He is also very smart, okay!

The boss looked at these people who were shocked by his operation and snorted proudly.

This is the pattern!

Do you understand?

The actors saw that he was still proud, and their mouths twitched.

This old man is unreasonable.

"Okay, okay, boss, then this matter is settled."

The boss actually solved the problem. Although they can't eat duck today, they can eat it tomorrow!

And they can buy it all. It's beautiful to think about it.

"Yes, yes, yes, boss, you are really amazing. You actually thought of this idea."

"That's right, boss. My admiration for you is like the endless flow of the Yellow River!"

"I didn't expect that this duck was made by the popular boss Lin on the Internet. I can't imagine it."

"Actually, it's normal. I have never eaten such delicious duck. The taste is amazing. The audience eats it below, and we can smell it on the stage. Unfortunately, except for the first day, no audience gave tips for duck later."

"There are fruit baskets, but no duck."

"Maybe they can't buy it. You don't know how many people are queuing today. One or two hundred people, and the snack street is crowded inside and outside. There are many more people coming to watch the show, and there are many more tips today."

The boss looked at the banknotes on everyone's heads that had not been sorted out yet, and the various gifts in their hands. The cash had to be put in bags.

You don't need to count, you know it's more than the previous two shows.

I didn't expect that he didn't watch the theater today, and there were more tips.

When the troupe owner mentioned it, everyone realized that there were indeed more and more enthusiastic audiences today than before.

There was no shortage of tips on the stage.

"Yeah, I was wondering why I couldn't fit all the money in my sleeves today."

"I also received a piece of gold."

As she spoke, the Huadan actor took out a small piece of gold from her costume and immediately gave it to other actors, who were all amazed.

"Fuck, I haven't seen anyone give gold tips in years, awesome sister."

Seeing everyone so surprised, the Xiaosheng actor also took out a piece of the same gold from his arms.

"Roar, awesome brother, this audience is really generous."

In a play, the protagonist is definitely the most eye-catching. If he performs well, there will be tips from the audience.

Everyone is very envious, but also happy for them.

The tips from the audience are the best reward for their performances.

The troupe owner also nodded with satisfaction.

The performance in Nanjin is really well received by the audience, and there will be no problem with two more performances.

Since there was no duck to eat, everyone lost their enthusiasm for grabbing food and started to take off their makeup and sort out the tips on their heads.

The owner of the troupe said something surprising again, "By the way, I also invited Boss Lin to come to watch the show tomorrow. We will sing a good show for Boss Lin to see."


The Huadan actress who was taking off her makeup paused. To be honest, she was quite curious about Boss Lin.

At that time, she saw the video of him standing on the street with a group of diners who had no image and were eating steaks next to him.

Only Boss Lin seemed to be glowing, standing in the middle of the crowd wearing sunglasses and blowing his hair.

She was attracted by this special Boss Lin at first sight.

She also thought that if there was no performance one day, she could follow Boss Lin's position with netizens, go to patronize him, and taste the cooking skills of the chef.

Unexpectedly, she had tasted it before she knew it!

Moreover, the duck that she couldn't forget after tasting it was actually made by Boss Lin.

That sense of surprise was amazing!

"Is it true?"

"Of course it's true. Boss Lin is not only skilled, but also handsome. His face and temperament are amazing."

The owner recalled that when Lin Zhou took off his mask and chatted with him, he knew that Boss Lin's face would be absolutely stunning without makeup.

He had the kind of handsome appearance that normal people would find good-looking. No wonder he always had to wear a mask when he went out to the stall.

"Boss Lin had come to see you before closing the stall, and he praised you for your good performance."

The actors began to think carefully when they heard this.

Then they compared Boss Lin's photos on the Internet and really remembered him.

"Is he the big guy who came on stage with a bag of cash to give a reward yesterday? We are still talking about that bag of money, at least 100,000 yuan, wearing a mask, slender figure, and good temperament."

After he said this, the others also compared the images of the two and found that they really looked alike!

"It seems that the rumor on the Internet that Boss Lin has a mine is true. He gave such a generous reward. I don't believe you if you say he has no money."

"This is not Boss Lin, this is my bread and butter. I was too reserved yesterday. We should ask Boss Lin to give us some duck goods. Wouldn't it be wonderful?"

The troupe owner was also shocked.

He actually suspected that Boss Lin was just being polite before, but he didn't expect it!

He matched the big boss audience yesterday with Boss Lin.

The whole troupe was so excited.

Boss Lin + big boss audience, this bonus is full!

"Hurry up and notify them, because the audience in Nanjin is too enthusiastic, our performance will be extended for two days, and an extra show will be added at 9 o'clock in the morning."

After the troupe owner finished speaking, he thought of something and reminded him with concern: "Don't publicize too much, just notify it. Whether the audience can see it depends on fate. Do you understand what I mean?"

The actors understood immediately.

I am afraid that if the publicity is in place, people will come by then.

It will be bad if it affects their purchase of duck goods.

"Don't worry, troupe owner."

"Okay, take off your makeup."

After the matter was said, the boss looked at everyone and saw that everyone had completely forgotten about him eating duck necks, and he breathed a sigh of relief quietly.

His ability to change the subject was still good.

Look, everyone's attention was diverted to tomorrow.


When Lin Zhou came back at night, he prepared for the stall tomorrow morning.

The braised food was prepared at night, and it was flavorful the next day, just right for the stall.

When he woke up the next morning and had almost packed up, he rode a tricycle to the snack street.

Before he arrived, Lin Zhou saw the empty street from a distance and felt something was wrong.

When he came to set up the stall in the evening a few days ago, there were still many people here.

Could it be that everyone set up the stall at night and not in the morning?

Or did he remember the time wrong and went to the wrong place?

At this time, there were no snack stalls in the snack street.

But there were people!

The boss brought people to the snack street at around 7 o'clock.

Seeing the empty streets, I was so excited, as if I saw a happy scene of a whole truck of ducks being bought by him.

In addition to the pedestrians passing by.

There were also old diners who came overnight to check out the stall.

After a large number of old diners bought ducks yesterday, it was confirmed that Boss Lin did set up a stall here this week.

The old diners, who were more eager, ran to Nanjin overnight to wait.

I came to the snack street to check out the situation early in the morning.

Then I saw that Lin Zhou actually set up a stall at this time.

The old diners who checked out the stall were dumbfounded.


(The New Year is over, I came back from my hometown, and I will start to update and make up for the manuscripts from today. Please use love to generate electricity!)

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