Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 312 The cooperation was thus achieved.

"Is that Boss Lin?"

"No way, didn't the Internet say that the stall will be open at 5 or 6 in the evening?"

"Stupid, that's Boss Lin, how can I not recognize Boss Lin?"

As he said that, the man ran to where Lin Zhou was at a flying speed.

After Lin Zhou parked his tricycle, he saw the owner and his people coming up with a flattering smile. What else did he not understand?

He laughed helplessly.

He always had a bad feeling about the owner's operation.

"Boss Lin, you are here, hehe, our actors are all preparing. Although the performance at 9 o'clock in the morning has been notified, the time is a bit late. I guess not many people know about it, which affects Boss Lin's business. I'm really sorry, but our troupe has a lot of people. Boss Lin, can you book it all?"

The old diner who ran over didn't hear the previous words, but only heard the last sentence 'Can Boss Lin book it all? ', and in an instant, he almost couldn't stop his raised foot and kicked it.

Who dares to say such words in front of Boss Lin?

𝟔𝟗Book Bar→𝟿𝟼sʜᴜ.ɴᴇᴛ

"Boss Lin!"

Before Lin Zhou could speak, he looked at the people running towards him and shook his head with a smile.

"Boss, I think it might not work."

After saying that, Lin Zhou motioned the boss to look behind.

When he looked, there were several more diners.

The boss's expression cracked.

No, it's so early in the morning, only eight o'clock, and there are actually fans of Boss Lin here?

What's going on?

The boss was shocked.

When the rest of the people ran to the place, panting, the boss had already thought of a countermeasure.

He glanced at Boss Lin, who was cleaning up the counter and moving all the duck goods out.

He looked at Boss Lin's diners again and quietly pulled them aside.

"Are you all fans of Boss Lin?"

The boss said mysteriously.

The first old customer who came stopped everyone with caution: "This guy wanted to buy it all just now. Fortunately, I ran fast, otherwise the duck goods I got would be gone."

When the others heard this, their eyes widened and they looked at the owner with an expression of "You are such a person."

The owner coughed twice in embarrassment and continued to fool people without changing his expression: "Do you know that everyone was limited to one kilogram yesterday? I am the owner of the opera troupe next door. I added a performance in the morning, so I asked Boss Lin to set up the stall in the morning. Now there are few people. As long as we buy when there are few people, there is no need to limit the purchase. So, do you understand what I mean?"

As old customers, they all understand what this means.

After figuring out the situation, they all felt like they were hit by a pie.

I didn't expect that there would be such a good thing when I came to check the place early in the morning?

If they all kept it secret, wouldn't there be no purchase limit?

Several old customers looked at each other, and everyone understood the determination in their eyes.

The cooperation was thus achieved.

In just two sentences, the old customers reached a consensus with the troupe owner.

They decided to share the duck goods with Boss Lin.

When Lin Zhou saw that there were only a few breakfast stalls in the snack street in the morning, he knew that the troupe owner might have decided to add a performance in the morning in order to eat duck necks.

The main group had not caught up with the news and did not come.

It was not right to say that it was a lie, because after the three-day performance, the troupe decided to add two more days, and added an extra play in the morning.

The audience knew that they would be very happy to see more plays.

Lin Zhou himself could not resist the temptation, so he watched a play seriously, but he was not satisfied.

There were not many duck goods prepared today, just wanting to sell them out early and go to the play.

Unexpectedly, the old ginger is still spicy.

This troupe owner is willing to go all out for food.

I dare not imagine whether the troupe owner can still buy duck necks if this operation is discovered by the diners.

There were not many people on the whole street. Lin Zhou did not limit the purchase. He packed duck products for the diners according to their needs.

A dozen people shared all the duck products in a cart.

The owner carried the duck products as if he was holding a baby. His face flushed with excitement. He shyly invited Lin Zhou to watch a play.

He said that he had specially arranged a play for Boss Lin.

The eyes of the other old diners who had bought duck products but had not left also lit up.

They also wanted to watch the play that Boss Lin liked.

Then a group of people sat down.

The empty stage was not yet the performance time, and there were only a few of them in the audience.

The notice was sent at night, and many people had not seen it yet.

So there were not many spectators.

Only those who passed by saw the sign at the entrance of the theater, which said that the performance would start at 9 o'clock, and then they knew that the troupe had not left and would perform for two more days.

Zhang Jianjun also arrived before the play started.

They had originally agreed to watch the play together yesterday, but when Lin Zhou closed the stall, the play was about to end.

The two did not watch it together.

After returning home, Lin Zhou knew that there was another show at 9 am today, so he asked Uncle Zhang to go with him.

"Why are there so few people today?"

Zhang Jianjun came to the theater, found Lin Zhou, sat down next to him, looked at the sparse people around him, and asked in confusion.

This troupe sang very well. He was very happy to watch it yesterday, and even asked someone to buy some gold as a reward.

It was a pity that Lin Zhou was too busy and missed it. It was a pity.

Lin Zhou sent him a message saying that the troupe would perform for two more days and made an appointment to watch the show together at 9 am.

When he arrived at the place, Zhang Jianjun thought there would be no seats. There was a traffic jam on the road, so he was late.

He didn't expect there were so few people.

Just when Lin Zhou was about to answer, the show started.

As soon as the actors came on stage, their voices attracted everyone's attention.

"I'll tell you in detail later, it's very interesting in the middle."

Lin Zhou leaned close to Uncle Zhang's ear and said.

Zhang Jianjun nodded with interest.

Let's watch the show first, and talk about gossip later.

As expected of an old-fashioned troupe, the foundation is strong, and each actor sings well.


As soon as the show started.

Those nearby, even if they didn't know there was a performance in the morning, now know it.

Gradually, more and more audiences were attracted by the sound of singing.

In less than half an hour, the seats in the auditorium were full of people.

When Lin Zhou sold duck goods, he deliberately kept some.

Now he smelled the fragrance of duck goods floating in the air, and then he remembered that he also brought some.

He quickly took it out and gave Uncle Zhang a bag. The two watched and ate while they watched.

After eating, Lin Zhou realized why so many audiences who watched the show would buy duck goods to take with them to eat while watching.

It is indeed more delicious.

"Oh my god, it smells good!"

Zhang Jianjun had never experienced this kind of sitting down and holding duck while watching a play before.

The small duck neck was chewed in the mouth, and it was delicious, fragrant and spicy.

After the mouth was no longer lonely, even the performance on the stage was more focused.

It felt like a relaxation.

The whole person was not only satisfied mentally because of watching the play, but also satisfied his appetite.

The two kinds of happiness were superimposed, and the word "happy" was not enough to describe it.

Lin Zhou also nodded in agreement.

The duck tasted the same, but it was better than when it was eaten as a dish at home.

I don't know why.


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