Wen Nan was so tired that he almost lost consciousness. He couldn't help laughing when he smelled the aroma of seafood porridge, but he could only make a sound of "ho ho ho".

His tired body seemed to be reborn after seeing the sweet dew for a long time.

With his last breath, he surpassed three or four people in a row and climbed up with his back teeth clenched.

If he had this perseverance in the college entrance examination, he would not have been admitted to a junior college.


Wen Nan's breath was released the moment he saw Lin Zhou.

He fell to the ground limply.

Everyone present was shocked.

"Oh my God, what's wrong, brother!"

The fitness coach was still talking to Lin Zhou in the last second, and heard a "bang" in the next second, and was shocked.

He turned around and saw Wen Nan lying on the ground.

Next, more than one person.

One after another, diners climbed to the top of the mountain, not to mention speaking, even standing.

Climbing the mountain is more tiring than running after the bus to buy tea eggs that week.

As for why it is so tiring, of course everyone has to climb the mountain and consume physical energy, and they also have to climb fast, so that they can reach the top before others, so as not to miss out on food.

If they climbed up the mountain with great effort and the porridge was sold out, they would really be desperate and roll their eyes.

Lin Zhou was frightened by these diners who climbed up to him little by little.

When these people reached the top of the mountain, they were so tired that they had already climbed up with both hands and legs, and they could not walk anymore.

They climbed to Lin Zhou with their willpower.

Lin Zhou hurriedly carried the porridge bucket and disposable bowls and spoons and sat at the top of the steps.

Watching them climb to the top of the mountain one by one so hard, like zombies, using both hands and feet to climb to where he was, it would be a nightmare to look at them for a second.

It was really a bit scary.

There was a female customer who was so tired that her eyes were dull, her expression was grim, her face was pale, and her long black hair was scattered in front of her. She climbed towards him, which scared Lin Zhou so much that he quickly put down the big iron spoon in his hand and went forward to help her up.

What a sin, what a sin!

"Come on, everyone, stop climbing, take a break first, no need to speak, I understand."

Lin Zhou was moved, and helped these people up quickly with fear, and also responsibly comforted their emotions, saying that there was plenty of seafood porridge, and a big bucket!

He helped them sit on the big rock.

Luo Yu and the fitness coach rested for half a day, and drank a big bowl of seafood porridge to replenish their energy.

Seeing Lin Zhou coming forward to help, they also stopped chatting and helped Boss Lin take care of the diners who climbed up.

The female diner on the side looked at this and that, and tried to help, but these people were so tired that they couldn't move at all. They were very heavy. She didn't help them up, but she was also dragged down, and had to rely on Lin Zhou to help her up.

Lin Zhou didn't say anything, and his expression was still gentle as he helped her up and sent her to the side to rest.

The female diner's face turned red with embarrassment.

She usually exercises regularly and has a lot of strength. She didn't expect that they were so heavy that she couldn't move them all at once.

It's really not that she can't do it!

Should she explain it? What if Boss Lin thinks she can't do it!

"Boss Lin, I just didn't prepare myself mentally. You know, I have always had the habit of exercising and climbing mountains, and my physical strength is very good."

After the female diner finished speaking, she was afraid that Lin Zhou would not believe it. Looking at the top of the mountain, another diner climbed up. She had long hair and was a girl. She must be able to do it!

After saying that, she was afraid that Lin Zhou would not believe her, so she ran to the girl who had just climbed to the top of the mountain, and before she fell, she helped her up, letting the girl's weight fall on her.

Lin Zhou stood there, his face confused for a moment, and then he looked at the female diner's face that had been pressed by another person's weight, and he was so angry that his face turned red, his eyes were very helpless.

"I know, help her sit down quickly." Don't let you crush her.

Lin Zhou didn't say a word.

Fearing that the female diner would do something else to prove it.

The female diner saw that Lin Zhou was busy serving porridge and his attention was not on her, so she quietly breathed a sigh of relief, and then helped the girl who was leaning on her to sit aside with difficulty.

In fact, there is a pavilion farther away to rest, and it would be more comfortable to sit, but it was really impossible to walk, so he could only help them sit on the nearest stone.

They are all old diners, and Lin Zhou is familiar with many people. He directly served the porridge to them and let them eat first.

They must have been very tired on the way, I wonder if they have the strength to drink the porridge.

Lin Zhou just thought about this, and saw that these people, who were half dead just now, opened their eyes after getting the seafood porridge.

They felt that they had no strength to sit and eat, and they couldn't lift the bowl, so they just lay on the ground and drank it one spoonful at a time.

As they swallowed the seafood porridge mouthful by mouthful, their faces gradually eased up.

Lin Zhou was stunned.

He didn't put anything in this seafood porridge, how could it be like a panacea.

I saw that these people could sit up while eating, sitting on the ground with their backs against the big rock, which was quite comfortable.

"It's delicious, I've never had such fresh porridge, and the thickness is just right, not too thick or too thin."

"Yes, the squid pieces are the same size as rice grains, and they are still crispy and tender when chewed in the mouth. It's amazing, I've never eaten such a good porridge."

"If seafood is not cooked well, it will be old and hard to chew. How can this fresh, refreshing and crisp taste be preserved? Won't it be cooked by the temperature of the porridge?"

"I don't know, how did Boss Lin make it? It's so delicious."

The hot and warm seafood porridge is an unexpected supplement for physical strength in such a scene.

The diners drank the delicious seafood porridge and suddenly felt that the fatigue of the body could be ignored.

The attention was completely attracted by this bowl of seafood porridge.

"And the freshness of the shrimp and crab is completely integrated into the porridge. After taking a bite, I feel like I am in the sea."

"The saltiness of the porridge seems to be the saltiness of the seafood itself. It's really delicious!"

While eating, Wen Nan seemed to remember something, took out his mobile phone and took a photo of the seafood porridge and sent it to Xiao Wang.

Xiao Wang was already on his way to Qinhuangshan at this moment.

While waiting for the traffic light, he took a look at the message and immediately replied that he would be there soon.

Then he continued to drive to Qinhuangshan.

Even though he knew it might be too late, he still couldn't give up.

Who could pretend not to see Boss Lin selling porridge at Qinhuangshan when they knew clearly?

His heart would feel itchy like a cat scratching.

Instead of thinking about it all the time, he might as well satisfy himself. If he really didn't get to eat it, he would have tried his best.

He wouldn't think about it all the time.

If it really didn't work, he would see if Wen Nan could leave him a bite to taste.

This seafood porridge is a returning delicacy. If he missed it this time, he really didn't know if he would have it next time!

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