Lin Zhou watched them leave, and then turned around and saw that the big cat had finished eating, stood up, and was walking slowly into the woods.

What's going on? Is he going to sleep after eating?

He ate less than yesterday, so he was done?

Lin Zhou was confused, but the tiger wanted to leave, and he couldn't stop him.

It's boring, so be it.

After the tiger left, maybe there would be diners coming, so they wouldn't be scared away from him.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Lin Zhou found a place to sit down and took out his phone to fish, and then he found that he ran into the deep mountains and old forests, and the signal was not very good.

The video was stuck.

The plan to fish was forced to end.

Lin Zhou sat under the big tree, and he was so bored that he almost counted the leaves, and no diners came.

On the other side, a group of people who had just bought tofu were discussing where to eat tofu.

"We can't go to the ski resort because it's not safe. Where else can we sit?"

Although these people are all from Jilin, they are not locals, so they are not familiar with Dabai Mountain.

I saw the news and suddenly wanted to come to Dabai Mountain.

Then I saw the news again, saying that Boss Lin set up a stall in Dabai Mountain.

Every day, life is full of surprises!

So several people asked for directions along the way, and they really found Boss Lin.

It's just that the Siberian tiger in front of the stall is too scary, so they didn't dare to get close to Boss Lin.

"See if there are public seats on the side of the road, then find a seat and eat the tofu first."

You can't walk far with the fragrant tofu in your hand.

The steaming hot tofu completely stimulates the aroma of the dipping sauce.

The sesame and peanut aroma of sesame paste blends with the spicy aroma of leek sauce under the influence of heat, and with the spicy pepper, the overall taste is layered and fragrant, which makes people appetizing at the smell.

"That makes sense. I am also greedy. Boss Lin is really worthy of his reputation. A piece of tofu can make me greedy."

"I believe this tofu is handmade by Boss Lin, because I have never seen such beautiful tofu. I thought it was tofu brain from the color, and then I found it was tofu after cutting it open. But the cut surface is perfect, without the pores of tofu, and it is quite thick. It is really amazing!"

The more they talked, the more greedy they became. They carried the tofu and looked for seats everywhere.

Finally, they found a long wooden chair to sit at the foot of the mountain.

Without saying anything, they quickly found a good seat and opened the bag to eat.

"Hey, it's no wonder that everyone is so obsessed with a roadside stall. Boss Lin's craftsmanship is amazing. The ingredients and tableware he uses are exquisite. Look at this plastic bag. It's not cheap. It feels very good."

The talkative man even had something to say when he opened the bag.

None of his companions paid attention to him. They all couldn't wait to eat.

As soon as the bag was opened, the aroma of the hot tofu became more intense.

The fragrant mouth kept secreting saliva.

He hurriedly unpacked the chopsticks, picked up a piece of tofu and stuffed it into his mouth!

Although it was hot, it was really delicious!

With a strong bean flavor and a thick taste, you can feel the smoothness of the tofu and the spicy and mellow sauce with every bite.

The tofu tastes really good.

It tastes tender, but it is not like tofu brain that can be drunk. This tofu needs to be chewed. The more you chew, the more fragrant it is. It is so delicious that you can't stop eating it.

When a group of people were eating sweetly.

The tiger that had originally walked into the forest smelled the smell, circled around, and came back.

It just saw that these people took away a lot of tofu.

More than it ate.

It had to come and take a few bites.

So the big cat squinted and approached the group of people step by step.

Several people were immersed in the food and had no intention of paying attention to other things.

Until the tiger shouted in front of them.

The sound was not loud, but it was deafening enough.

Several people were stiff and frightened and motionless.

I suddenly had a bad feeling in my heart.

I slowly raised my head and saw that the big cat that was lying in front of Boss Lin’s stall just now was standing in front of them.

“Big… big cat?”

Everyone in the group was stiff and dared not move.

Thoughts came to their minds one after another.

This scene had a huge impact on them.

Before, they saw news on the Internet, although they saw someone facing the tiger directly.

There is still a difference between the screen and the real world.

At this moment, they finally understood the mood of the man who faced the big cat in the video.

Then they saw the big cat standing in front of them, and there was no next move.

It seemed that he thought of something.

The man trembled and sent the tofu in his hand to the tiger.

He didn’t dare to feed it himself, so he had to put it on the ground.

Then he saw the tiger open his mouth and eat a bag of tofu like eating a small dessert, and it was gone in two or three bites.

Then the tiger looked at the tofu in the hand of the next person.

What is there to understand?

A group of people, shaking their hands, put all the tofu that they had only eaten a few bites of in front of Tiger.

Then they ran away as if there was a ghost behind them.

The direction they ran was exactly the direction where Lin Zhou set up his stall.

Tiger didn't care whether these people left or not.

All he had in mind was the hot tofu.

With so many portions at once, Tiger was so happy to eat.

It was hard for these people. They didn’t eat much tofu, but they were frightened and their hearts were pounding. They ran out with one breath, their legs weak, and they supported each other to find Boss Lin.

“This is too much. We must find Boss Lin!”

“That’s right. They robbed us even though they were fed by Boss Lin!”

“If I had known that the tiger would rob us, I would have eaten in front of Boss Lin. It’s amazing!”

“How can animals be so smart nowadays? They know to come and ask for food.”

“What do you think would happen if we didn’t give them the tofu just now?”

“You can try it, but I don’t dare to try it.”

“It’s really hard to live with elephants asking for tolls on the sugarcane transportation road in front and tigers robbing behind!”

Speaking of elephants robbing sugarcane on the sugarcane transportation road, these people have all seen the video.

It was funny at the time.

Now it’s their turn to be robbed of tofu by tigers, and they can’t laugh anymore.

These animals are really too much!

When they came to Boss Lin with each other's support, they saw that the tiger had not returned yet, and they rushed to Boss Lin excitedly, their voices were miserable and crying.

Lin Zhou was shocked.

"Boss Lin!"

"Boss Lin, please take care of the tiger, it ran to rob our tofu!"

"Boss Lin, I ate a few bites of the tofu, and the tiger stared at us. We are all wiped out, Boss Lin!"

Not only were they frightened, but their tofu was also robbed.

Now seeing Lin Zhou, they cried as if they saw a savior.

His expression was sad and painful.

Lin Zhou was embarrassed.

"Ah? The big cat went to rob your tofu?"

Lin Zhou thought that the big cat went to the woods to rest just now, but it turned out to be a detour to rob!

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