, "What's wrong?"

"Boss, you are also a fan of Boss Lin, right? I've met many bosses who imitate Boss Lin's way of setting up stalls recently, but you are the one who imitates the most!"

Lin Zhou wore a mask, looked at his outfit, and said nothing.

What is it like to be affirmed as the person who imitates you the most?

Lin Zhou felt that he was silent a lot today.

"There are many people in Chengdu who look like me... no, people who set up stalls like Boss Lin?"

The customer nodded affirmatively.

"Yes, since Boss Lin became popular, many have emerged, including Boss Lin imitators who sell candied haws at the school gate and people who sell tea eggs at the bus stop. Anyway, the locations of the stalls are randomly changed, and they dress like Boss Lin."

Lin Zhou: ...

"Very good, very good."

No wonder people in Chengdu are so calm when they see him. It is probably because there are so many imitators that they directly regard him as someone who imitates Boss Lin's way of setting up stalls.

"And the Bobo Chicken you made is delicious. I decided to make you the sub-boss of Boss Lin in Chengdu!"

Lin Zhou:...

"Thank you."

Another diner who heard this couldn't help laughing.

"Hahahaha, I don't mean anything else. I agree with your title!"

"I agree with the title of sub-boss of Boss Lin. Bobo Chicken is really delicious!"

"Boss, your figure is the most similar among these imitators."

Lin Zhou sighed helplessly.

"Thank you for your affirmation."

After seeing off the two customers, Lin Zhou returned to the stall, looked at the puppy huddled in the corner, and shook his head with amusement.

Before he took out his phone to check the imitators in Chengdu, a new customer came.

"How does the boss sell it?"

"The boss doesn't sell it."

I don't know what happened tonight. When Lin Zhou heard the customer's words, his mouth blurted out before his brain had time to think.

It made him and the customer stunned all of a sudden.

"Sorry, my brain is seizure."

Lin Zhou helplessly held his forehead.

Every day, my head is dizzy.

The customer didn't expect there was such an operation. He was stunned for a while and laughed.

"Boss, I asked how to sell the string."

It's rare to meet such an interesting boss. Ye Fan, who has been working for a day, couldn't help but smile.

Originally, he could get off work at 5:30, but the boss kept him for a meeting, and he didn't get off work until more than 8 o'clock, and he didn't have dinner.

I originally wanted to go home and order takeout, but I didn't expect that there was a new Bobo Chicken seller at the entrance of the community.

She is now full of resentment. After get off work, she will go home to get some Bobo Chicken and some wine. It is best if it is spicy enough to relieve stress.

"Three yuan for vegetarian and five yuan for meat."

Ye Fan felt that the price was a bit expensive when he heard it, and he was tangled: "Is it spicy enough?"

"It should be enough."

To be honest, Lin Zhou has not tasted what the local spicy taste of Chengdu is, but the system's recipe is spicy enough for them Jiangdong people.

"Let me try a bunch of tripe first."

The price is acceptable, but you still need to be cautious.

(ps: The first chapter tonight, there are six more chapters to come, Douyin live broadcast is typing, and I will not stop until I finish writing. Account: Selling Egg Burgers)

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