"No, the tiger came looking for it out of fear of smelling it. Poor our tofu, it got into the tiger's stomach before we even took two bites."

"Boss Lin, Boss Lin, we are suffering!"

Seeing a group of diners unable to stop crying, Lin Zhou felt his head grow bigger.

This tiger would really make trouble for him!

"It's okay, don't be sad. I'll serve it to you again. Just eat here and you won't be robbed."

Lin Zhou was helpless.

It’s been a tough week setting up a stall!

Not only do you have to worry about not having any diners, you also have to worry about tigers stealing food from diners.

What's going on!

Pull them up one by one.

Lin Zhou appeasedly served each of them another bowl.

Let them eat right here.

The steaming tofu soothed everyone's frightened mood.

With a bowl of hot tofu in his hand, he felt very safe standing next to Boss Lin.

As I ate chopstick by chopstick, my mood gradually eased.

They are all ready to complain.

"Boss Lin, this tiger is a real tiger. How did he learn how to rob?"

"We were enjoying our meal when we saw the tiger running up to us out of nowhere and staring straight at the tofu in our hands."

"The key is that it is accurate every time it robs. If anyone dares to deny it, it won't even ask, so we will hand it over voluntarily."

At this time, a group of people did not dare to taste it slowly, and started eating with chopsticks one chopstick at a time.

They were afraid that the tiger would come back and snatch it from them.

It's so hot that it's so hot.

A group of people devoured their food and rushed to pay for it.

"Hey, you don't have to pay. You didn't even get the portion you just had. This bowl is for you."

Lin Zhou didn't notice that they had already paid after scanning the QR code.

"Hey, that's what we want to feed the tigers. What does it have to do with Boss Lin? Besides, such delicious tofu only costs ten yuan a bowl. Even if it's handmade by Boss Lin, I don't think you're making money."

Lin Zhou shook his head helplessly. If all the diners came to buy it, he would definitely make money.

But the unexpected addition of tigers meant that they could eat for free every day, and they would eat even more.

So it's really not profitable.

He smiled helplessly.

Lin Zhou said: "The cost of tofu is actually not high."

"The cost is not high, but Boss Lin's craftsmanship is valuable. I have never tasted such delicious tofu before!"

Lin Zhou always felt that this sentence was very familiar, as if he heard it every time he set up a stall.

Then I can always think of others in a funny way.

One of them couldn't help it, and a smile appeared on his face.

"Boss Lin thought of something happy, and he smiled so happily."

There would be no tigers here. After eating, these people were reluctant to leave and gathered around Lin Zhou to chat.

This is Boss Lin!

The most popular person on the Internet right now.

There is a trend of queuing up to buy food wherever you go.

It can also set a city on fire.

Just thinking about it makes me so excited.

"I was thinking about what you just said. I seem to hear it every time I set up a stall. It's quite interesting that the same words come from different people."

"Hahahaha, Boss Lin's craftsmanship is so good. He can make a piece of tofu so delicious. It's so fragrant. I feel a little underfed. Boss Lin, please have another bowl."

They were afraid of being robbed just now, so they ate quickly, and their stomachs didn't feel full yet.


Lin Zhou smiled and served another bowl to each of them.

"Boss Lin, I want sesame sauce seasoning. This sesame sauce is really fragrant, and this chive sauce is amazing. It can taste the taste of chives, but it doesn't have the spicy taste of raw chives. Instead, you can only taste the fragrance of chives. Then the addition of hot sauce is the soul. The chili is not very spicy, but it is very fragrant and fresh. I feel like I can eat two steamed buns with this hot sauce at one go!”

"It's so funny, are we having tofu for afternoon tea?"

"The tofu is not enough to fill me up, I can eat two bowls!"

A group of people chatted while eating.

Then the tiger, which I had worried about for a long time, did not come back.

"The tiger went away after it was full and won't come back?"

"You didn't say that I had forgotten that there was a tiger. Did he eat enough and leave?"

"Is it possible that we are still squatting at the foot of the mountain?"

After eating the tofu, the group of people who came down the mountain were even given a check-in guide.

Tell netizens who want to check in, pay attention to the tiger after buying the hot tofu made by Boss Lin.

It's best to eat it in front of Boss Lin. If you pack it up and take it away, tigers will rob it.

Boss Lin’s big cat and other news are the hottest news at the moment.

This travel post from them comes at just the right time.

It is simply the post that netizens across the Internet want to see the most.

Everyone opened the post with gratitude, and then after seeing the content, they were left laughing.

"Hahahahaha, I'm sorry, in the post of a few hundred words, I only saw the blood and tears of being robbed by a tiger."

"I really can't hold it back. This is too tragic. Last time, my friend was robbed alone, and all of you were wiped out!"

"Can this tiger really find it by smell?"

"Good guys, did you get carried away by Tofu in front of the tiger? It doesn't matter who you robbed. The tiger is standing still and can only eat one portion. If you go to rob it and eat six portions directly, you are a fool. You know the choice!”

"Brothers, it turns out that if you go to check in for hot tofu, you can't pack it, you can only eat it in front of Boss Lin!"

"I'm laughing so hard. Is there anyone who can check in and live broadcast? Let me see what that big cat looks like."


Xiao Fan, who read the news, couldn’t stop laughing.

“Hahahaha, Brother Hang, you see, I’m not the only unlucky guy who was robbed by the tiger. This group of people had a total of six portions of hot tofu robbed by the tiger, and they ran back to find Boss Lin to cry. My God, it’s a pity that we left early, otherwise we could have watched the show live.”

Liu Hang: …

This guy was being watched by the whole network, and now he is so happy to see someone like him?

He laughed so hard that he hiccuped.

“Take it easy, are we going tomorrow?”

“Tomorrow there should be fans of Boss Lin coming to check in, right?”

Xiao Fan wanted to go, after all, the hot tofu is really delicious.

But when he thought about his popularity on the Internet, it was not over yet.

Those fans of Boss Lin who came to check in after reading the news knew him.

When they met in front of Boss Lin’s stall, wouldn’t they laugh at him?

Xiao Fan said his idea.

Liu Hang sighed.

"Can't you wear a mask?"

"Oh, yes, we can disguise ourselves by wearing masks and hats."

Anyway, the temperature outside is very cold, and if they are fully armed, no one will recognize them.

"Then go, we can just skip lunch, Boss Lin will open the stall at one o'clock, and we can eat hot tofu directly."


The next day, one o'clock in the afternoon.

Lin Zhou thought that his stall location had been exposed, and he made more tofu on purpose.

He was looking forward to setting up the stall.

I thought today would not be boring.

Two groups of diners came yesterday, and there was still some tofu left to sell. He waited alone and waited for five o'clock to close the stall.

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