This is a major emergency. For a time, all the group leaders and big fans of the major food groups were urgently called to meetings.

Online group video conference.

Everyone present looked heavy-hearted.

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"Was this exposed by one of our own people, or was it released by the tourists who went up the mountain?"

When this was said, everyone present fell silent.

"Today there are too many people at Qinhuangshan, not only diners, but also tourists, and there are so many firefighters, carrying people down the mountain, it's hard not to attract attention."

"That's right, I was at work, and saw your call. When I opened dy, Weibo was full of news about Boss Lin's diners going up the mountain to eat Boss Lin's porridge, and then many people fainted due to exhaustion, and finally had to be carried down by firefighters."

"It's definitely impossible to hide it, but it can still be prevented."


For a moment, everyone's eyes fell on the person who spoke.

Quietly waiting for the next words.

"We originally thought that Boss Lin's return would be steamed buns, but he sold steamed buns one day and porridge the next day, so this return may be different every day."

"According to the order in which Boss Lin sets up his stall, steamed buns are followed by porridge, and porridge is followed by candied haws, but other possibilities cannot be ruled out, so I suggest that everyone organize people to guard all the places where Boss Lin has set up stalls from tomorrow, so as to prevent missing Boss Lin."

"Another point is that Boss Lin's location has been exposed, and there will definitely be diners from other places coming. At that time, we have to be on guard against diners from other places, but don't worry, outsiders are not familiar with the location, and Boss Lin's stall location and time are very strange, so they are not easy to find."

Makes sense!

Everyone present nodded in agreement, and then the task was issued and implemented according to the plan.

For this hot search, the old diners in Jiangdong were very uncomfortable.

They worked hard to keep the news of Boss Lin in Jiangdong for so long, but they didn't expect it to be exposed on the second day of this week.

When they thought about the next few days, they would not only have to compete with local diners for food, but also with diners from other places, they felt very uncomfortable.

"I cried, I cried, I haven't even had seafood porridge yet, and I've received such bad news."

"That's right, I was at the foot of the mountain, and before I went up the mountain, I saw the message in the group saying that the seafood porridge was sold out and Boss Lin had already gone down the mountain. I really wanted to cry for a moment."

"Brother, you want to cry, those who finally climbed to the top of the mountain and found that the seafood porridge was sold out are the ones who really cried, hugging Boss Lin and crying with snot and tears."

"That's right, they cried so miserably, I even took a video and sent it to you later."

"My home is next to Boss Lin's fried chicken stall. If Boss Lin doesn't go to sell candied haws tomorrow night, I will go to the fried chicken stall to wait and see."

"Hehe, I feel that Boss Lin should sell candied haws tomorrow, I'll go and take a look."

Looking at the non-stop messages in the group, Agui silently peeked at the screen.

Looking at his fat belly, he sighed.

Climbing the mountain is really a bit difficult for him.

He didn't eat the seafood porridge today. He was looking forward to eating the next delicacy. He had to learn more about Boss Lin.

There are so many people in the group, and all kinds of ideas are flying, which can always bring him new inspiration.

After looking around, Agui silently made plans for tomorrow.

First, he went to the Shuihe bus stop at six in the morning to see if Boss Lin would sell grilled cold noodles. Speaking of these encores, he was most looking forward to grilled cold noodles.

Then the time came to noon.

This is a bit difficult. At noon, there is a candied haws stall at the entrance of the International Primary School and a braised pork roll stall at the entrance of Changzhong Temple.

Both of them are possible, so is he going to the International Primary School or Changzhong Temple?

Since it is impossible to determine where Boss Lin will appear, then Changzhong Temple will be it. Compared with candied haws, he prefers braised pork rolls.

If no one is found at the three locations where Boss Lin sets up stalls, it will be night, and the fried chicken stall, hamburger stall, and wonton stall are all possible.

On Agui's chubby face, his eyes were rolling, and he was thinking a lot.

The next morning, when the alarm rang, Agui got up quickly.

Although he was fat, he was surprisingly flexible.

After washing up, he rode his electric bike to the Shuihe bus stop.

It was known that Boss Lin's cold noodles stall appeared at the Shuihe bus stop, and someone had eaten it at around seven in the morning.

So Agui came before seven o'clock.

Then he ran into Lin Zhou who had just set up the stall.


Lin Zhou had just parked his tricycle and was scared by Agui's "Fuck".

The two looked at each other and were very embarrassed.

Seeing that he was scared by Boss Lin, Agui quickly smiled at Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou didn't expect that he would meet an old customer just after setting up the stall.

Seeing that this person found him and looked around like a thief, Lin Zhou nodded politely and continued to pack up the ingredients for the cold noodles.

Yesterday I was selling seafood porridge. I got up too early, went to bed early at night, and woke up early in the morning. After Lin Zhou got up, he had nothing to do, so he thought about setting up a stall.

A tricycle, a glass cabinet, and an iron plate for frying cold noodles.

The cold noodles recipe given by the system is different from some cold noodles stalls in Jiangdong.

The noodles are real noodles, which Lin Zhou kneaded early and pressed out by a machine.

Each noodle is very chewy and springy.

Then for the side dishes, I prepared a box of onions, chopped green onions, and coriander.

I also prepared ham sausage and enoki mushrooms.

He also made the sauce fresh.

As he put them out one by one, Lin Zhou could clearly feel that he was much more skilled than the first time he set up a stall.

Ah Gui was also sure that there were no other diners around except him.

He ran towards Lin Zhou with small steps in excitement, and his chubby belly was bouncing.

"Boss Lin, what a coincidence, you are selling grilled cold noodles today! I love grilled cold noodles, I have a big appetite, is there a purchase limit?"

A Gui came to Lin Zhou's stall and looked at the raw ingredients on the stall with envy.

As a chef, he really loves to eat, especially the food made by Boss Lin, which makes people miss it.

Every day when he couldn't eat Boss Lin's food, he tried to replicate it, and the more he replicated it, the more he felt that they were both chefs, and there was a big difference between him and Boss Lin.

The taste was incomparable!

Lin Zhou raised his eyes and glanced at Ah Gui.

Judging from his body shape, it is true that he has a big appetite.

"No one is coming now. How many portions do you want? I will make it for you."

Lin Zhou was not sure if there were any regular customers coming to sell cold noodles here.

Seeing that this customer was chubby and festive, he was happy to let him eat his fill.

"Then give me two portions first. If no one comes later, I will eat more."

After saying this, Agui looked around again and confirmed that no other diners came, and he breathed a sigh of relief.


(Typed in Douyin live broadcast!)

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