In the evening, a large number of diners gathered at the snack street.

Some diners even lined up several hours in advance to reserve seats.

As a result, when the time came and the show was about to start, there was no sign of Boss Lin.

The old diners felt something was wrong.

After asking around, they finally learned that Boss Lin had come to set up a stall when the next-door troupe was performing in the morning! ! !

What a tragedy!

The diners who had been waiting desperately were broken.


Originally, they heard that the troupe next door would only perform for three days, and whether Boss Lin would set up a stall in another place at that time.

As a result, they saw that the troupe actually added performances and continued for another two days.

The diners were so happy.

Unexpectedly, they were stabbed in the back just after they praised the troupe.

In order to buy all the duck goods of Boss Lin, they secretly added a show in the morning and took Boss Lin to watch the show.

This made the fans angry.

"Good, very good, I've been following Boss Lin's food for so many episodes, and this is the first time I've been backstabbed!"

The diner who said this took off his hat and threw it to the ground viciously, his face livid with anger.

"It's our fault that we didn't notice that the troupe had this operation. The notice of the additional performance was sent last night, and no one paid attention to it."

The diner who had already found the cause and effect on the Internet sighed helplessly.

These diners who came from other places only cared about where Boss Lin set up his stall, and never cared about other things.

This time, they missed the important information directly.

"Brothers, retreat, Boss Lin set up his stall in the morning, and he shouldn't come in the evening."

Seeing that it was time for the show to start, there were not many people in the snack street, and Boss Lin hadn't come yet, so he shouldn't come today.

"I don't believe it. Boss Lin sold out the tea eggs in the morning and in the afternoon before. It must be the same this time, wuwuwu..."

The diners who couldn't accept it hugged each other and almost cried out in pain.

I came here happily, but in the end, Boss Lin, who was so big, is gone. Who can I complain to?

"I am so sad. I feel bad when I think about those people who bought a whole truck of ducks in the morning and went to the same theater to watch the show with Boss Lin!"

"No, I can't stand this grievance!"

After the old diner finished speaking, his eyes focused on the fruit stall on the roadside, looked at the heavy bundle of sugarcane, and then looked at the theater not far away.

Ten minutes later.

He carried a whole bundle of sugarcane to the theater to watch the show.

The diners who had not left yet were a little confused by his operation.

Thinking of the show that Boss Lin loved to watch, I couldn't help but feel a little curious.

Boss Lin was attracted by the show, damn it!

They wanted to see how good the show was!

So, after the show started, the diners who had not waited for Boss Lin rushed into the theater to watch the show.

Well, it was really good.

The diners who wanted to find fault were gradually attracted by the opera on the stage.

This is the first time for many young people to feel the charm of opera.

They can't take their eyes off it.

No wonder Boss Lin was kidnapped!

"Good, the singing is really good~"

"This performance is really smooth, it turns out that this is how it feels to watch an opera on stage."

"It feels like being there. I didn't understand why the older generation liked to watch opera so much before, but now I understand."

"Their emotions are really well performed, and I can hear clearly what they are singing. It's great!"


Everyone was watching the wonderful show. After audiences came on stage to give tips, the diner who bought a bundle of sugarcane came on stage with the sugarcane in his excited steps.

He was very conspicuous among the audience who gave tips.

Not only the audience, but even the actors on the stage had their pupils shrink slightly when they saw him carrying a bundle of sugarcane on stage.

"Fuck, what does he want to do?"

The customer who was just curious about why this man bought a bundle of sugar cane, now looked at this man carrying a bundle of sugar cane on the stage with a shocked face, and put the sugar cane on the actor's shoulder with a touched face, and almost fell down under the pressure of the actor.

Good guy, really good guy.

This man couldn't have come to give a special reward to the troupe because he didn't buy duck neck after queuing for several hours.

The old customer who almost forgot what he came for came back to his senses from the stage opera as if awakened from a dream.

What did they want to do when they ran over here in a swarm?

Oh, yes, it was all because of the troupe's cheating, adding performances in the morning, and Boss Lin was forced to set up a stall in the morning, causing everyone to run away!


The actors on the stage looked at the man carrying sugar cane, and their pupils shrank slightly, and their eyes were full of "Don't come over here!"

But during the performance, everyone was singing very professionally.

I saw this man meet the eyes of a strong actor on the stage and walked over directly.

The sturdy actor was so scared that he took a step back, but he couldn't avoid the bundle of sugar cane.

This weight, even if he was mentally prepared, made the sturdy actor bend over.

Sometimes the love of the audience is really heavy!

The old diners who also felt that they were stabbed in the back by the troupe saw this scene, and their eyes lit up.

When they thought that Boss Lin's whole truck of ducks was bought by the troupe, and they didn't buy any, they were full of resentment.

So, after a while, a man came on stage with a bag of rice to reward.

Actors: !!!

What's going on? Today is a special show for grain. It's okay to send sugar cane, but why is there rice?

The actors were so sad that they had no tears left.

They had to carry all these gifts when they left the stage.

The audience was in the audience in this kind of open-air theater.

When the performance was exciting, all kinds of gifts could be thrown on stage.

I have never seen anyone give a large bundle of sugarcane or ten kilograms of rice.

Before the actors were ready, another audience came with two boxes of pure milk.

Then there were a few boxes of mineral water.

Anyway, whatever was heavy, they would give as a reward.

Gradually, the stage was filled with gifts for reward.

The actors gradually felt so sad that they had no tears left. They hoped that the troupe owner would send someone to the stage to help them when they left the stage.

The diners, on the other hand, smiled and watched the performance quietly.

After all this trouble, they felt much better.

They didn't do anything.

What's wrong with giving gifts to the actors?

The gift is small, but the thought is great. The heavy gift represents their heavy thoughts, right!

The diners were very resentful that they couldn't eat Boss Lin's duck.

If the play wasn't really good.

Their tips wouldn't be these.

Because the group of old diners is really too large.

When the stage is full of such tips.

Those who gave money, cigarettes and alcohol were confused.

Is it popular for young people to give such tips when watching plays now?

Or do the actors like these tips?

An old man looked at this scene in confusion, feeling that he was really old.

He couldn't keep up with society.

He looked at the hundreds of yuan in his hand, hesitating whether to send some food and drinks to the stage like those young people.

Wouldn't it seem that giving money directly was not so thoughtful?


(Additional update for Peng Yuyan's Hunan Branch Yan 9's gift king~)

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