There are still many people running to Qinhuang Mountain at this time.

If you refresh Boss Lin's position at night or in the early morning, there are really many people who are not asleep.

But at around six in the morning, those who can stay up late have already slept.

And this time is when everyone has good sleep quality.

Many people, even if they set a strong reminder.

Didn't hear it.

For example, Gao Jiazhi, who was sleeping soundly with Dabao.

He slept so soundly.

When he woke up at around nine o'clock.

Just knowing that Boss Lin was selling seafood porridge at Qinhuang Mountain at six in the morning, I could still wait for him to take action and continue to scroll down the group message, and I saw that the large group had already started to go down the mountain behind Boss Lin.

Many diners at the scene only took pictures of Lin Zhou's back as he went down the mountain, and they couldn't keep up with Boss Lin's speed at all.

There were too many messages in the group.

Scroll one after another.

"Boss Lin is amazing. He walked down the mountain at such a speed that it was like walking on flat ground. He was carrying so many thermos buckets and left us all behind."

"I didn't expect Boss Lin to have such good physical strength. He walked for a long time without slowing down at all. We couldn't see him anymore."

"I was too embarrassed to ask Boss Lin to wait for us. He couldn't keep up at all."

There were diners at the scene in the group, who kept relaying the situation at the scene.

There were also diners who couldn't catch up with the seafood porridge and lay crying in the group.

"What? I just got to the foot of the mountain, and Boss Lin went down the mountain?"

"You guys are born. How many bowls of seafood porridge can you get with such a bucket? All gone?"

"I've climbed halfway up the mountain, and you told me that the seafood porridge is gone?"

Xiao Wang was standing halfway up the mountain, watching the messages in the group of diners at Boss Lin's steamed bun stall one after another.

He was breathing rapidly and felt dizzy.

He rushed to Qinhuangshan as soon as he woke up in the morning and saw the message. He didn't eat breakfast and did high-intensity exercise.

The belief that has always supported him in climbing the mountain is seafood porridge.

Now I see people in the group saying that the seafood porridge is gone and Boss Lin has gone down the mountain.

Xiao Wang was stimulated and fell down in the horrified eyes of passers-by.

"Fuck, brother, don't fall down!"

"What's wrong?"

"Did you faint from climbing?"

"Call 120!"

The diners next to him who were also half dead from climbing could not ignore such a thing. They were all old diners of Boss Lin.

They all gathered around immediately.

"Oh my God, this feeling is like when I was in military training, I was led by the coach to climb the mountain, and I don't know how many people fainted along the way, and they were all taken away by ambulances. I didn't expect that I can still recall such scenes when I am working now."

"It's normal. This mountain is not going down. People who lack exercise are prone to fainting when climbing hard."

"Hello, 120, we are on the halfway point of Qinhuang Mountain, and a climber fainted, come quickly!"

After the diners got through, they immediately said anxiously.

The operator on the other end of the phone: ...

Halfway up the mountain, who can stand it!

How can the doctors and nurses have the physical strength to carry people down the mountain? It is a question whether they can climb the mountain.

"Wait a minute, we will go with 119."

After hanging up the phone, 120 called 119 and rushed to Qinhuang Mountain together.

This one fell down, as if some signal was turned on.

On the whole mountain, people fell down one after another.

The diners who had difficulty climbing the mountain met Lin Zhou who was coming down the mountain.

This encounter directly broke the hearts of the diners who insisted on climbing the mountain, and fainting was good.

Those who were physically strong and heartbroken were rolling their eyes, but they still couldn't faint.

Sad tears rolled down with sweat.

"Brother, you are really my brother!"

After saying this, the diners fainted directly.

Lin Zhou was carrying a porridge bucket down the mountain. Seeing this scene, he widened his eyes in horror and ran over quickly to support the people to prevent them from falling to the ground.

Then he turned his head and saw the lady next to him also fell down.

Lin Zhou looked around in panic.

This was a big deal.

He didn't expect that these diners knew that he was setting up a stall on the top of the mountain and couldn't climb up, but they still climbed up.

Some people who followed Lin Zhou down the mountain also said that they couldn't hold on and fell down.

Going up the mountain had already cost them half their lives.

When they went down the mountain, the remaining half of their lives were directly explained.

Lin Zhou was busy and flustered, and he made several calls for help.

Looking at the diners who were still climbing up, he quickly persuaded everyone to go down the mountain.

They really couldn't hold on.

The diners who still had the strength couldn't help laughing while helping.

When have they seen Boss Lin so busy!

"Everyone, please do what you can. If you can't climb the mountain, you really need to take care of your body and don't force yourself. You know."

Lin Zhou felt that he had received more shocks this morning than he had in the whole time he was setting up the stall.

The fitness coach was in good physical condition. He didn't lag too far behind Lin Zhou when he went down the mountain, and he could still see Boss Lin's back.

Seeing that many people were gathered together in front of him, it seemed that something had happened, so he quickly quickened his pace and came to help.

This sight made him feel guilty.

He originally wanted to see how embarrassed everyone would be when they knew that Boss Lin was setting up a stall on the top of the mountain.

But he didn't expect that everyone would faint after climbing so hard.

I felt guilty immediately.

"It's all my fault. I should have known that I wouldn't have informed you that Boss Lin was selling porridge on the top of the mountain, and no one would have fainted."

Luo Yu, who was catching up from behind, heard this and glanced at him unexpectedly.

I didn't expect this to be a soft-hearted strong man.

"Let's call an ambulance first. He probably fainted due to exhaustion. He will be fine after a rest. After entering society, only a few people exercise regularly. It is normal for the body to not be able to withstand such intense exercise all of a sudden. It may wake up after a rest."

Luo Yu called the fitness coach after he finished speaking, and they helped to carry people.

Only the two of them climbed up the mountain early, drank seafood porridge, rested for a few hours, and went down the mountain with Boss Lin.

Their physical strength was well preserved. After walking down the mountain for half a day, they still had the strength to help carry people.

After walking for a while, they met another diner who fell down.


"Come on, Boss Lin, you are still carrying the porridge bucket. It's too hard. Let's move it."

Luo Yu looked at Boss Lin who was still busy with the porridge bucket on his back, and hurriedly persuaded him.

It's okay for them to work harder, but don't tire Boss Lin. What if Boss Lin is tired and doesn't set up the stall tomorrow? What will they eat?

"Ah, yes, yes, Boss Lin, we are here to help. You've worked hard setting up the stall. Don't be too tired. Go down the mountain and rest early."

The others also followed suit.

Lin Zhou didn't sweat a drop along the way, and his face didn't change at all. Even his pace down the mountain was the same as at the beginning.

Looking at these diners who thought he was tired, he really didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"I'm not tired, but you don't look very well. I'll do it. You guys take a rest."

I'm really afraid that more people will fall down before we reach the foot of the mountain.

When he said this, Luo Yu and others noticed that Boss Lin really didn't seem to have any traces of climbing the mountain.

Is he so physically fit?


(Typed in Douyin live broadcast, account: Selling eggs and burgers)

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