Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 383 Go abroad for breakfast and come back in the evening

The next day, when Lin came to the morning market at Friday o'clock in the cold wind.

He has somewhat adapted to the temperature in White River.

In local terms, winter has just begun, and by next month, the outdoor temperature can be as cold as minus ten degrees to thirty degrees.

That's when it gets really cold.

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Lin Zhou has always felt that people have strong adaptability.

For example, he was out of tune with Baihe's morning market yesterday.

When he came here today, he was greeted by the enthusiastic big brother next door.

"Yeah, I came quite early. I'm just waiting for your egg burger."

Da Zhuang, the man from the stall next door, dropped everything he was doing when he saw Lin Zhou coming to set up the stall.

This morning, he didn't even eat breakfast, just waiting for this egg burger.

Now seeing Lin Zhou coming, he was extremely happy.

Everyone likes delicious food, even if it is expensive, they are happy to eat it.

Moreover, Lin Zhou’s stall was clean and everyone could see the ingredients he used.

Who wouldn’t love this delicious and healthy thing?

"Have you had breakfast? Do you want a bowl of vermicelli soup? I'll treat you to it."

As soon as Da Zhuang said that, the fruit seller opposite came over, carrying a box of frozen hard blueberries in her hand.

"Little boss, have you tried our northern fruits? They don't need to be put in the refrigerator. Just put them outside for a while and they will freeze. They taste like smoothies. Try them."

Lin Zhou felt the enthusiasm of northerners for the first time.

I feel a little embarrassed all the time.

"Thank you, thank you. If you want an egg burger, I'll make it for you."

Lin Zhou knew the lethality of his cooking skills. Anyone who tasted it once would never forget it.

He clearly knows that the fundamental reason why he is popular is because of the delicious food he cooks.

But this stuff is just like money.

It is something that one has within oneself.

So he had no idea about it.

The owner of the nearby merchant came here just for the egg burgers.

Only yesterday, there was a morning market in Baihe, and everyone knew that a guy from the south was selling egg burgers. They were delicious, but a bit expensive, at ten yuan each.

Expensive beef, 13.

So when Lin came here on Monday, the first batch of diners were the vendors from the morning market.

"Hey, there are more flavors?"

Several diners who had tasted it yesterday saw that Lin Zhou had added flavors on the blackboard, which was very novel.

“Cheese shrimp, spicy crayfish!”

Lin Zhou didn’t create too many flavors and only added two new flavors.

The egg burgers at Shirakawa Morning Market don’t have so many flavors.

Lin Zhou's business acumen has really been developed.

Compared with when I first set up a stall, I didn’t know how to do business at all. Now I am more familiar with the business and my competitiveness will increase.

So many flavors immediately put the generous northerners into a dilemma.

What should I do if I want to eat them all?

They have huge appetites, and eating five at once doesn't seem to be a big deal.

So the confused vendors stopped worrying and just ordered one of each flavor.

Lin Zhouzhen became busy as soon as he left the stall.

On the other side, Shangguan Xi and others who had ordered an alarm clock jumped up one by one when they heard the sound of the alarm clock.

In order to eat egg burgers early, they asked about the start time of the morning market in Baihe. They did not go back to Russia yesterday. Instead, they found a hotel here in Baihe.

Otherwise, if we wait until dawn before coming to Baihe from Russia, it will definitely be too late.

So they gave up the beauties and travel plans of E country in order to eat.

Braving the cold wind, we arrived at the morning market before dawn.

When they arrived, they found that many people were already surrounding the egg burger stall.

All waiting for the egg burger.

A group of people rushed to Lin Zhou's stall in a hurry.

Each of the egg burgers on Lin Zhou's stove has been fried and set, and is now exuding fragrance.

The warm yellow light on the stall shines on the egg burger, making the egg burger even more appetizing.

"Boss, give us ten egg burgers each."

As soon as Shangguan Xi said this, the vendors waiting for the egg burgers in front all turned around and looked at Shangguan Xi and others.

"My dear, you have a good appetite."

The three foreign students in the crowd who did not understand Chinese looked at the three Shangguan Xi with confusion, waiting for translation.

Shangguan Xi, who had been serving as the team's translator, saw that there were two more flavors on the menu on the signboard of Lin Zhou's stall, and there was nothing else in his eyes.

The colleague next to me took over the translation work.

In the blink of an eye, Shangguan Xi penetrated inside.

"Boss, how many more are ahead of us?"

Lin Zhou counted: "16."

16 is not much. Wait for six of them to eat sixty.

Because they were so full from eating yesterday morning, after eating egg burgers yesterday morning, they all didn't eat lunch or dinner. They went to bed early and ate today's breakfast directly.

In this way, the stomach is left open, and lunch and dinner can be taken care of in one go. What a great thing!

"Spicy crayfish, darling, they're all peeled shrimps. I'm so greedy. No wonder it's so fragrant."

The aroma of spicy crayfish is always strong.

Although they are all cold, once heated, the overbearing fragrance of Thirteen Incense is unmatched by ordinary food.

It didn’t take long to make egg burgers. It took about ten minutes from the beginning to the maturity.

Shangguan Xi and his friends waited for about twenty minutes, and Lin Zhou started making their burgers.

There were five flavors, and each person got ten, which was exactly two of each flavor.

Then the familiar scene from yesterday was repeated again.

This time they also knew to buy hot soy milk in advance to eat with it.

They didn’t buy vermicelli soup because vermicelli is filling.

Lin Zhou made a batch, and they ate a batch.

Then they finished the egg burgers in their hands before the next batch of egg burgers came out of the oven.

Lin Zhou’s speed of making couldn’t keep up with their speed of eating.

It felt so strange to make one and then leave one.

Every time Lin Zhou packed egg burgers for them, he had to remind himself how many he had packed.

He was afraid that he would forget how many egg burgers he had made.

“Eat slowly, it’s a little hot.”

Seeing that they were eating fast, Lin Zhou couldn’t help but remind them.

"Okay, okay, boss, have you been setting up a stall at the Baihe morning market?"

The international students who only have three days of vacation love this egg burger more and more.

When they think that the vacation will end soon, they will have to go back to school. By then, their school is not as far away from Baihe as Eguo.

Eat breakfast abroad and come back in the evening.

What should I do if I suddenly envy the students studying in Eguo! ?

Whenever I want to eat the food from my hometown, I can go back to my country in a few minutes, eat and rush back to class. Don't be too happy!

Shangguan Xi never thought that one day he would envy the students studying in Eguo because Eguo is close.


(There are still four chapters, Douyin live broadcast typing! Account: Selling egg burgers)

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