It will definitely not be like this today!

Lin Zhou vowed.

When he rushed to Dabai Mountain with excitement.


He saw a group of people gathered at the foot of the mountain where he had set up his stall these two days.

Lin Zhou was so happy that he knew there would be many diners today, hahahaha.

As a result, when he got closer, he saw that it was the same group of people as yesterday.

A group of armed personnel, plus a few tourists.

Lin Zhou was silent for a while.

Something was wrong. If the location of his stall had been exposed before, let alone other things, the queue waiting for him to set up the stall would have been at least hundreds of people.

Why is there no movement today?

Could it be that everyone is not afraid of tigers waiting up there?

"Boss Lin, good afternoon~"

"Boss Lin, are you still going up the mountain?"

"Boss Lin, I heard that a tiger robbed tourists of their tofu yesterday?"

"Yes, yes, yes, I saw that post too, it made me laugh. Fortunately, we ate in front of Boss Lin and didn't pack up, otherwise we would have been robbed by the tiger."


Lin Zhou got off the car and walked up the mountain while answering them.

I thought there were still people on the mountain, but when I got to the mountain, I only saw a big cat in an empty space.

Lin Zhou looked puzzled, as if it was the first time he encountered such a thing, and he was a little confused.

After cleaning up the stall, he opened the lid and started to serve tofu.

When the big cat saw Lin Zhou coming, it stood up in an instant, which scared the diners following Lin Zhou.

Then everyone realized that there was a big cat standing up there.

For a moment, they all stopped where they were and didn't say a word.

Lin Zhou sighed leisurely.

"Big cat, lie down first."

Hearing what Boss Lin said, the diners raised their heads in surprise.

Can tigers understand human language?

Just when everyone was confused, the tiger really lay down quietly.

Everyone was dumbfounded.

"No, tigers can understand human language?"

"I think so. Dogs can understand it too."

"But, I've never seen an obedient tiger!"

"The tigers in the zoo can also understand human language."

"That's different, right?"

Everyone looked at Lin Zhou with surprise.

Every time they had a new understanding of Boss Lin, they would find that Boss Lin had more surprises waiting for them.

The tofu was first served to Big Cat.

Then it was the turn of the diners.

Not only Lin Zhou was surprised, Xiao Fan and others were also surprised.

"Huh? When Boss Lin set up a stall in Baihe before, didn't he have many fans to check in? I thought there would be a queue today, but I didn't expect it was still us."

"No, there are also us!" The group of people who were robbed by the tiger yesterday were also there.

Everyone looked at each other. They were all locals. Wow, where are Boss Lin's fans?

Thinking back to last week, Boss Lin's popularity was scary.

What happened this week?

Xiao Fan suddenly thought of the comments under his clarification video.

Many people were saying that Tiger would not come this week, and so on.

He didn't take it seriously when he saw it at the time, and thought that the fans were joking. After all, everyone knew what Boss Lin's fans were like.

Now it seems that something is wrong.

"Under the clarification video I posted yesterday, many people said that Boss Lin will set up a stall in Dabai Mountain this week. It's not easy to find, not to mention that there are Tigers. They said they can't rush and will wait until next week."

As soon as Xiao Fan said this, Lin Zhou realized why no old diners came today. It turned out that they were afraid of Tigers.

"Doesn't that mean no one will compete with us for tofu?"

Liu Hang didn't pay much attention to the comments under the video. When he heard Xiao Fan's words, his first reaction was that he didn't have to queue up for Boss Lin's stall for several hours in advance like in other cities.

This is too good!

After saying this, everyone suddenly reacted.


If Mr. Lin's old customers don't come, they don't have to queue up. They can eat the hot tofu made by Mr. Lin. What a wonderful thing!

"Some people still come, but they don't seem to dare to come here."

Everyone looked at the drone that flew from nowhere, and all looked up.

"Who is using the drone to spy on the enemy?"

"I don't know."

"I guess it's to see if there are tigers."

Yes, the person operating the drone is Mr. Lin's old customer.

He came a long time ago, but he didn't dare to go when he saw the tiger where Lin Zhou was setting up his stall.

He just found a comfortable place to wait. When Mr. Lin set up his stall at 1 o'clock, he released the drone to see the situation.

In an open space, Mr. Lin's stall was on the roadside near the woods.

Next to the stall, near the woods, there was a tiger lying.

Then a group of diners were a little far away from Mr. Lin's stall.

They all spoke loudly, otherwise they couldn't hear it.

The atmosphere of the stall was really outrageous, and the old diners were both expectant and excited.

Feeling that his safety was guaranteed, he packed up and went to find Boss Lin.

God knows how long it has been since he last had Boss Lin's food, he was so greedy!

When the old customer came, he saw that everyone on the scene had a bowl of hot tofu in their hands and was eating it enthusiastically.

"It's delicious, I've been eating it for three days in a row and I don't get tired of it at all!"

"Every time I eat it, I sigh at how delicious the tofu is, it's fragrant, really fragrant!"

"Have you noticed that after three days, why is this one tiger here? There are so many wild animals in the Dabai Mountains. Why hasn't it attracted other animals?"

"That's right, you didn't say that I didn't find any. It's true. I heard that there are a lot of wild animals in Dabai Mountain."

"Someone has encountered a wild boar before. It is best not to encounter that thing. It is very aggressive."


When regular diners arrive, they hear these people eating tofu and chatting happily.

The distance between eating tofu and Mr. Linโ€™s stall is still very far.

Probably afraid of tigers.

Old diners did not dare to go there, so they could only control the drone to find Boss Lin.

"Brother, the drone is yours. You are really cautious."

Xiao Fan was very interested in this drone. When he saw the old diners coming over and standing not far away from them, he walked over with a smile.

The old diner nodded.

"After reading the news on the Internet, the place where Boss Lin sets up his stall this week is not very safe. Not only does he have to climb a mountain, but there are also tigers, so he needs to make some preparations."

Xiao Fan nodded in agreement, "It's not dangerous at all. The big cat listens to Boss Lin's words and will lie down as soon as he lets it lie down. It just likes to rob. If you buy tofu, it's best to eat it in front of Boss Lin. It's easy to pack it up and take it away." Robbed."

A group of people robbed by tigers:...

If you are feeling emotional, why don't you use their own affairs as an example?

Their reputation!

I canโ€™t imagine the mood of those people who were robbed by tigers when Boss Linโ€™s diners came over and shouted at them.


"Okay, I'm eating."

The old diner glanced at Xiao Fan gratefully.

I havenโ€™t encountered such kind-hearted diners in a long time.

Their group of old diners are all very thieves.

These new diners are still cute.

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