
Where did the tiger come from!

Lin Zhou was so frightened that he dared not move, and stood stiffly in place.

He broke out in a cold sweat in an instant, but he still did not dare to move, for fear of disturbing the tiger, which was still quite docile at the moment.

The whole forest was silent, and only he and the tiger looked at each other in bewilderment.

He did not move, and the tiger did not move either, and the atmosphere was really exciting.

Lin Zhou deeply experienced what it meant to spend a day like a year, and every minute and every second seemed so difficult.

Afterwards, he looked at the knife in his hand that was crushed by his excitement and blinked.

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With his current physical strength, it seems that he does not need to be afraid of the Siberian tiger, right?

With one punch, the tiger will most likely choke.

But he is afraid that he will be caught.

So, he can't be impulsive, and he has to be gentle.

For example, guess why the tiger came here.

It doesn't look hungry.

As if attracted by something, Lin Zhou stood still, thinking in his mind.

What could he do to attract the tiger?

He was ordinary, just good at cooking.

Wait, cooking?

Lin Zhou slowly shifted his attention from the tiger to the hot tofu in front of him, and tentatively opened the lid of the box containing tofu.

Suddenly, the fragrance of tofu rose slowly and drifted around.

Lin Zhou stared at the tiger in front of him, not letting go of any of its emotions, and then saw that after the tiger smelled the aroma of food, the amplitude of its nose became larger, and its expression was not as lazy as before, as if it was invigorated and moved slightly.

Lin Zhou understood.

Emotions are attracted by the smell of food.

But the tiger eats tofu?

These wild animals in Dabai Mountain should not be hunted by themselves.

Why are they still interested in tofu?

I have never heard of tigers being vegetarians.

Lin Zhou didn't understand, but he still took a stainless steel basin, put a disposable bag on it, and prepared to serve the big cat a bowl.

Whether it eats or not is another matter.

It's not good to keep it like this.

What if a diner comes and is scared away?

If the other party doesn't eat, he has to find other reasons to attract the tiger.

In short, he has to try first.

Just as Lin Zhou was about to cut tofu, he remembered that when he was cleaning up the knives just now, he suddenly bumped into a tiger, and he was so nervous that he squeezed the knives into a ball.

That was the knife provided by the system, and it was destroyed like this. It's painful!

I just got the powerful pill, and my body hasn't fully adapted to this strength. I will lose control when I'm nervous. It will probably take some time to control it well.

Lin Zhou started to change to a large iron spoon next to him and served the tofu. The neatly cut tofu was immediately destroyed when it was served with the large iron spoon.

It's like serving tofu brain.

It's just that this is tofu, which is harder than tofu pudding. Fortunately, the iron spoon is hard enough and can be easily scooped into the bowl.

Does the tiger eat seasoning?

Lin Zhou has never raised an animal, let alone feeding a tiger.

After thinking about it, he added a little sesame sauce, chive sauce, and hot sauce to a place in the bowl.

Siberian tigers should also have northern flavors.

Lin Zhou thought uncertainly.

After a bowl of hot tofu was served, he really didn't dare to get close to the tiger.

So he walked a few steps to the side and prepared to put the tofu on the ground.

Then he came back.

The tiger stood not far away and watched Lin Zhou's actions with interest.

Lin Zhou put the hot tofu and turned back to look at the tiger. He pursed his lips nervously and said, "There is tofu over there, you can try it."

In addition to people, there are dogs. This is the first time Lin Zhou has fed large animals. It feels very novel.

There is a feeling of tension and excitement.

Lin Zhou pursed his lips and stared at the big tiger in front of him without blinking.

The tiger seemed to be attracted by the aroma of hot tofu, and took small steps towards the tofu.

The steaming hot tofu was poured with the cold sauce. After the sauce was heated, the aroma suddenly became strong.

The sesame and peanut aroma of sesame sauce was very strong, with the aroma of sesame oil, and the spicy smell of chive sauce was also stimulated by the heat.

The spicy and fresh aroma of chili peppers was even more obvious, and with the steaming tofu, it was enough to attract the tiger who had never seen what it was.

The tiger walked to the tofu, lowered his head and sniffed the smell carefully.

Then he looked back at Lin Zhou, and finally took a bite of tofu tentatively.

The next second, Lin Zhou looked at the tiger who was standing there and watching him with interest just now, and he lay down obediently in front of the tofu to make it easier for it to eat the tofu.

A bowl of tender tofu was quite a lot, but it didn't look good enough in front of the larger tiger.

It was finished in a few bites.

Finally, the tongue didn't forget to lick it twice, licking the sauce at the bottom of the bowl clean.

The tiger seemed to have never eaten such delicious food. After eating a bowl of tofu, it actually bit the iron basin in front of it and held it in its mouth without any instruction, and walked towards Lin Zhou step by step.

Lin Zhou gradually calmed down while the tiger was eating tofu.

The way this tiger ate seemed to be no different from the Husky who often came to the stall to eat bones before?

While thinking, the tiger had already put the iron plate in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

It returned to the place where it appeared at the beginning and continued to squat.

Lin Zhou saw its wisdom from this tiger.

It is worthy of being a wild animal, with a good IQ.

After eating, he still wanted more.

So, under the tiger's gaze, Lin Zhou served it another bowl and put it where the tofu was just placed.

The man and the tiger did not communicate throughout the whole process.

One fed, the other ate.

This went on for five times.

Lin Zhou was silent.

He had been setting up the stall for two hours, but he did not sell a single serving of tofu. Instead, he fed the tiger five large bowls.

Who would pay for feeding the tiger? Isn't this a loss-making business?

Seeing the tiger finish the fifth bowl and still hold the iron basin in his mouth and walk towards his stall, Lin Zhou wanted to change places.

Who knows how much this tiger can eat?

So, after the tiger delivered the iron basin, it returned to a place some distance away from him and squatted.

Lin Zhou found the right time, directly stepped on the tricycle, and rode away.

How fast the tricycle is can be seen from the way Lin Zhou is moving at a high speed.

The confused tiger had not reacted yet, and Lin Zhou's tricycle ran away.

The round eyes were all wide open, and he was turning in circles impatiently.

He also let out an angry roar.

The tiger roar scared Lin Zhou, who had not run far yet, and he immediately decided to run away.

Don't let the tiger catch up.

On the other side, some tourists at the ski resort base not far away also heard the tiger roar.

The ski coach felt that the student was a little nervous, thinking that it was because of the tiger roar, and calmly comforted him: "It's okay, don't be afraid, there are many wild animals in Dabai Mountain, but you can hardly meet them unless you go deep into the forest."

The student nodded when he heard it.

The tiger roar just now sounded very close.


(I had something to do yesterday, so I will update it today. There are at least four chapters today. ps: I am typing on Douyin live broadcast.)

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