Gradually, passers-by stopped to watch.

The lively atmosphere also attracted Cheng's father and mother in the store.

When they walked to the door of the store, they saw their son jumping back and forth over the railings under the supervision of the traffic police.

The next second, Cheng's mother covered her face and went into the store.

He really couldn't bear to lose this man.

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On this street nearby, which store doesn't know that this embarrassing thing is his son!

He was taken away for jumping over the railing before, and he had to post on WeChat Moments to collect likes before he was released.

He was already famous at that time.

They couldn't even raise their heads in front of their relatives.

Now it happened again, and so many people were watching in public.

They have to wear masks next time they go out.

It's better not to have this son.

Cheng's father couldn't bear to look at it, so he turned around and went into the supermarket.

Cheng Guangpeng struggled to climb over the railing.

At first, it was fine. He was young and strong. He supported himself with his hands and jumped over it.

After he climbed back and forth dozens of times, he couldn't show off anymore. He went from being easy to difficult.

His hands no longer had the strength to support his jump, so he could only climb over the railing in a dog-like manner.

Soon, the primary school students started to leave school one after another.

The students who were originally lining up to go out suddenly became chaotic after noticing the familiar candied haws stall at the school gate.

"It's the big brother selling candied haws!"

"Ahhh, I want to eat candied haws!"

"There are so many people, why are there so many adults!"

"Do adults like to eat candied haws too? They are actually snatching food from children!"

"That's too much, there won't be any when it's our turn, adults can eat a lot."

"Don't be afraid, my mother said that the food sold by Boss Lin is limited to purchase, so we should have some."

"Ah! I saw my mother, my mother is in the queue!"

The sharp-eyed classmate saw his mother in the queue, and he was so excited that he screamed and ran all the way and threw himself directly into his mother's arms.

"Mom, I want to eat spicy candied haws, and strawberry ones!"

His mother didn't pay attention and almost let the child rush to the ground.

"You damn child, you are so scared."

"Okay, okay, I'll buy it for you, but it seems to be limited."

Yes, Lin Zhouwei left some candied haws for the primary school students who didn't finish school, and the purchase limit was two strings per person, which was exactly five yuan for two strings, which was quite easy to calculate.

At this time, the old diners who had already bought the candied haws stood beside the stall with two small strings of candied haws and ate them in two bites.

This small string of candied haws is really not enough to eat. It was gone as soon as I tasted it.

"I seldom ate candied haws before. I haven't touched it for many years. This time, it really aroused my appetite."

The sour and sweet hawthorns made into ice candied haws are really delicious and appetizing.

It happened to be noon. After eating, my mouth would still secrete saliva. I really had the urge to eat crazy.

"Oh my god, I didn't expect there were grapefruit candied haws. It's really delicious. The grapefruit is full of water and a little sour. With the sweetness of the sugar coating, it is crispy, juicy, sour and sweet. It's delicious. I feel that it is comparable to the hawthorn candied haws."

The appearance of grapefruit candied haws is really beautiful.

The transparent sugar coating wrapped the light pink grapefruit. The overall appearance is full of girlishness, which is more tempting than the strawberry candied haws next to it.

"Strawberries and pineapples are also delicious when made into candied haws. I found that pure sweet food is not suitable for candied haws. It is too sweet. Instead, sour and sweet fruits are the most suitable."

After buying candied haws, the old customers slurped them up in the next second.

They also commented on them after eating.

The primary school students in line were very greedy.

They anxiously tilted their heads to look forward, wishing to slurp the candied haws immediately.

The sweet smell of candied haws was even floating in the air.

This was a huge temptation for the primary school students.

They stared at the old customers eating candied haws next to them, and drooled without noticing.

They were very greedy.

After a while, the people in Chen Wei's class came out.

As the class leader, Chen Wei led the team to walk in the first place, and was the first to discover that Lin Zhou was selling candied haws.

"All students, we found Mr. Lin setting up a stall ahead, rush forward with me, don't fall behind, run!"

Chen Wei made a gesture to rush forward, and as soon as he finished speaking, he led the class to rush forward with all his strength, and immediately surpassed the class in front that was walking slowly.

The students were also very obedient.

After hearing Chen Wei's words, they followed one by one and rushed forward with their heads down.

The obedience was full, full of discipline.

The class teacher following behind was unconvinced.

The leadership of Chen Wei, the class monitor, was sometimes more convincing than that of the class teacher in the hearts of the students.

You can see that no one fell behind when they ran.

Now, the students in the class lined up to buy candied haws.

Lin Zhou's candied haws stall also completely attracted the attention of everyone at the school gate.

"There are so many people buying candied haws today, so many people are lining up."

Hundreds of students standing together in line were also quite spectacular.

"Didn't you see who was setting up the stall? That was Boss Lin!"

Some of the onlookers recognized Lin Zhou, but those who had no interest in candied haws stood aside and watched the fun.

You may not eat the candied haws, but you must watch the excitement.

"With so many people, how long will it take to queue!"

I don't understand people who queue for hours to eat candied haws. Looking at the long queue gives me a headache.

If he doesn't have to queue, he might be willing to buy one to try, but queuing for hours is really unbearable.

At this time, Cheng Guangpeng also climbed over 100 railings with difficulty. Under the teasing eyes of the traffic police, he still walked towards the candied haws stall across the street.

The traffic police looked at his back and shook his head helplessly.

This is really wanting to eat.

Cheng Guangpeng was discovered by these primary school students as soon as he came.

His supermarket can become the favorite place for primary school students on the street because Cheng Guangpeng can get along well with these primary school students.

Then everyone likes to buy things in his supermarket.

As soon as he came, all the primary school students in this area knew him.

"Handsome boy, you're here. You're here just in time. I can change five dollars. My phone watch can't pay. If you hadn't come, I would have been ready to borrow from my classmates."

When Chen Wei saw Cheng Guangpeng coming over, his eyes lit up all of a sudden.

Cheng Guangpeng:...

I knew that this handsome boy wasn't so nice to hear.

Since he had a good relationship with these little guys, Cheng Guangpeng always carried cash with him to prevent them from changing money.

It wasn't surprising to hear this, and he took out five dollars from his pocket and handed it over.

Then he turned around and met several pairs of eager eyes.

Cheng Guangpeng sighed helplessly and took out a handful of change from his pocket.

"Who else wants it?"


(Thanks to Tingyu Shanju for the extra update of the gift king! ps: Oh, the gift list has fallen, begging for love!)

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