Xiao Fan came to ski with his friends.

I had nothing to do, so I also found a ski instructor, otherwise it would be meaningless to look at the scenery of Dabai Mountain.

Listening to the roar of the tiger, it always feels like it is very close.

But looking at the coach's calm look, I guess that people working in the scenic area are familiar with the sounds of these animals.

"Let's continue."

After Xiao Fan finished speaking, he didn't take the tiger's roar just to heart.

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Then after a while, tiger roars came one after another.

The coach also felt something was wrong.

Good guy, what happened to the Siberian tiger in this forest?

Normally there is no sound, but today it is screaming one after another.

Safety is guaranteed in crowded scenic spots. Although the instructor is strange, he calmly calms the students' emotions.

These tourists come to Dabai Mountain for tourism, and they must be nervous about the sounds of some ferocious beasts. Unlike those who have been working in Dabai Mountain for a long time, it doesn't matter.

Not to mention the cries of wild beasts, wild animals can often be seen.

The more you see it, the more you get used to it.

He is also very skilled at comforting tourists.

On the other side, Lin Zhou ran several kilometers in one breath, then moved to another place to continue setting up a stall.

He also put the iron bowl that he had just fed to the tiger separately to avoid getting confused with the bowl for people to eat from.

When he got out of the car, Lin Zhou looked around and breathed a sigh of relief after making sure that the tiger wasn't following him.

Tofu is not enough to fill you up. To a tiger's stomach, it is no different from eating dessert.

One bowl after another, two bites were gone. Not a single portion of his box of tofu was sold, and all went into the tiger's belly.

I looked at the time and saw that it was already past three in the afternoon.

There is still more than an hour left to set up the stall.

Not to mention, although the stall setting up just now was a bit tortuous.

But a lot of time was wasted.

When feeding the tiger, I was more or less nervous, tiger!

This was also the first time he encountered a wild tiger.

This is different from the tiger in the zoo, it is very dangerous.

If he hadn't been strong enough to kill the tiger, he would have called the police directly, let alone feeding it, and running away without turning around would have been very courageous of him.

Lin Zhou breathed a sigh of relief, feeling that the two bowls of hot tofu he had eaten before were almost consumed, and his stomach became hungry.

Tofu is delicious, but it is not full. I may be full at the time, but it is consumed quickly.

Before Lin Zhou opened the tofu box, he looked around again uneasily. It was confirmed that the tiger had not followed, so he opened the lid with confidence, took a bowl, and filled himself a bowl of tofu.

This kind of hot tofu has a rich bean flavor, which is completely different from ordinary tofu that has been cooled down.

Almost as soon as the lid was opened, the heat and the aroma of tofu began to fill the air.

How about the fragrance? The originally restrained fragrance suddenly became richer when the special dipping water was added with the flavor of seasonings.

Lin Zhou ate happily.

The fright of encountering a tiger gradually calmed down under the comfort of delicious food.

Since setting up a stall, his life has been really colorful.

Not only do I go to various places, but I also meet various diners.

This was the first time he encountered a wild animal, and it was really exciting for him.

No wonder last week’s reward was as strong as an ox.

Is this because he is afraid that he cannot defeat the wild animals in Dabai Mountain and cannot set up a stall with peace of mind?

While thinking wildly, I ate steaming tofu.

The water tofu, which is between soft tofu and old tofu, is smooth and tender but still tastes good. When you chew it in your mouth, the aroma of the beans is very rich.

Served with spicy red oil dipped in water, the garlic flavor overwhelms the bean flavor. It tastes sour, spicy, salty, sweet, tender and silky. Holding the bowl in one hand and chopsticks in the other, the chopsticks are used to hold large pieces of tofu. Cut it in half, pick up one piece, dip it in the sauce and put it in your mouth.

Chew carefully and feel the slightly hot tofu blooming in your mouth. It has a mellow and tender texture and is delicious enough without too much seasoning.

Too much seasoning will cover up the aroma of tofu itself, which will not be beautiful.

Lin Zhou nodded beautifully while eating.

Then he served himself another bowl.

This is tofu that even non-vegetarian tigers love!

Lin Yiyi thought that the tigers liked his craftsmanship, and the tofu in his mouth suddenly felt even more delicious.

As he ate happily, he heard footsteps and looked up to see someone walking towards him.

Lin Zhou's eyes lit up and he immediately put down the bowls and chopsticks in his hands.

Oh my god, are the diners finally here?

In case this person was not here to buy tofu, Lin Zhou started to shout without any knowledge.

"Selling tofu, delicious hot tofu!"

Xiao Fan paused slightly when he heard this voice.

When he was resting just now, he could smell a faint scent.

Feeling a little curious, I followed the scent and found it.

Then I saw someone setting up a stall.

This was really rare, so I stepped forward to take a look.

After hearing Lin Zhou's shouting, he realized that what he smelled was actually the fragrance of tofu.

How to eat tofu at a stall?

Xiao Fan, whose curiosity was aroused, walked to Lin Zhou's stall.

"Boss, how do you sell it? Is this tofu meant to be eaten directly?"

Xiao Fan saw the tofu that the boss put on the counter. It seemed to be white tofu, with sauce poured on it and eaten directly.

And the tofu was different from the tofu he had seen before.

Not only was the color white, but it was also very bright and shiny. With the sauce poured on it, it was very beautiful and appetizing.

He never thought that one day, he would be greedy for tofu.

"Purely handmade stone-ground tofu, ten yuan a bowl, steaming hot, just pour the dipping sauce on it and you can eat it. There are sesame sauce, chive sauce and hot sauce, and red oil and garlic sauce. Which one do you want to eat?"

This price is not expensive for the price of the scenic spot, it can be said to be cheap.

Xiao Fan immediately ordered a bowl.

A small stainless steel iron basin like the wholesale one was covered with a plastic bag.

Spoonfuls of tofu were poured in, and then the dipping sauce was poured after it was filled.

Xiao Fan asked for sesame sauce, chive sauce, and hot sauce.

The various sauces covered the white tofu, and the fragrance was rich.

After Xiao Fan took it, he looked around. There was no place to eat.

So he thought of taking it away.

"Boss, can I take it away?"

This was the first customer who had been setting up the stall for so long this week.

When Lin Zhou was setting up the stall, he checked and found that there was only this kind of iron basin on the stall, and there was no disposable takeaway bowl.

So Xiao Fan took a pair of disposable chopsticks, gave up the stainless steel iron basin, and carried a plastic bag of tofu to go back to the resting place at the ski resort to eat.

It was a bit uncomfortable to eat standing outside at such a hot temperature.

He carried the fragrant tofu in his hand and walked all the way to the ski resort.

The aroma of the food also wafted along with his movements.


(This is the update of the two chapters I owed yesterday, and I am still writing today.)

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