The dog was poisonous, waiting in front of him to eat the duck neck.

Originally, he was alone, so he would definitely just taste it and stop.

Then, being stared at by the greedy dog, he couldn't help but want to feed it.

The first release of this book provides you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

After feeding the dog, he must have a piece for himself?

Then, half of the bag of duck necks was eaten unknowingly, and he could clearly feel that there was not much left. He thought that if he ate all the duck necks, he would only take a little back, which would cause a fight, so he might as well eat all of them.

So he came back empty-handed.

As for why he had the courage, he had already found a way out.

He was fooled by Boss Lin to set up a stall in the morning, and he was still short of the limited purchase of duck necks?

At most, they would perform one show in the morning and one show in the evening.


The boss's little brain was spinning so fast.

After Lin Zhou agreed to set up a stall here for another two days, he immediately thought of a good idea.

Keeping Boss Lin was not a success.

The key is to eat the braised duck!

What's the point of continuing to limit the purchase to one kilogram after staying? Will the actors not perform and come to line up to eat?

Just think about it and you will know it is impossible.

So he thought of a good idea, adding a play in the morning, and then tricking Boss Lin to set up a stall in the morning.

No one knew about this, he came to wait in advance, and when Boss Lin came, he bought all the ducks.

Isn't it great?

When the performance was in the evening, all the guests came, and those who wanted to line up lined up. Anyway, they had already bought it, so there was no need to grab it.

Look at how good this method is.

He admired himself, and thought of this method in a flash.

Otherwise, he would not dare to come back empty-handed.

After the performance, a group of actors returned to the backstage one after another.

They walked briskly, and when they reached a place where the audience could not see them, they ran faster than each other.

Who would not be anxious to see the obvious posture of rushing to the backstage to grab duck necks?

"Fuck, you guys are running so fast. Didn't we agree not to grab food today and split it equally?"

"That's right, what do you mean by running away at the end? Do you want to regret it?"

"Wait for me, don't run, the money on your head has run away!"

"That's right, you don't even want the money, you just want to grab duck necks, my duck necks!"

The slow runners were really anxious when they saw the figures running in front of them.

Think about how hard it was to grab food yesterday. If they still can't grab it today, they will cry.

When everyone squeezed into the backstage and looked at the empty table, they were confused for a while.

You look at me, I look at you.

"Did you hide the duck goods?"

The last actor to arrive was holding the money and gifts given by the audience in his hands, and his body was full of them. He couldn't run fast, and he was panting as he watched everyone standing still.

There was no familiar smell of duck goods in the air, and the only remaining smell seemed to be floating from the audience outside.

He asked in confusion.

The quiet backstage exploded after hearing this.

"What did you hide? We didn't see any duck necks!"

"Boss, didn't you buy duck necks?"

"No, I saw you buy some and you ate them all?"

"You didn't leave any for us?"

After realizing what was going on, the actors went crazy.

They stared at the boss and asked, their eyes were not friendly!

The actors who ran back first had already searched the backstage inside and out, but didn't see any duck.

It's normal to have this suspicion.

The boss was stared at fiercely by so many people, and he swallowed his saliva timidly.

"How is it possible? Am I that kind of person?"

The owner's angry retort obviously increased everyone's suspicion

"You ate it secretly yesterday, but at least you knew to leave it for us. Today, you didn't even see a hair."

"Ah, owner, don't you love us? We worked hard on the stage, and you ate it behind our backs!"

"That's right, you clearly said you would buy more for us."

"During the performance, I was so greedy that I held back my saliva, thinking that I could eat duck food after I got off the stage. I didn't expect to see such a scene!"

"Owner, I trust you so much, and you treat me like this!"

The owner was so guilty of what they said.

"I really didn't!"

He said this without confidence. He was stared at with suspicious eyes by a group of people, and his face was red to the roots behind his ears.

It's not okay to be led around like this when talking.

The owner coughed twice and regained the right to speak.

"Do you know who the boss of the stall selling duck products is?"

The Huadan actress, who was so sad that she fell on the chair because she couldn't eat duck neck, started to act directly, singing in a crying voice to express her feelings at the moment.

"Boss~ Do you know~ my heart~"

"Stop, stop, stop singing, do you know Boss Lin? He is the popular suona brother on the Internet and the god of cooking on the stall. This duck neck is sold by Boss Lin. It is very popular. There are a lot of fans on the scene. I didn't buy it at all."

When the boss said this, the actors backstage widened their eyes in surprise.

They only knew that duck products were delicious, but they didn't expect that there was a big background among them!

"Boss, is it really the popular Boss Lin on the Internet?"

The Huadan actress stopped singing immediately, and jumped up from the chair with a carp jump, asking with a gossipy look.

People who have eaten Boss Lin's food on the Internet have all praised Boss Lin as a god of cooking.

No one has ever objected.

Even a large number of netizens came forward to say that they felt it lived up to its reputation.

Netizens who have never tasted it are so curious. How good is Boss Lin's cooking skill to make him so popular on the Internet, with no negative reviews on the Internet, and every fan who has tasted it says it's good.

It really aroused the curiosity of the majority of netizens!

"Of course it's true, don't interrupt me, just listen to me!"

"There were too many people in line, so I didn't buy it, but for you, how could I return empty-handed!"

"And Boss Lin came here to set up a stall because our troupe was performing here. The original promotion of the performance was for three days, and Boss Lin was going to change the stall tomorrow!"

"So I waited for Boss Lin to close the stall at the place where he set up the stall, and went up to discuss with him to set up the stall for two days, and our performance would also be performed for two days."

"Then here comes the key point!"

"The time I told Boss Lin is that the show will start at 9 am."

"When Boss Lin comes to set up the stall in the morning, Boss Lin's fans don't know, so I will buy it all, so that everyone will have something to eat! Isn't this a good idea?"

A group of actors listened to the troupe owner's words, and their expressions were so shocked.

They were all stunned, looking at the troupe owner stupidly.

It was like they met their troupe owner for the first time.

"Is this our class leader?"

"No, is the class leader instructed by some expert?"

"I can't believe it."

The class leader heard their discussion and glared. What does this mean!

Ah! ?

Look down on him?

(Please use love~)

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