The dipping sauce that the gentleman just made also looks delicious.

Butler Sun picked up the knife that Lin Zhou had placed on the table and carefully cut another bowl for himself.

He was afraid that if he moved too hard, he would ruin the box of white jade-like tofu.

That would not be beautiful.

Then he served a bowl of tofu and poured the sauce that Lin Zhou had just made on each bowl.

If the oil-splashed chili dipping sauce focuses more on the flavor of garlic and spicy red oil, then the sesame sauce and chive sauce are more about the rich sesame oil flavor and the thick chive flavor. Both types of chili are not very spicy, but because of the addition of chili, the overall taste is more mellow.

"Which sauce tastes better?"

Lin Zhou saw that Butler Sun was already eating the second bowl and had tasted both sauces, so he asked.


Butler Sun thought about it carefully.

"If you are from the south, you may prefer this kind of spicy red oil dipping sauce, while people from the north may prefer the rich and mellow taste of sesame sauce and chive sauce. Each has its own taste. I didn't expect that a simple bowl of tofu could achieve this level."

Butler Sun used to be a chef and had eaten a lot of delicious food. He didn't expect that one day he would be amazed by a bowl of tofu.

This traditional handmade tofu is really different from the tofu sold outside.

It is a kind of existence that refreshes his understanding of tofu.

Lin Zhou nodded.

He used to believe in the difference between the tastes of the north and the south.

But now, he believes more that as long as the food is delicious enough, whether it is southerners, northerners, or foreigners.

As long as the taste is good, delicious things will taste delicious.

The body will not lie. You will know whether it tastes good or not by just taking a bite.

It feels so wonderful to eat a bite of fresh tofu after being busy for half a day.

For a while, the kitchen was silent, and several people were concentrating on eating tofu. Tofu does not need to be chewed, so there is no chewing sound, only the quiet swallowing sound.

Lin Zhou also ate two bowls of tofu. After filling his stomach, he lay down on the sofa and began to rest.

After getting up in the early morning and seeing the task, he packed up his things, caught the plane, and then went to Jilin to start making tofu again. Only when he finished this time could he rest.

After this brunch, in order to set up a stall better in the afternoon, Lin Zhou went straight back to the room for a nap.

When he woke up again, it was already 12 o'clock.

It was the alarm clock that Lin Zhou set before going to bed.

The main peak of Dabai Mountain, Baitou Mountain, has a lot of white pumice and snow, and there are many mountain groups. There are also facilities such as plateau ice and snow sports bases on the mountain, and the scenic area is very large.

In short, it is completely different from the place where he set up a stall in Qinhuang Mountain in Jiangdong before.

After getting up, Lin Zhou prepared himself mentally, put on a series of equipment such as outdoor warm jackets, and rode a tricycle that did not match his clothes at all.

Then he arrived at Dabai Mountain all the way, showed the stall permit, and was allowed to go up the mountain.

But the place is too big. Even if Huang Zhenghao sent a travel guide to Dabai Mountain and other details, Lin Zhou was too lazy to read it in detail. He just found a peak with a nice view and went up.

Then he walked further and further away, with mountains and forests, and no one around.

Lin Zhou found a place suitable for setting up a stall and stopped. He looked around and saw that there was no one for a long time. He checked the time and it was just right.

The task showed that this place was OK.

It was already within the range of Dabai Mountain.

But there was no one.

Lin Zhou packed up the stall. The tofu was in a constant temperature fresh-keeping box, so there was no need to worry about it. He just put the seasonings on the table one by one and covered them with a lid to prevent them from freezing.

Today is November 27th.

It is the last week of this month, and it will be December in a few days.

It is already winter in the north.

The ski resorts in Changbai Mountain are open.

By the way, he has not skied yet.

When he is not setting up a stall, he can find a coach to play with.

When he was in the south before, he had never seen such a natural skating rink.

This time, he came to the north to set up a stall and really saw heavy snow and snow accumulation.

Snow is really an irresistible temptation for him, who has been a southerner for two lifetimes.

So even if the task is a bit tiring, he is very happy to take on the task.

On the other hand, in the new week, it is not only the old diners in the south who are looking for Boss Lin.

When the morning market opened at 5 o'clock on Monday morning in Baihe and Boss Lin did not come to set up a stall, everyone knew that Boss Lin would set up a stall in a new place in the new week.

This made the southern diners feel strangely balanced.

Let's just say that Boss Lin does not have the habit of setting up a stall in one place all the time!

Setting up a stall in the same place for two consecutive weeks is incredible, and it has broken everyone's speculation about Boss Lin's stall setting habits.

Now changing places, everyone feels right.

Although they have to find out where Boss Lin sets up a stall again.

But this is also an opportunity.

What if Boss Lin changes cities and comes to their city to set up a stall, it will be a happy thing!

There are still many people who hold this idea.

Netizens have been speculating where Boss Lin will set up his stall this week.

Jiangdong people: "I hope Boss Lin will go back to Jiangdong to set up his stall. His family misses him!"

Koucheng people: "I hope Boss Lin can favor Koucheng, which he has been to before. Boss Lin, have you forgotten Koucheng by Daming Lake?"

Nanjin people: "Can Boss Lin come to Nanjin again? Our Nanjin is also very big, and it is enough for you to set up a stall everywhere!"

People from Baihe: "Boss Lin, the people of Baihe can't live without you. Without you, how can we live!"

People from Sichuan: "I hope Boss Lin will come to Sichuan. The prices here are high, you can make more money!"

...People: "..."

The excitement on the Internet cannot affect reality.

Lin Zhou set up a stall from one o'clock to two o'clock. It's been an hour. Not to mention people, there are no animals.

It was said that Dabai Mountain is full of wild animals!

How boring.

How about setting up a stall in another place?

Lin Zhou thought that it was because the scenic area was too big. There was no one where he set up the stall. Let's try another place.

So Lin Zhou packed up the ingredients and rode a tricycle to change places.

Fortunately, the scenic area is too big and can ride a tricycle, otherwise it would be troublesome for him to change places.

Lin Zhou turned around and saw another peak.

He plunged into it.

This time he didn't rush to pack up, but waited for a while in the same place, but still no customers came.

Lin Zhou continued to run on the tricycle.

After running to three places in a row, Lin Zhou looked at the rarely visited scenic spots and felt a little confused.

Why is there no one here!

Fortunately, this week's task did not require a certain amount of tofu to be sold, but only stipulated the duration of the task.

It doesn't matter if he can't sell it, as long as he takes a long time.

But! There is no one here, and it's really boring for him to set up a stall.

Just when Lin Zhou gave up changing places and stopped at the edge of a forest to pack up and set up a stall.

He accidentally opened the lid of the food.

The fresh fragrance of the food immediately wafted out.

Lin Zhou was used to smelling this fragrance and didn't think it was anything.

Instead, he felt warm.

Then he suddenly heard something and turned around following the sound. He thought it was a customer who came to eat, and he was so excited.

When he looked up, he met the eyes of a big cat.

Lin Zhou's body froze for a moment.

Old... old... tiger?


(An extra chapter for yesterday's gift! I beg you to use love to generate electricity!)

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