"I guess you'll set up a stall in Baihe this week?"

He wasn't sure where to go next week.

Lin Zhou answered truthfully.

It was a surprise for the sad international students.

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"Boss, are you going to set up a stall in the United States? Many international students there really want to eat snacks from their hometown."

"In foreign countries, you still have a chance to eat ordinary Chinese food, but it's really hard to eat street food like this."

After Shangguan Xi finished speaking, the other two Chinese international students next to him nodded in agreement.

They haven't eaten snacks like egg burgers for many years.

So when they come across them, they eat them without restraint.

Because they can't eat them when they return to school.

Hearing Shangguan Xi's words, they all looked at Lin Zhou with hope.

I can't imagine that Boss Lin, who has such good cooking skills, will set up a stall in front of their school. They can eat delicious egg burgers every day. How happy it would be.

Lin Zhou was shocked by their brain circuits.

This is the first time he has set up a stall in the north from the south.

They are still in the adaptation stage. If they go abroad to set up a stall, they can't speak the language. He can't imagine how difficult it will be for his business.

"I don't plan to do this for the time being."

After not learning foreign languages, he may not accept the task even if the system releases it.

Because it will be difficult for him to adapt to setting up a stall in a strange country and not speaking the language.

There is no need to embarrass yourself in life.

Shangguan Xi and others heard Lin Zhou's refusal and sighed sadly.

"Then where can we find you if we want to eat the egg burgers you make."

The international student who grasped the key point got Lin Zhou's "I don't know" as expected.

For a while, the three people who understood it all looked a little uncomfortable.

Is this a powerful person, so willful?


In the blink of an eye, it was dawn.

Shangguan Xi and others were still waiting for egg burgers. Lin Zhou made a batch for them to eat.

They even wanted to take it away.

But customers came in line later. They had already ordered enough, so they gave up and planned to come again tomorrow. When they finished eating, they would return to Eguo and then take a plane back to school. In this way, they could eat for another day.

Imagination is very beautiful, but plans sometimes cannot keep up with changes.

As many Russians came to Baihe Morning Market for breakfast, the whole street was almost half Chinese and half Eguo people, which attracted the attention of the morning news of Bailongjiang local TV station.

As the camera was pointed at a host holding a microphone and introducing the situation of Baihe Morning Market to the audience in front of the TV, many passers-by looked at her curiously.

"Hello, audience friends. Now you can see that the location behind me is Baihe, which is located at the border with Eguo. Since China and Eguo have exempted visas, Baihe morning market has seen such a grand occasion."

"We can see that there are many Eguo people in the morning market. They are all people who come to the morning market to eat breakfast early in the morning."

As the host was talking, he saw a stall behind him with a long queue, and most of the people in the queue were foreigners.

The host's reaction speed was very fast.

The stall with so many people queuing must taste good, and so many foreigners queuing also make her report real and meaningful.

It can attract more people to travel to Baihe, Bailongjiang, and it is convenient to go to Eguo. You can go to Eguo for a tour in a few minutes. What an attractive point!

The host was thinking about the storm in his mind while holding the microphone and walking towards the queue to prepare for the interview.

This kind of random interview is also a very interesting scene.

The photographer carrying the camera also followed the host's actions and followed up, adjusting the angle appropriately to try to capture more prosperous business scenes in the morning market.

It must be said that the flow of people today is much greater than the last time they came to inspect.

The intimate business scene between Baihe and Eguo was immediately presented.

The host greeted the diners in fluent E language.

If you can do this kind of interview, you must choose a host who is proficient in E language, otherwise the language barrier and the interview have to rely on translation, which is not professional.

The time in line is very boring. The Eguo people who were interviewed saw that there were cameras and other staff behind the host, and they immediately understood that this was a program, and responded very actively.

The questions asked were of course very superficial.

Some questions were whether they were Eguo people, whether they liked to eat Chinese food, etc.

The Eguo aunt responded very passionately.

The stall in line was Lin Zhou's egg burger stall.

Yesterday, this aunt had eaten the egg burger made by Lin Zhou.

Then this morning, she brought her family to eat this egg burger in advance.

At this moment, the compliments were really endless.

The host, who was just trying to show his appreciation, was a little confused.

It's no wonder that China and E are friendly. Look at this ordinary lady from E country, she is so cooperative in the interview with the Chinese.

This excitement, the expression of liking China, doesn't seem fake.

She can imagine how good the effect will be if this interview is released tomorrow.

"Thank you, lady, for introducing the interview and introducing a delicious breakfast to our audience friends."

There were too many people queuing up for this stall, so the host walked forward with the camera and prepared to interview a few more.

You must shoot more material, and then show the one that works best.

And there were too many people, so they shot for a while but still couldn't capture the stall information.

They only knew it was an egg burger stall, and the rest was not very clear.

And I don't know if there are many Eguo people coming.

Many signs in the morning market have not only Chinese, but also Eguo language, which is directly bilingual.

It's very international.

The host not only interviewed the Eguo people in the queue, but also went up to interview the vendor who introduced the goods in Eguo next to him.

"Hello, do we learn to speak Eguo?"

The host looked at the stall of the vendor, and the position in front of the queue was occupied by the queue in front, so it was a bit difficult to interview.

But seeing that the boss just answered the Eguo man in front of him in Eguo, she still bypassed the queue and went inside to interview.

"Why do you need to learn? There are many Eguo people who come to buy things. They ask what the goods are, and then they learn it."

The boss saw someone coming to interview him and grinned happily.

After saying that, he glanced at the camera and whispered to the host: "Will we be on TV now?"

The host smiled and nodded, "Yes, brother, we are the morning news of Bailongjiang TV Station. If you accept our interview, you may see yourself on the news tomorrow morning."

When the boss heard that he could be on the phone, his face turned red with excitement.

Immediately showed off his E language.


(There are three more chapters!)

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