Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 306 No, why is there a person squatting there?

In the morning, the three of them talked about some wedding matters, and then at noon, Lin Zhou personally cooked a few home-cooked dishes, and the three of them were very satisfied.

Zhang Mingyuan had work in the afternoon, so he was ready to leave after dinner.

Lin Zhou and Uncle Zhang made an appointment to go fishing.

Zhang Mingyuan saw that the two of them were going to buy fishing rods first, and then discuss where to go fishing. In his heart, he didn't believe what Lin Zhou said that he didn't like fishing recently.

He must be afraid that he would spend money and feel embarrassed.

When he got back to the car, he called the assistant and contacted the fishery to see if there was a good fishery to buy one.

This book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 96𝓈𝒽𝓊.𝓃ℯ𝓉, providing you with a reading experience without wrong chapters and out-of-order chapters.

In the villa, after Zhang Mingyuan left, Uncle Zhang and Lin Zhou were more comfortable.

After all, getting along with an iceberg domineering president is still a bit stressful.

It's not as exaggerated as in the novel, what brings cold air.

But it still has some influence.

"I don't know how Qianqian can stand being with an iceberg every day."

Complaints from his own father are the most deadly.

Lin Zhou couldn't help but burst into laughter.

"I think Brother Mingyuan has been much better recently. He used to be more silent than now. Now he will chat with us and talk while eating."

"It's also my fault that I was too busy with work when I was young and didn't notice that he had this hobby. It's also because his mother passed away early. I used to like reading some novels about iceberg school grass and cold-faced CEOs, thinking that my son would be like this when he grew up. When your brother Mingyuan knew about it, he imitated it silently, and when he found out, it was too late to change it."

Speaking of Zhang Mingyuan's character, Zhang Jianjun looked disgusted on the surface, but he still felt guilty in his heart.

In fact, this kind of character is not good. He keeps everything in his heart and doesn't communicate with others.

Others can't understand his thoughts and can't sense his emotions.

So over the years, Zhang Mingyuan has few friends. Basically, he works all the time and doesn't have many friends. They are basically business partners.

Now he can finally start a family, and there will be someone who understands him by his side in the future.

In this way, even if he dies one day, he can give an explanation to the child's mother in the underworld.

Lin Zhou listened to Uncle Zhang's story quietly.

He understood that as a father, he raised his child, watched him succeed in his career, and was about to get married. He was excited and sad, or there were other emotions in it.

This emotion was too complicated, and Lin Zhou could not fully understand it.

Maybe he would experience this emotion firsthand when he had a child in the future, or was in the same position.


After fishing for an afternoon, Lin Zhou rushed to the snack street to set up a stall before the show started.

As a result, he found that there were many more people at the place where he had set up the stall two days ago, as if they were waiting for him.

Song Chang has a keen intuition for chasing stars.

When a group of old diners were still slacking off and waiting for others, playing with their mobile phones out of boredom.

She looked at the time and felt that Boss Lin should come.

If he didn't come, some diners who watched the show wouldn't be able to buy duck necks, which was different from Boss Lin's usual stall mode.

So she stood on a high place and prepared to look around.

Then, as soon as she looked up, she saw Lin Zhou, who was riding a tricycle and approaching slowly not far away.

Song Chang was very excited, but her hands were very steady.

She held up the camera and took pictures without any shaking.

Feeling the flash, Lin Zhou subconsciously raised his eyes and met Song Chang, who had climbed up the tree at some point.

Lin Zhou: ? ? ?

No, why is there a person squatting there?

Then when Lin Zhou appeared in the open space and prepared to set up a stall.

Song Chang had already taken pictures and jumped directly in front of Lin Zhou's stall.

There were already many old diners, new diners, and returning customers who didn't know Lin Zhou waiting in front of her.

"Boss Lin!"

Although the survey results showed that Boss Lin was very likely to set up a stall here this week.

But I was still a little worried because I didn't see him accurately.

Only when she saw Boss Lin in person did Song Chang's heart fall.

The old diners next to her also screamed excitedly.

"Ahhh, it's really Boss Lin, my trip was not in vain~"

"And this internet-famous Erha is here too, my God, everyone has come here."

"There are so many people, how long will it take to queue up."

"Boss Lin has to limit the purchase because there are too many people, I feel helpless."

"So excited, it's really Boss Lin, I waited and waited and waited for it."

A group of old diners were very excited and kept talking.

The returning customers in the crowd were very confused.

Hundreds of people came to grab food for no reason, and the queues occupied other stalls.

This made the diners who were waiting to buy duck necks and then watch the show very desperate.

"How long will it take to queue up, the show will start soon."

"There weren't so many people yesterday."

"Hey, the boss came late today too, and we are all waiting."

"Oh my God."

"Hey, brother, who is the Boss Lin you are talking about?"

Some diners who didn't know the situation were bored in the queue, so they asked the old diners.

They were confused as to why so many people came all of a sudden, but after hearing the explanations from the old customers, they understood.

Some curious people immediately took out their phones to search.

Then there were intermittent voices of surprise and exclamations from the crowd.

Lin Zhou was also thinking about how to limit purchases when facing so many diners.

These duck products are really hard to limit.

"Boss Lin, is there a limit?"

The old diners all knew. When they saw so many people, they knew that Boss Lin was going to limit purchases.

They asked when they started to order.

Lin Zhou frowned in distress and said hesitantly: "How about limiting purchases to one catty per person?"

"All duck products can be ordered, with a total weight of one catty, okay?"

For a while, Lin Zhou could only think of this method.

The old diners were used to it. They just needed to eat some, so they didn't care how much they could limit purchases.

After hearing the purchase limit conditions, they started to order.

"One hundred grams of duck neck, one duck foot, one duck head, one duck heart, one piece of duck liver..."

Hearing this order, Lin Zhou wiped his face bitterly.

Can he regret it? Can he change the purchase limit method?

In order to eat more varieties within a kilogram, these people turned into math gods, calculating the amount and the varieties they could choose in their minds, and finally came up with the best purchase plan.

Lin Zhou had said what he wanted to say, and now he could only accept his fate and pack up bit by bit.

Then every diner did the same, buying as much duck as they wanted to eat within the purchase limit.

In the crowd, the owner who stood at the back was worried that he would not be able to buy it when he saw so many people queuing up, but he thought that he came early and was in the front, so he would not be unable to buy it, so he was not so worried.

On the contrary, he felt that the popularity of the snack street was so high that it would also be good for their troupe, and there would be more audiences.

When he heard that there were too many customers queuing up and the purchase limit was started, he was completely panicked.


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