“Me me me!”


This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 book bar → 96𝖘𝖍𝖚.𝖓𝖊𝖙, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Cheng Guangpeng’s posture of spending money lavishly, people who don’t know, think he is talking about some big business. ׺°”˜˜`”°º×

Then seeing a group of primary school students surrounding him instantly, those who don’t know what’s going on twitched their mouths.

Cheng Guangpeng familiarly told everyone not to crowd and line up. They are still queuing here to buy candied haws, so don’t delay the business.

“Queue up first, those who need to change money can use it first, and then go to the supermarket to find my mother to scan, understand.”

The primary school students understand very well, and those who need it can directly ask their classmates to pass five or ten yuan.

After buying candied haws, go to the supermarket to scan the code.

Everyone is very obedient.

After the money is distributed, the rest is to queue up.

The portion of candied haws was the largest. Lin Zhou prepared about five or six hundred strings, with many varieties and large quantities. He brought out some and gave some to Uncle Zhang, who loved to eat them.

And each person was limited to two small strings, so although there seemed to be a lot of people queuing, the consumption rate was still very slow.

When it was Chen Wei's turn, they still had some left.

Lin Zhou looked at these familiar elementary school students and introduced them with a smile: "Each person is limited to two strings, five yuan."

A group of little radish heads lined up, handing over money while choosing two strings of candied haws they wanted from a pile of candied haws.

Because there were many varieties, everyone was very entangled.

"Hu Jiayi, you buy cherry tomatoes, there are three, give me one, I buy blueberries, and I will give you one too."

"I don't want to eat blueberries, I want to eat grapefruit, I haven't eaten this, you buy grapefruit, just give me a bite."


The girls were very skilled in this way of mutual exchange.

Boys rarely did this, most of them just chose two they wanted to eat, turned around and ate them in the blink of an eye.

Most people have similar preferences for eating candied haws.

Hawthorn is the most popular choice because it is classic.

And there are many flavors, with various fillings in the middle, and every bite is a surprise.

There are also sour and sweet juicy fruits. The crispy and hard rock sugar coat has a sweet taste. When you bite it, you will see juicy fruits, oranges, and cherry tomatoes. The taste is amazing.

There are also strange candied haws such as bitter melon and spicy strips, which are also a big trap.

Although there are many people, Lin Zhou is not tired. The candied haws are all finished and sold. He only needs to stand in front of the stall and pack them one by one according to the requirements of the diners.

It can be said that it is very easy.

The team is moving very fast.

In a blink of an eye, it is Cheng Guangpeng.

Cheng Guangpeng has a toothache when he sees Lin Zhou.

On the one hand, his sweet taste is aroused, and on the other hand, he was caught by the traffic police twice when he wanted to buy candied haws, so he has a reflex toothache when he sees Lin Zhou.

"Boss Lin, long time no see."

"It's been quite a while."

Lin Zhou also had an impression of him, so he smiled and greeted him, and asked him what he wanted.

"One string of pure hawthorn, and another string with red bean paste."

There were so many varieties that Cheng Guangpeng was overwhelmed, so he directly chose two common flavors of candied haws, the most classic.

It was not easy to see Boss Lin once, Cheng Guangpeng was reluctant to leave, and stood aside to eat with the candied haws.

There were two in a string, one in one bite, and it was gone in four bites.

After eating, he still looked at the remaining candied haws in the glass cabinet with reluctance.

There were really a lot.

I didn't eat enough.

This time, the purchase limit was very small, two strings per person, unlike last time.

"Boss Lin, where are you going to set up your stall tomorrow?"

Cheng Guangpeng also knew that Boss Lin would bring back the food everywhere this week.

There was a carnival everywhere on the local forum.

I didn't expect that Boss Lin seemed to have heard everyone's voices, and he actually brought back the food for a whole week.

It made everyone so happy.

Even if there were some minor incidents, it didn't stop everyone from being happy.

Cheng Guangpeng had to stay in the supermarket to look after the store every day, and he had no time to follow Boss Lin.

Every time he could only look at Boss Lin's food posted by everyone on the Internet, he would be so greedy that he would order the same takeaway.

It's conceivable that it's definitely not as delicious as Boss Lin's, but it's the only way to satisfy his craving.

Now that he finally met Boss Lin, he had to chat more.

Lin Zhou thought about it, tomorrow is Saturday, and he must go to the island with Uncle Zhang to prepare for the wedding, so he shouldn't set up a stall tomorrow.

"This week is a weekend, and there will be no stall tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

After Lin Zhou finished speaking, Cheng Guangpeng, who was asking questions, was fine, but the old diners who hadn't left and were still watching the excitement were sad and anxious.

Why is it Saturday and Sunday?

He clearly felt that it was only Monday, but it was Friday in the blink of an eye.

Why did time pass so quickly!

The old customers looked at Lin Zhou with sadness, and they wanted him to change his mind and say that he would set up a stall for the next two days.

"Boss Lin has worked hard setting up the stall, and it's time to take a break."

Cheng Guangpeng couldn't eat it anyway, so he accepted the idea of ​​taking a break well.

It seemed that the reluctant old customers on the side didn't feel sorry for Boss Lin.

The old customers looked at Cheng Guangpeng and couldn't help but stare.

This kid!

"Boss Lin, we also feel sorry for you setting up the stall every day. It's really too hard. It's good to take a break for two days."

"Yes, yes, it must be very laborious for Boss Lin to make the food so delicious."

"Yes, Boss Lin, we are all your loyal fans, whether you take a break or not."


Looking at everyone rushing to express their feelings.

Lin Zhou couldn't help but smile under the mask.

After all the candied haws were sold out, there were still many children who didn't buy them.

Lin Zhou was really helpless facing this group of elementary school students who were looking at him eagerly.

"Big brother, are there really no candied haws?"

Lin Zhou squatted down and looked at the little girl who was choking with sadness. He had no choice but to coax her: "Sorry, little girl, my candied haws are sold out. Let mom take you to buy some somewhere else, okay."

"I don't want other candied haws, I want the candied haws made by my brother, they are delicious!"

Seeing that the little girl was getting more and more sad, she was about to cry.

Her mother was picked up and smiled apologetically at Lin Zhou.

"It's okay, Boss Lin. You can close the stall after you finish your business. I'll just coax her."

The mother is obviously a fan of Boss Lin. She can't resist Boss Lin who is coaxing her daughter gently.

Boss Lin will be a good father in the future. How gentle!

I don't know which little girl will get the chance.

I can't think about it. I can't think about it. When she thinks of a woman marrying Boss Lin and eating the food made by Boss Lin every day, she can't help but envy him.

"Okay, goodbye."

Lin Zhou also found that the children who didn't buy the food were all looking at him sadly.

If he doesn't leave now, he won't be able to leave until they cry one by one.

While these elementary school students can still bear it and don't cry, he has to slip away quickly!


(ps: You know, use love to generate electricity!!!)

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