No, he bought so much yesterday, it's not enough for these people.

Now the purchase limit is one kilogram, who can eat it!

It's not enough for him.

The boss's head hurts more and more, and he looks at the line in front of him eagerly.

I saw that after each diners bought, each of them held a small bag in their hands. Is it really one kilogram?

His face was suddenly sad, so disappointed.

Why is there a purchase limit?

When he came, he was pulled by everyone and told to buy more, and it would be best to order one for each person and pack it well, so that everyone doesn't have to fight for it.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 𝟗𝟔𝐬𝐡𝐮.𝐧𝐞𝐭, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters

Now the purchase limit is set, so many people share one kilogram?

The picture is too beautiful, he dare not look at it.


Behind the stall, Lin Zhou looked at these familiar old customers. He was used to them coming here.

He was not even curious about how they found him.

When it was Song Chang's turn, Lin Zhou recognized her.

After all, every time the old customers came, others took pictures with their mobile phones, but she held up a camera to take pictures.

They took pictures very restrainedly, basically taking two pictures for the sake of meaning, and then they didn't care about taking pictures, and they were anxious to queue up for food.

Otherwise, Lin Zhou would be uncomfortable.

He was not a star and couldn't adapt to being pointed at by a large group of people with cameras.

"What do you want to order? The purchase limit is one kilogram."

Lin Zhou was already waiting with a bag in his hand.

Because of the purchase limit, even if some were sold at this time, there would still be a lot of food on the tray in the counter.

Song Chang was dazzled by the sight.

First of all, duck neck must be there, how delicious it is to chew, it is simply the best reward for the taste buds.

This is what she deserves for her hard work every day.

There are also lotus root slices. She likes lotus root slices the most. They are crispy and have a good taste.

"Boss Lin, give me some duck neck, some lotus root slices, and some bean curd skin and duck feet. See if I can order more."

The old customer who saw her ordering frowned.

"Sister Song, the purchase limit is one catty. The bean curd skin and lotus root slices account for the weight. You can buy more duck tongues and other light things per catty."

This person has been calculating with his mobile phone for a long time. According to the various ducks bought by the diners in front, the amount of money bought for different parts and different prices is different.

If you don't care about the price.

Just calculate according to the maximum amount of duck that can be bought per catty, duck tongues, duck hearts, and duck necks are relatively cost-effective.

Because each portion is not heavy.

Lin Zhou's mouth twitched when he heard their conversation.

For food, you are really good.

This brother is good at math, right?

He can even calculate the amount of ducks purchased by each diner.

Indeed, duck tongues are expensive and light. If you buy a catty of duck tongues, the amount is not small.

"Then if there is any leftover, I'll take the duck tongue."

Song Chang was entangled looking at the lotus root slices and bean curd sticks she had just ordered. She couldn't bear to give up any of them.

They were all her favorites.

If she couldn't eat enough, she could come back tomorrow.

Thinking of this, Song Chang suddenly remembered that she hadn't asked Boss Lin if he would set up a stall here all week.

"Boss Lin, are you setting up a stall here all week?"

As soon as these words came out, the diners who were immersed in the joy of finding Boss Lin all realized that they had forgotten the business!

The important thing is to first confirm whether Boss Lin will still set up a stall here in the next few days.

There is still a difference between having a full meal and having many full meals.

"I came here to set up a stall because I saw a troupe performing here. The troupe here seems to perform for three days. Today is Wednesday. I guess the troupe will leave tomorrow, so I will also set up a stall in another place."

After Lin Zhou finished speaking, he didn't mention how shocked the diners were.

The troupe owner in the crowd widened his eyes.

It seems that Boss Lin set up a stall here because their troupe is performing here?

Oh my god, I am flattered.

The owner didn't know that such delicious duck necks were sold by Boss Lin.

After hearing the popular science of the old diners on the scene, I realized that there is a reason why duck necks are delicious.

It turned out to be the famous stall chef Boss Lin!

The owner searched on the Internet and found that this Boss Lin is more famous than their drama troupe.

They were still saying yesterday that if the performance was over, they would not be able to eat such delicious duck necks, so they would perform for two more days.

If they continue to perform, wouldn't Boss Lin still be here?

The owner's mind was full of thoughts, his eyes rolled back and forth, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

When it was his turn, the owner directly ordered a pound of duck necks, then leaned in front of Lin Zhou and asked in a low voice: "Boss Lin, when are you going to close the stall?"

Lin Zhou: "I will close the stall after I sell it out."

"Okay, thank you, boss."

After paying the money, the owner carried a bag of duck necks and left in no hurry.

Just sit by the flower bed next to it, waiting for the boss to close the stall.

This is related to the rations of the actors in the entire troupe, and it must be arranged in place, at least we have to make an effort.

Seeing that the performance has begun, there is still a long queue of duck necks here, and a group of people are waiting to buy.

The ducks in the glass cabinet have been consumed by a small half.

The owner was bored waiting and couldn't help but put his hand into the bag of duck necks.

One piece, he ate one piece.

There are so many pieces, no one knows how much duck necks are in a pound, and no one will know if he eats one piece.

It's really boring to wait here, so it's not too much to eat a duck neck to kill time.

The owner convinced himself, put on gloves, touched a piece of duck neck and stuffed it into his mouth.

After tasting it, he immediately sighed with satisfaction.

"That's the taste~"

He kept smelling the fragrance, which made him greedy.

It's not easy to see others eating it, and it's not easy to bear it until now!

The fresh and fragrant duck neck, wrapped in the mouth, the saliva secreted during chewing, wet the duck neck, making its dry meat moist, and at the same time the fragrance was stimulated, making people feel the fragrance raging in the mouth unexpectedly.

It is more intense than the fragrance smelled in the air, making people want to taste it again and again, and chew its taste carefully.

The teeth bite the bones, and the mellow taste is needless to say.

The bone gap is full of the aroma of stewed food, and it tastes as good as meat.

After chewing the duck neck meat, chew the bones into slag until there is no taste in the mouth, and the owner reluctantly spits it out.

Oh my God.

If the bone residue had not been irritating his throat, he would have swallowed it anyway.

Dabao, who was not far away, smelled the smell, looked up at the owner who was still in line, and ran to the class owner with a grunt.

He looked at the duck neck in the class owner's hand, and then stared at the class owner.

Gao Jiazhi in the team was speechless.

Did Dabao come to the buffet paradise again?

The class owner originally planned to eat a piece of duck neck, but seeing the Erha who came to beg for food, he was reluctant to feed the dog duck neck at first.

After all, it was only one pound, and the landlord had no surplus food, so he was reluctant to feed the dog.

But Dabao obviously had experience in begging for food, so he squatted in front of the class owner, staring at the duck neck in the class owner's hand with his big eyes pitifully, and couldn't stop drooling.

Dabao was very patient.

The class owner really couldn't resist this wave of eye attacks, untied the bag, took out a duck neck and fed it to Dabao.


(This chapter is the extra chapter that the live studio owed yesterday!)

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