The old diners dug their little heads and never imagined that Boss Lin would cross thousands of kilometers from the south to set up a stall in Baihe, the border between China and E. Ι±

Who would have thought of this?

Whether crossing from the south to the north, or this border city close to the E Kingdom.

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These are things that fans never dare to think about.


Another pot of egg burgers came out, and it was the turn of the Eguo diners who were attracted.

Shangguan Xi and others were still waiting at the stall to eat the next batch of egg burgers, so they took advantage of the situation and acted as translators.

"Boss, this customer wants two cheese and ham dishes."

Lin Zhou heard his translation, packed up two cheese and hams, and then asked about the sauce.

"Would you like ketchup, sweet and spicy sauce, seafood salty sauce, and spicy sauce?"

Shangguan Xi'e's language was pretty good and she immediately relayed it to foreign diners.

With an on-site translator, Lin Zhou packed things much faster.

After a while, the egg burgers ordered by these foreign diners were packaged and handed over to them.


The moment they ate the egg burger, several E people suddenly exclaimed and shouted (Fukusna).

Lin Zhou's eyes flashed with confusion, and then he looked at Shangguan Xi.

Shangguan Xi understood instantly.

"It means delicious."

Lin Zhou smiled and nodded at the foreign diners who kept exclaiming.

Then he remembered that he still had a mask and the diners couldn't see his expression, so he took off the mask and expressed his kindness.

The temperature in Baihe was so cold that Lin Zhou's face felt a little stinging from the wind, so he never took off his mask until he went out.

The fragrant egg burger cools down very quickly in such sub-zero temperatures.

Basically, it only takes a few minutes to cool down after being taken out of the pan, so everyone finished one in a few mouthfuls while blowing on it.

Then eat the next one. The egg burger is popular all over the country, whether it is the south or the north, which means it is absolutely delicious and meets the taste of the public.

As long as the whole country can accept people who don’t taste good, then this kind of food will only exist in one place and not everywhere.

The freshly prepared batter, when fried, is not the kind of noodles that are dead. It has a fluffy texture, and the combined egg burger has a fluffy and delicious texture.

Especially when it comes out of the pan, it is crispy on the outside and tender on the inside, and the outer shell of the dough is fried with fragrant rapeseed oil and is charred and fragrant.

The golden and bright color makes people happy just looking at it.

And the overall taste is not greasy.

Several Eguo people basically ordered egg burgers with cheese and ham.

As soon as you bite into it, the melted cheese inside will not only flow out, but also have a salty and milky aroma. Combined with the smoked ham slices, the salty and milky aroma combine very well.

And the addition of corn kernels inside is really unique.

It's fragrant and sweet, not the kind of dry and waxy corn. Lin Zhou chose fruit corn, which is sweet and tender at the same time. It doesn't feel inconsistent at all when put into a salty cheese and ham burger.

It’s simply the kind of taste that foreigners love most.

High in calories and with a sweet and milky taste.

After eating one, I immediately ate another.

At this moment, they realized why the young people in front of them bought so much, because there was not enough to eat if there was less!

"Two more."

The Eguo diners who finished their egg burgers didn't even wait for Shangguan Xi's translation. They stretched out their hands and gestured to Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou understood instantly and nodded.

Anyway, he makes egg burgers in batches.

One batch, fresh pork, one batch, fresh beef, one batch, cheeseburger.

During the production process, you can also gesture on the table. For example, if you want to add something, just point at it. Communication can be completed without verbal communication.

In front of Lin Zhou's stall, a group of people gathered around half an hour ago, and another group gathered around half an hour later.

If you see it in the eyes of passers-by, it's very problematic.

"What are you selling?"

This group of people covered Lin Zhou's stall so tightly that curious passers-by had to get closer to see the surrounded Lin Zhou stall.

"Egg burger."

When facing domestic diners, Lin Zhou could understand what they were saying and would reply.

After Lin Zhou took off his mask, the diners discovered that such a delicious egg burger was made by a young man. What a surprise.

"Dude, you're so young."

Shangguan Xi was surprised when he saw Lin Zhou, who was even younger than him.

He originally thought that the boss who could make such a delicious egg burger was probably an uncle, but he looked young in appearance and voice.

Unexpectedly, it looked smaller than him.

Lin Zhou nodded while busy.

He was originally 26 years old, but after drinking the genetically modified fluid, he started to look younger and younger after a few months.

An uncle who set up a stall asked him if he had just graduated from college and set up a stall.

Others thought he was in his early twenties.

Even more exaggeratedly, they asked him if he was an adult.

Lin Zhou was really speechless. It would be better to get a tan, or at least look more mature.

"Not young anymore, already 26."

"That's very young."

"Boss, where are you from? It doesn't look like you're from Baihe."

Lin Zhou's accent and skin color and dress made the international students all know that he was not a local.

Such delicious egg burgers made them transfer their curiosity to Lin Zhou while waiting for the egg burgers.

"I'm from the south."

Lin Zhou replied casually.

But it did not affect Shangguan Xi's enthusiasm.

A group of diners chattered non-stop, and more than one language was interspersed in the middle. Lin Zhou was really confused.

Lin Zhou was busy.

His hands kept moving, and the egg burgers were formed one by one, which was enough to excite the diners in line.

Watching the egg burgers take shape, there was a feeling of excitement.

Because they knew that this egg burger was delicious enough.

Seeing these diners eating batch after batch, they just didn't leave.

After a long time, Lin Zhou looked at his ingredient bucket.

He mixed a bucket of batter, and now it seems that there is not much left!

"Can you still eat?"

Looking at these foreign students, each of them ate at least a dozen egg burgers, their stomachs were full, but they were still standing by his stall.

This really scared Lin Zhou.

Even the group of Eguo people who were so excited that they were carrying beer and egg burgers left after eating and drinking.

These people are still here.

"It seems that I can't eat anymore."

Before I could finish my words, I saw them burping one after another.

Lin Zhou:...

"Boss, will you still set up a stall here tomorrow?"

The foreign students who supported each other were reluctant to leave when they saw the egg burgers made by Lin Zhou.

Seeing that they really couldn't eat anymore, they still had to ask for clarification.

Not being able to eat now doesn't mean that they can't eat tomorrow morning!


(Today's second chapter, there are five more chapters to come, brothers, vote with love!)

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