Could it be that he had to stop and find a place to set up a stall?


Lin Zhou was confused, riding the tricycle, looking at the road while not forgetting to look at the puppy on the pedal.

Although it was called a puppy, its body was not very small, about half the length and height of an adult.

It was just that its legs were a little short, huddled at Lin Zhou's feet, and you couldn't see its legs.

Lin Zhou walked around a few streets.

Then he saw someone setting up a stall at the entrance of a community.

Lin Zhou stopped next to him.

The main reason was that the previous stall locations were all specified by the system.

He had never worried about it.

This week's task only had a city location.

The remaining locations were not given, and Lin Zhou didn't know where to go.

Originally, he thought about walking around to see if anyone asked him to buy Bobo Chicken.

Unexpectedly, he ran around a few streets and didn't see anyone coming, so he had to find a place to set up a stall by himself.

After finding a good spot, Lin Zhou got off the car and saw the dog jump off the car and follow him closely.

"Wow, your short legs are quite agile."

Lin Zhou looked at the dog with a new look.

"Rice ball, go to the side for a while, I'll put the stool down."

After the tricycle was parked, Lin Zhou put down the folding board on the car, and then he had nothing to do.

Bobo chicken was also prepared at home and brought out for sale directly.

It was soaked in a clay pot at this time, and he didn't need to do anything on the spot. If there were customers who came to order, they could just pack it up.

Lin Zhou felt quite comfortable.

There were quite a lot of roadside stalls selling Bobo chicken in summer, but after the weather got cold in December, there were basically no more.

It was quite novel to see Lin Zhou selling Bobo chicken now.

It was eight o'clock in the evening, and there were still many vehicles and people coming and going in the community. Not long after Lin Zhou stopped, diners came over.

"There's still Bobo Chicken for sale at the entrance of the community today. How does the boss sell it?"

"Hey, isn't it: Bobo Chicken~ Bobo Chicken for one yuan a string~"

Lin Zhou:...

Lin Zhou watched the diner come to the stall and talk to himself. He laughed before he answered and was a little silent.

His mood at the moment can be described in one sentence: sometimes it's really helpless to set up a stall alone.

"Three yuan for vegetarians and five yuan for meat."

"You can choose whatever you want, right?"

After laughing, the diner saw the boss didn't say anything and looked at him seriously, and immediately felt a little embarrassed.

Oh my God, what did he do just now!

In public, so stupid!

After the diner finished speaking stiffly, he looked at the Bobo Chicken in the glass cabinet.

The color in his eyes was red, and he was full of appetite.

When Lin Zhou opened the glass cabinet, the fragrance of Bobo Chicken instantly floated out, and the smell spread quickly in the air.

Passers-by stopped and asked about the source of the fragrance.

His eyes turned to Lin Zhou who was taking out the skewers.

This is the stall!

The rich aroma of red chili oil attracted many people's attention the moment it floated out.

The various skewers with attractive colors, the moment they were taken out of the earthenware jar, the drops of red oil sliding down from the ingredients, with white sesame seeds, seemed to have slow motion in the eyes of passers-by, and then they couldn't help swallowing their saliva.

So tempting!

The diners next to Lin Zhou couldn't resist the temptation and started to order.

"Five skewers of tripe, five skewers of chicken, one skewers of quail eggs, two skewers of loin slices... potatoes, bamboo shoots, kelp, tribute vegetables..."

After ordering dozens of skewers in a row, the cylinder containing the skewers was almost full, and the diners stopped.

Lin Zhou finally calculated the price, "214."


The diners didn't think the skewers of three or five yuan were expensive.

After calculating the price, he found that it was not cheap, it cost more than two hundred!

Originally, he was going to buy a bowl of rice for dinner at a restaurant near the community.

Unexpectedly, he was attracted by the Bobo Chicken on the roadside and finished two hundred yuan in one go. It hurt!

But the Bobo Chicken in front of him was not only delicious, but also very appetizing. He really wanted to eat it.

So he paid the money reluctantly, took the Bobo Chicken, and didn't rush back. He just stood on the roadside and picked up a string and started eating.

After a bite of potato chips, his expression was shocked.


The potato chips seemed to be skewered on the skewers intact. I thought they would be uncooked and very crispy.

Unexpectedly, they were soft and tasty as soon as they entered the mouth. The fragrance and spiciness of the red oil were not the kind that floated on the surface. It was like the potato chips that were cooked in the hot pot and broke at the touch. The mouth was full of fragrance and delicious.

And how did you control the heat of the potatoes? Why are they rotten but not broken?

It stands to reason that if they are cooked until soft, they should break at the touch.

The potatoes are still intact on the skewers.

The customer looked at Lin Zhou in shock.

Lin Zhou was already serving the next customer.

"I want this... this..."

Seeing that the boss was busy, the customer continued to eat.

It was indeed the delicious looking Bobo Chicken.

He hadn't eaten it since the end of summer, and now it was really nostalgic.

It was just a little windy, and the mouth enjoyed it, but the stomach was very cold.

"Delicious, really delicious!"

After a while, the next customer who ordered the bill paid and spent more than 100 yuan.

I couldn't help but smack my lips, the prices in Sichuan are really expensive.

I'm afraid that if Boss Lin comes, the price will have to go up.

The price is sometimes closely related to the cost of food.

The ingredients here are expensive, and the food they make must be expensive too.

But at this price, it's acceptable.

Hundreds of skewers were sold at once.

Lin Zhou felt that this week was indeed a welfare week given by the system, a compensation for his busyness in the past few weeks.

At this rate, it might take less than a week to sell 10,000 skewers of Bobo Chicken.

Lin Zhou nodded, sat down leisurely, took out his phone to play around, and suddenly remembered that he had a dog, so he looked around.

Then he saw the diner eating and walking, with his dog following closely behind.

"Rice ball! Rice ball!"

Seeing that the dog he had just picked up was about to run away with someone, Lin Zhou quickly chased after it, shouting as he chased.

The diner who heard the sound subconsciously turned back to look, and then was caught up by the dog behind him.

The dog suddenly stopped in front of him and barked at him.

Diner: ? ? ?

What's going on?

"Rice ball, why did you run away with someone?"

Lin Zhou also chased after him in three or two steps, trying to call the puppy back.

Then when Rice Ball saw Lin Zhou coming, he seemed to have found a backer, and changed his previous timid appearance. He first barked at Lin Zhou twice, and then barked at the moment when he wanted to leave, looking very fierce.

Lin Zhou had never raised a pet and didn't understand what this meant.

He looked at the puppy with a puzzled look and thought it was quite cute.

Then the diner couldn't leave, and was also confused. He held the Bobo Chicken bucket and looked at Lin Zhou.

"Boss, is this your dog?"

Lin Zhou nodded, and then the two looked at each other. Lin Zhou wanted to pick up the puppy.

But the puppy insisted on blocking the diner.

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