The diners in front of Lin Zhou's stall were about to line up with them. At this time, they were reluctant to leave.

They could only watch as everyone found Sijiekong and chased after him.

Seeing that a group of people could not outrun Xiaopang, they had to rely on Dabao at the critical moment.

Dabao ran over several diners in a row, and jumped onto Sijiekong with a leap, and knocked him down directly.

The diners watching in the crowd immediately cheered.

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"It has to be our Dabao!"

"Great job, Dabao!"

"Dabao, hold him down quickly, don't let him run away."

"Well done."


Dabao is not a small body, and when pressed on Sijiekong, the two seem to be the weaker group.

The diners following behind were very worried that they couldn't hold him down.

They shouted to Dabao.

"Dabao, we're here, hold him down quickly."

"Dabao, pull down his pants!"

"Dabao, I'll give you chicken legs, no, I'll give you Boss Lin's braised pork rolls!"

Dabao's eyes lit up when he heard this.

He followed the instructions and knocked the man down without biting or doing anything else, but just held him down so that he couldn't move.

He turned his head and smiled at the diners chasing after him.

The diners were so happy that they swarmed around him the next second and surrounded Agui.

He had a sly smile on his face.


Agui's eyes were full of despair at this time. Seeing everyone swarming around him, his body was trembling.

"Brothers, calm down, don't be impulsive, impulse is the devil!"

No one cared about what Agui said at this moment.

This guy not only ate more than 20 servings of cold noodles by himself after finding Boss Lin, but also ran away after eating without reporting the news to everyone.

Many people missed the cold noodles.

And this guy didn't repent, and even dressed up as a beggar to queue up today.

Isn't this asking for a fight!

Surrounded by the crowd, Agui felt Dabao pulling his pants, and screamed in fear, and quickly covered his pants with both hands.


"Don't pull my pants!"

"Hahaha, who tickled me, stop tickling, I'm ticklish!"

"Help, I really notified you, but the upload was not successful, you believe me!"

Don't ask, asking is regretful.

He should have taken a screenshot of the upload failure interface at the time and sent it to the group, instead of quitting the group with a guilty conscience.

Sometimes it's really painful to have hands faster than brains.

"Fuck, don't touch me!"

"Who grabbed my crotch!"


In the crowd, the diners watching could not see the man who was empty-handed, but they knew he was not doing well by listening to the miserable screams and laughter.

"Oh my god, everyone knows torture, who took off his shoes and threw them out."

"It's so funny, he was dressed in rags, and his clothes fell off when he was pulled."

"From the sound, he was tortured."

"That's right, I almost got a stitch in the side from laughing."

"I thought everyone was really going to give him a meal, but I didn't expect them to go the route of torture."

"This is not torture, it's called a loving touch."

Lin Zhou was stunned for a moment when he heard the screams, and then looked at the crowd with some concern.

What's going on?

"What's wrong? Is there a conflict?"

The old diners all know what kind of personality Boss Lin has. They never let Boss Lin know about their private matters. This is something everyone knows.

So the old customers in front of the stall knew what was going on, but they wouldn't tell the truth.

"We met a beggar pretending to be a beggar to cheat for food, and we are teaching him a lesson."

"Boss Lin, don't worry, we are all joking. Beating people is illegal, we all know, we are just joking."

"Yes, yes, Boss Lin, don't worry, it will be fine in a while."

Seeing that everyone didn't look worried, Lin Zhou was also slightly relieved.

As long as they didn't fight over food, it would be fine.

"Here, your braised pork roll."

Lin Zhou rolled a braised pork roll skillfully and handed it over.

The diners who got the braised pork roll didn't say anything, they just picked it up and ate it, and they didn't even have time to care about the big drama of the crowd fighting and losing everything.

The little monk who had been paying attention to the situation of the braised pork roll stall at the entrance of Changzhong Temple saw that the originally long queue was now running to fight.

The number of people queuing in front of the braised pork roll stall became smaller.

The little monk was excited and immediately went to the temple to call for people.

So the monks who were about to eat vegetarian food heard that there were vegetarian rolls to eat, and they ran out in a swarm in just a few minutes and stood at the back of the line.

The old diners who were playing the four great emptinesses were robbed by the monks of Changzhong Temple without noticing.

When they reacted, they looked up and saw a row of monks occupying their positions. They were dumbfounded.

"Fuck, our homes were robbed!"

Luo Yu squeezed out of the crowd, holding a piece of Agui's rags in his hand, and saw that there was already a row of monks standing where they had just lined up. It was so heartbreaking!

What kind of suffering is this in the world!

It’s fine if I didn’t get to eat the cold noodles yesterday, but I can definitely eat the braised pork roll today. As a result, I met the Four Empty Things, and I was so emotional that I forgot about the business and ran to surround the Four Empty Things, forgetting the braised pork roll!

Luo Yu ran to the back of the line without saying a word, and his tongue was aching again.

He has been unlucky recently!

If he still can’t eat at Boss Lin’s stall, he will be so angry that he can’t sleep in the middle of the night.

The other old diners heard Luo Yu’s exclamation and felt something was wrong. Did they forget something?

“Fuck, the house was stolen by monks!”

The old diners who were originally confused climbed up from Agui and saw a group of monks standing where they were originally. They were so confused.


The screams of fucking rang out one after another.

Everyone even forgot about the Four Empty Things. Obviously, the braised pork rolls are more important.

How could the appearance of the Four Empty Things occupy their minds and forget to queue up!

What a sin!

"You monks are so bad!"

Luo Yu was the first person to run after Si Da Jie Kong, and now he was the first person to run back to the team. He met the gentle eyes of the monk in front of him and said in a muffled voice.

Damn it, it's all because of the appearance of Si Da Jie Kong, which led him astray.

Si Da Jie Kong, who was abandoned in a blink of an eye, was lying on the ground miserably, with one hand covering his chest and the other hand covering his buttocks.

Only a pair of pink Hello Kitty underwear was left on his body.

There were tears on his face from laughing.

When he got the chance, he covered his face with one hand and his underwear with the other hand, got up and ran.

The old diners who understood the movement and looked back only saw the naked Agui and the eye-catching pink Hello Kitty underwear.

There was a hole bitten on it by Dabao!


(Hehe, I'm third on the gift list. Thanks to my family for feeding me. If I can maintain the top three, I will update four times a day! I still ask for love to generate electricity!)

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