Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 354 Who didn’t sign the confidentiality agreement?

Fire trucks and ambulances came to Qinhuangshan one after another.

The medical staff subconsciously jumped out of the car with a stretcher and were about to pick up people. Then they saw firefighters who were running faster than them, and there were more than one person. A dozen firefighters were running up the mountain carrying stretchers.

Only then did I realize that the rescue this time was not somewhere else, but on the mountain!

Moreover, along the way, the rescue center received more than one call for help, and they did not know exactly how many people had fainted on Qinhuang Mountain.

There is an ambulance rushing here from behind.

"What is going on? How come there are so many people climbing the mountain today? There are also many people gathered at the foot of the mountain. Look at the cars over there."

The medical staff who had stopped on the spot to prepare for rescue looked worried as they looked at the firefighters who had disappeared in a flash.

Such a high mountain can only be climbed up by human power, and a fainted person has to be carried down the mountain. The task is not an ordinary one!

They suddenly became a little worried about the firefighters.

"I know, because I also received a reminder in the morning. Boss Lin sells porridge at the top of the mountain at six o'clock in the morning. Those who fainted probably went up the mountain to drink the porridge made by Boss Lin, and then overestimated their physical strength."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→96𝘴𝘩𝘶.𝘯𝘦𝘵

The man speaking clearly had a clear understanding of his own physical strength.

When he saw this place, he didn't think about eating the porridge. It was really difficult for him to climb to the top of the mountain.

"I'll go. Boss Lin is selling porridge at the top of the mountain. No wonder."

As soon as these words came out, such an outrageous thing instantly became very reasonable.

In the past, Boss Lin's diners even went to the police station to seek comment from the police in order to grab food. Anyway, Boss Lin's matter was in the ears of the people of Jiangdong, so they really heard a lot.

People from all walks of life have heard the jokes made by Boss Lin's fans.

"They also have perseverance, and so many people come to sell porridge on the top of the mountain."

"They have no idea about the hard work of climbing mountains."

They are waiting at the foot of the mountain.

Firefighters were already carrying stretchers up the mountain.

I have to say that the firefighters' physical strength is still very good. They are exaggerating by walking fast, but as soon as they go up the mountain, they immediately distance themselves from the diners.

After driving hurriedly, halfway up the mountain, the firefighters suddenly encountered two people lying on the ground, with several people sitting next to them watching over them.

Seeing them sitting on the steps with gray faces, this pitiful scene made a group of firefighters fall silent.

When the diners saw the rows of firefighters, their eyes lit up.

Oh my god, the savior is here.

The diners who were waiting in front stood up excitedly and came forward to greet him.

"Comrade, I have been waiting for you to come. We have moved the two fallen people together. They are fine."

The firefighters saw the two people lying unresponsive on the ground and immediately moved them to stretchers.

"Is it just these two?"

The captain motioned to the two groups of people to carry them down first, and then asked the diners on the side.

"Also, it is said that there are many more up there. We are only halfway up the mountain."

As for the group of people who are trapped on the mountain, unable to ascend or descend, they are the people halfway up the mountain.

Those below, when they felt powerless, turned around and went down the mountain.

Then, I thought I was already halfway up the climb, so if I kept at it, I might reach the top of the mountain.

The middle part is the most painful. I can’t bear to go down the mountain, but I can’t climb up the mountain. I am passively left behind.


I wanted to say something for a moment, but I couldn't.

But seeing that none of these people were in good condition, I still gave them some advice.

"You guys should hurry up and get down the mountain, otherwise they will all fall down. We may not have enough manpower."

When the diners heard this, they nodded with a smile.

Boss Lin had sold out and went down the mountain. They really didn't plan to continue climbing.

"Okay, let's go down the mountain now."

The diners followed the firefighters in front as they headed down the mountain.

The remaining firefighters continued to climb up with the stretcher.

Soon, Lin Zhou also met them.

The firefighters all recognized Lin Zhou and were immediately happy.

"I told you, it turns out that Boss Lin is here."

"Is there anyone else above Boss Lin?"

"Boss Lin is selling something delicious today, is there anything else?"

Lin Zhou also smiled and greeted the firefighters.

It’s really embarrassing to climb a mountain and have so many people fall, and it has to add more work to the firefighters.

"I'm really sorry to trouble you."

"The seafood porridge we sold has been sold out."

"What's the point? Serve the people."

The firefighters passed by Lin Zhou with cheerful smiles, preparing to pick up the people above.

There are people lying down above, so there is no time to chat right now.

"Thank you."

Lin Zhou knew that these people were all here for him, and they should all be exhausted by now. It really made his conscience uneasy.

As the firefighters carried people down one after another, the busy medical staff quickly asked the driver to make a call. The emergency center sent several ambulances, and there was no room for them!

Soon, passers-by took photos of this bizarre incident and posted them online.

"Hahahaha, it made me laugh so hard. I knew that Boss Lin was selling porridge at the top of the mountain, so he ran over to climb the mountain one by one, but he fainted on the way. Many firemen and ambulances came."

The hotness of this news is simply explosive.

People from other cities on the Internet are still looking for Boss Lin, and their eyes are red as they search.

Then Boss Lin appeared.

It was still a hot topic with such social news.

The photos of firefighters carrying diners down the mountain one by one were widely circulated.

Who said that life doesn't have many viewers?

The whole process from different perspectives and different Reuters can be seen on the Internet.

Now, the news became popular, and Boss Lin's position was exposed.

The Internet has been worried about Boss Lin's position for a long time, and as soon as this news came out, it immediately attracted a large number of diners.

"Oh my goodness, Boss Lin is still in Jiangdong this week. When will he come to our Nanjin? Our Nanjin is such a big place, he can be anywhere!"

"I was caught off guard. I actually knew the location of Boss Lin's stall. Qin Huangshan, right? Little Qin Huangshan, I'll do it!"

"I'll leave now. Boss Lin, wait for me!"

"Brothers, calm down. Didn't you see the news? Someone fainted while climbing the mountain. The firefighters carried him down. Don't go. Let me do it. I'm a sports student. I can do it!"

"I heard the abacus upstairs at home."

The city diners who are closer to Jiangdong are already on their way to Jiangdong if they move quickly.

Boss Lin has been in Jiangdong for two consecutive weeks. Who knows if there will be a third week.

And today is only Tuesday.

I can't believe how happy they will be in the next few days after knowing the location of Boss Lin's stall!


After realizing it, when the old diners in Jiangdong saw the trending search, the situation was already out of control.

What's going on?

Who posted the news about Boss Lin on the Internet?

Who didn't sign the confidentiality agreement for Boss Lin's stall location?

(Gift plus update!)

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