Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 308 For a moment, he felt like a clown

Seeing Erha eating so deliciously, the boss changed his mind.

The dog ate the duck neck made by Boss Lin, could he just watch the dog eat it and not eat it himself?

People are not as good as dogs!

The boss thought for a moment, is this the truth?

So he took another piece for himself and put it in his mouth.

It smells so good~

No wonder people on the Internet say that Boss Lin is a cooking god, his cooking skills are really extraordinary.

At his age, he has never eaten braised food that can compare with this duck neck.

The fragrance is pure and authentic, the meat is braised, and when you eat it in your mouth, every bit of meat has a fragrance, enough to chew for a long time.

The dog is eating with a happy face.

He quickly finished eating and smiled at the boss in a flattering way.

He panted with his mouth open.

What he was thinking was obvious at a glance.

The boss looked at the duck neck, which was still quite a lot, and he hesitated to feed Erha another piece, and then he ate a piece himself.

"You can only eat two pieces, no more."

"We've all finished eating, I won't be able to explain to you later."

The boss said as he tied the bag of duck necks.

He warned himself in his heart that he couldn't eat anymore, really couldn't eat anymore!

I only bought one pound of duck today, and I don't know how the group of people will fight for it when I go back. I don't know if one piece is enough for each person.


If he had known that there would be a purchase limit today, he would have bought up the whole truck of duck yesterday.

At least he could eat to his heart's content and feel better today.

Unlike this pound of duck necks, he couldn't even show it off.

We still have to start with Boss Lin.

Wait until Boss Lin finishes setting up his stall and see if we can negotiate.

Once the limit is set, the speed of selling is actually slower.

Because everyone is carefully selecting, they want a little of this and a little of that, and it takes a lot of time just to weigh.

And there are many people queuing, so the speed is much slower than before.

In addition to the boss, there were other diners who couldn't wait to go back and eat after buying duck goods. They turned their heads and saw the boss and a husky squatting there eating duck necks. They seemed to have found a group and came over to eat together.

"Brother, we are all fans of Boss Lin. What did you buy? Do you want to eat them in exchange?"

The boss watched the other party open the bag and saw duck necks, duck hearts, and duck feet. He swallowed his saliva greedily.

"I bought a pound of duck necks. You also have what I bought."

When the diner heard that he bought a pound of duck necks, he said with great sorrow: "What a fool! If you buy a little of each, you can taste more flavors and eat many kinds of duck goods."

When he heard that the boss had no exchange, the diner put away the bag at once and began to tell the boss about his experience as an old diner.

The boss touched his head.

"But I bought a pound of each yesterday and tried them all. Duck necks are still the best. Duck heads are also good, but duck necks are a little more per pound, so I bought duck necks."


The old customer looked at the owner in shock.

For a moment, he felt like a clown who had received 10,000 points of damage.

What does one pound of each mean?

He was going to fight with those who happened to meet Boss Lin!

The old customer was so excited that he couldn't speak for a long time, and his back teeth were about to break!

"The play has started, I'm going to watch the play first, you eat slowly."

They couldn't talk any more that day, and the opera next door happened to start. The old customer seemed to have found an excuse and ran away with his duck goods.

The owner was confused.

He glanced at Erha who was still staring at the duck neck bag in his arms.

Their eyes met.

The owner secretly untied the bag again and took out two pieces of duck neck.

"Just eat one more piece, just one piece!"


Lin Zhou, who was behind the stall, heard that the play not far away had started. He was afraid that Uncle Zhang was watching the play with his duck goods. He said he would go after selling the duck goods, but now he was afraid that he couldn't leave for a while.

"Boss Lin, I want half a pound of duck neck and half a pound of duck wing tips."

"And a little kelp knot, a little bean curd, and some fish tofu and edamame."

"For me and my grandfather."

The young man brought his grandfather and a group of friends to buy duck goods. His bitter expression was very different from the previous few days. Lin Zhou couldn't help laughing under his mask.

See, there are often such people.


The young man is still experienced. After all, he has eaten duck necks for two days. He knows which part of the duck is the most delicious and can best kill time and satisfy his cravings.

Even without weighing, the bones have flavor.

As for his grandfather, he prefers to eat soft vegetarian food.

Lin Zhou quickly packed it and handed it over. The young man looked at Lin Zhou and said nothing. He and Lin Zhou could understand the meaning in his eyes.

After all, he was the first person to recognize Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou's eyes were full of smiles, which were completely different from the young man's pain.

The young man turned around and looked at Guo Qiang who was still thinking about what to buy, and rolled his eyes.

Regret, really regret!

The predecessors were honest with me!

Sure enough, the news of meeting Boss Lin must not be told to others, and must be kept secret, otherwise this is the consequence.

Guo Qiang was in a hurry to order, and did not notice the young man's eyes at all.

The young man was so angry again.

"Grandpa, let's go buy some fruit milk tea."

Today, the queue was a bit long, and the show had already started.

If I don't go now, I will miss it.


At this age, this is the first time that Grandpa has eaten such delicious food, and now he is completely crazy.

I went to see the opera two days ago and had dinner at home before going out.

Today, I didn’t even have dinner. I just wanted to eat duck and drink milk tea with some fruit.

After living for most of my life, I suddenly experienced the joy of eating junk food, which made my grandfather reluctant to leave.

When the grandfather and his wife bought delicious food and returned to the theater, there were basically no seats left.

In order to let his grandfather watch the opera, the young man directly paid to buy a seat from the audience in front.

Food and drinks were all prepared. If there was no seat to watch the opera, wouldn’t it be a pity.

The young man felt that eating duck neck while watching the opera was really exciting. Eating it alone was not as happy as watching the opera alone.

Only when the two are combined can there be real happiness!

As soon as he sat down, the young man couldn’t wait to open the duck bag for his grandfather, and the rich fragrance spread all around.

The audience who came to see the opera for three consecutive days were already very familiar with this fragrance.

After all, this fragrance can be smelled everywhere in the air inside and outside the theater.

As more people bought duck necks and rushed to watch the show, the whole venue was really marinated with the aroma of duck necks.

Those who are curious will naturally ask where to buy duck goods.

But there are fewer ducks available today.

The audience who couldn't resist the temptation ran to the place and saw the dense crowds of people, and they were immediately disappointed.

Why are there so many people! ?

This is the only one with good business in the whole snack street.

The show started, and most of the people who came to the snack street ran away.

The nearby stalls basically had no business, all because of Lin Zhou's popularity, and people lined up one after another.

It would be great if there were so many people to share some with them!

It's really a drought, and a flood, and a flood...

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