Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 361 Jealousy has changed their appearance beyond recognition.

"Oh my god, this is a bit miserable!"

The old diners couldn't bear to see the miserable scene.

But when I thought about this kid eating more than twenty portions of grilled cold noodles on his own, my heart immediately hardened.

They had never had such a rich meal.

I feel sorry for this kid right now, so what does the cold noodles they lose count!

Boss Lin really dotes on him and lets him eat more than 20 servings by himself!

It's a good thing that I didn't inform everyone of my location. To compare with others, everyone had the idea of ​​eating alone.

But this person eating more than 20 servings of grilled cold noodles in one go is the reason why everyone can't keep calm.

Jealousy changes them beyond recognition.

Now that I see this person being tortured by everyone, I finally feel a lot better.

"We have to let everyone know that there is a price to pay for eating alone."

"That makes sense..."

"By the way, do we still have these braised pork rolls?"

After seeing that everything was empty, everyone's attention returned to the braised pork rolls.

"Without these monks, our braised pork rolls would be stable."

"Damn it, all the four elements are empty and you've misled me!"

The old diners couldn't blame themselves, so they blamed Si Da Jie Kong for having their house stolen.

Then he looked at the monks buying vegetarian rolls with resentful eyes.

This is really the first time I've seen anything like this.

They didn't know who to talk to for explanation.

If the police are called, the police may come, and they may be the first to educate themselves.

It will be too late to cry by then.

Therefore, the grievances of stealing a house can only be broken into pieces and swallowed in the stomach.

Wrongful, really wronged!

The next day, Lin woke up on Monday and found that his employees had sent him a box of fruits grown in his orchard.

There are many kinds, better than what he bought at the vegetable market before.

It can be seen that the person in charge of the farm selects all good fruits, which are of high quality in terms of appearance and size.

"Sir, the fruits have been washed and cut into pieces according to size. The large ones are cut into pieces and the small ones are skewered."

Lin Zhou nodded. They were all familiar with these live housekeepers.

He doesn't need to worry.

All Lin Zhou had to do was boil sugar.

Make these fruits into candied haws.

Boiling the syrup can be said to be the key to candied haws.

The candied haws made from good syrup must be transparent in color, crisp, hard and translucent like a crystal shell.

On his side, he was preparing to set up a stall to sell candied haws at noon, while on the other side, the diners from out of town who had gathered in Jiangdong had already left one after another.

The people of Kodong are really good at keeping things confidential.

They had been here for two days and could not find any trace of Boss Lin, so they had to leave.

Boss Lin's pattern of setting up stalls in different places every day this week really puts these uninformed out-of-town diners at a loss.

There is simply no way for them to survive.

Some people even took only one day off to see Boss Lin.

We didn't find it that day, so we started to retreat.

There are very few people who make it to Friday.

This makes the old Jiangdong diners very happy.

With fewer people grabbing food, they get more.

If you don't do it for yourself, you will be punished by heaven and earth!

The regular diners who found Boss Lin's stall setting pattern this week made detailed arrangements based on the stall locations that have not yet returned.

An international elementary school that sells candied haws, a bar that sells fried chicken, a wet market that sells fish with distiller’s grains, a bridge that sells hamburgers, a nursing home that sells fried skewers, and little chaos in the graveyard.

After learning the lesson of losing everything, the current regular diners no longer trust others in the group.

People from different organizations were sent to guard each location to check and balance each other, just in case everything happened.

I went to look for him alone. After I found Boss Lin, he was gone and I was left to eat alone!

At eight o'clock in the morning, Boss Lin's voice was not heard at the entrance of the nursing home, so we can exclude the fried skewers today and focus on the candied haws at noon, the vegetable market in the evening, the fried chicken burgers in the evening, and the little chaos at night.

So when Lin Zhou rode a tricycle to the entrance of the International Primary School, fans from all sides received the news immediately.

All manpower at other locations can be removed.

At this time, the primary school students have not yet finished school.

There are only parents and diners at the school gate.

The moment he saw Lin Zhou park his car, he immediately rushed over to queue up.

Lin Zhou looked at them waiting for a long time, and the corners of his mouth twitched.

Good guy, there are so many people queuing up for the candied haws, competing with the primary school students for food.

Lin Zhou couldn't imagine that after these people bought all the candied haws, the primary school students would burst into tears right after school.

Some parents recognized Lin Zhou, and for a moment, the image of their children clamoring for candied haws at home came directly to their minds.

The parents didn’t know whether it was because they had a headache or something else, but they kept up with them and queued up to buy candied haws for their children.

If they don't buy the candied haws delivered to their door, and their children come out and see it, they will be unable to survive, and the noise will give them a headache.

The students haven't finished school yet, and Cheng Guangpeng's supermarket is also in a quiet state.

He habitually stood at the door and looked towards the school entrance, looking for the candied haws stall that was deeply etched in his heart.

At this glance, he saw the candied haws stand that he had longed for.

It seemed that there was no time to react.

Cheng Guangpeng's eyes suddenly lit up, he stood up and ran away, with only the dazzling candied haws stall in his eyes.

He saw that Boss Lin had started queuing up as soon as he left the stall, and he had to hurry over.

Then, at the door of his house, he just climbed over the railing and ran into a traffic policeman.

"Good boy, it's you again, you really don't remember anything."

The traffic policeman stood outside the railing, with his hands on his waist, just looking at Cheng Guangpeng silently.

Cheng Guangpeng's mind suddenly cleared up.

He still looked up at the Tanghulu that was one street away from him.

It was so close, but he felt far away.

What's the difference between this and the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl meeting thousands of miles away!

He cried to death!

With a twitch in his mind, he looked at the traffic policeman who was blocking the road, and turned back and climbed back.

The traffic policeman was stunned for a moment, and then couldn't help laughing.

"You flipped quite well, come on, flip back and forth 100 times, I'll accompany you."

Hearing this, Cheng Guangpeng's face turned green all of a sudden.

"Uncle traffic police, I will come back later. Can't I crawl? I am in a hurry to sell candied haws. When I buy them back, I will definitely flip through all of them."

The traffic police looked at the gate of the elementary school across the street. Sure enough, Boss Lin was selling candied haws there.

For a moment, the traffic police wanted to queue up.

But he was still on duty and couldn't delay his work.

So when he looked at Cheng Guangpeng, he became cruel.

"What do you think?"

Cheng Guangpeng looked at this smile and stood on the side of the road, flipping the railings back and forth.

He had to count as required while flipping.


The sight of passers-by was really socially dead.

Cheng Guangpeng's face turned red in a short while.


(There will be more updates later, please urge for more + send electricity!)

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