Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 305: After all this time, this is all!

Zhang Jianjun pulled Lin Zhou and asked the bodyguard to put down the gift.

"I brought a lot of ginseng. If you are good at it, you can make soup later. It will look better if it is white."

Rows of bodyguards put the gifts in their hands on the ground.

Suddenly the spacious living room seemed a little crowded.

Lin Zhou asked the housekeeper to bring people to pack these things.

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He took the Zhang family and his son to sit down and talk.

"Uncle Zhang, brother Mingyuan, have you had breakfast?"

The tea eggs he made last night are just now being eaten with tea snacks. They are very good.

"After eating, please stop working. Let's sit down and talk. We haven't seen each other for more than a week. You are lonely living here alone. You can't be taken care of by Butler Sun and others. There are still people to take care of you. "

Zhang Jianjun knew that Sun Deye, Aunt Fang, and Aunt Xu had always missed Lin Zhou.

After spending so much time together day and night, Lin Zhou has been running out recently while setting up a stall, and they are also worried at home.

He was afraid that Lin Zhou would live alone and no one would take good care of him.

The same goes for Zhang Jianjun. He has always regarded Lin Zhou as a junior in the family. Especially when he knew that he had no parents and lived alone, he was always concerned about him.

"I'm going out for a week. They all have their own families in Jiangdong. It's not suitable."

Lin Zhou shook his head and let it go.

"Then I'll keep an eye out for a good life assistant, who will take care of you."

Lin Zhou burst out laughing. No, no, he was already 26, so he was no longer a child.

"Try the tea eggs I made. It tastes great with the tea you brought last time, Uncle Zhang."

The tea eggs Lin Zhou made last night were made regardless of the cost. The tens of thousands of tea leaves sold at the auction were used directly to cook the tea eggs.

The eggs are also laid by grain-fed chickens on the farm provided by the system. They are of good quality and are all high-quality eggs.

The quality of the spices and aniseed is also very high.

It is no exaggeration to describe the tea eggs made in this way as fragrant.

Zhang Jianjun, who had just pulled Lin Zhou along with a concerned look on his face, looked at the tea eggs and his eyes widened.

Lin Zhou smiled, it was a good way to divert attention with delicious food.

In the villa, tea eggs are particularly high-end.

Each tea egg is shelled, placed on a delicate and gorgeous small plate, and eaten with chopsticks.

Zhang Mingyuan picked up a tea egg, went up and took a bite.

My eyes immediately lit up.

"These tea eggs are even more delicious than the ones you sent back last time!"

The aroma of tea and egg in the mouth is extremely rich, and the feeling in the mouth is amazing.

The aroma is very strong. The aroma of tea leaves and spices are perfectly combined. Unlike ordinary tea eggs, the tea aroma is negligible. Not to mention that the eggs you eat have tea aroma, even when they are boiled, there is no tea aroma.

Tea eggs only have the flavor of spices, which is not perfect.

Only the aroma of tea is combined with the flavors of various spices, and the aroma of eggs. After one sip, the taste is really perfect.

Lin Zhou nodded.

Both the Zhang family and his son have very good mouths, and they can taste the difference in whatever they eat.

"Eat slowly, drink some tea, and don't choke."

Seeing Zhang Mingyuan swallowing half of the tea egg in one gulp, he quickly pushed the teacup towards him.

If you don't eat the yolk of an egg well, you will choke.

Zhang Mingyuan is obviously experienced. He takes a big bite, chews it slowly, and tastes it slowly. Not only does this prevent him from choking, but he can also enjoy the tenderness of the egg white and the mellowness of the yolk in one bite, which can only be described in one word.

Seeing that the Zhang family and his son were speechless after eating, Lin Zhou secretly smiled.

Focus on making tea for them.

After eating and drinking, Zhang Jianjun remembered his son's wedding banquet, and almost got confused and forgot about it.

"By the way, Mingyuan's wedding has been arranged by the master. One will be on the 12th of next month, and the other will be on the 20th. It's still a year ago. It hasn't been decided yet. Another problem is that the guests basically saw that Mingyuan was there. Your steak meal was in the news. I heard that we knew each other and everyone was asking if you would be invited to serve at the wedding banquet. You have to set up a stall every week, so I guess you don’t have time. I plan to invite you to the wedding then. Just hire someone else for the chef team, it’s too hard to prepare the banquet.”

Of course my own family feels sorry for my junior.

Zhang Jianjun was reluctant to let Lin Zhou work so hard to prepare the wedding banquet dishes.

What did Lin Zhou think it was?

Let the father and son come to him to discuss this formally.

It took me a long time to do this!

"What's the point? Brother Mingyuan is getting married, and I'm worried about what gift to give. And if I think about it carefully, I can be regarded as the matchmaker between Brother Mingyuan and my sister-in-law. I can be a wedding banquet or something."

Lin Zhou agreed immediately.

At the engagement party, Lin Zhou thought Uncle Zhang was calling him to help with the cooking, but he didn't expect that he was taking him to try out the dishes.

Uncle Zhang's family also takes good care of him. It's really rare for neighbors to get along with him as well as they do.

Lin Zhou could feel their sincerity.

He was very happy to help cook this wedding banquet and make it more perfect.

People are so kind to him, but he still sees the two people walking all the way from blind date to marriage, so it's a big deal to do him a favor.

"It's too hard. There are a lot of guests on the wedding day, and there are dozens of tables at least. It's impossible for you to cook so many dishes at once."

Zhang Mingyuan nodded after listening to his father's words.

What does it matter if the guests want to eat? As long as they don't lack food, it's fine.

It was also that steak that became a hot topic that made everyone know the news.

"It won't be very hard. I'll hire a team of chefs to help me. The preparations will be done by others. I'll just cook and cook, and there won't be much work."

"Okay, that's it. I'll hire more chefs. Don't get tired."

Zhang Jianjun was moved to see that Lin Zhou really didn't mind and was very happy.

"Then let your brother Mingyuan give you a big red envelope. Don't let him work for nothing."

Lin Zhou nodded with a smile. He hadn't even given the gift yet, but the red envelope was reserved first.

"Of course. I see you like fishing. I'll buy you a fishing ground. You can go fishing whenever you want."

As soon as he said this, Lin Zhou immediately felt that Zhang Mingyuan's domineering temperament was back.

What kind of family is this? It's just like the system, giving away farms and orchards at any time.

"No, no, no, I don't really like fishing now."

Lin Zhou sincerely refused, and Zhang Mingyuan saw that he was shy and embarrassed.

Mingming posted fishing photos on WeChat Moments last week.

He can arrange it himself when the time comes, there is no point in talking about this now.

Zhang Mingyuan changed the subject as soon as he opened his mouth.

"Then when are you free, we can choose a date."

"I'm fine with it. At worst, I won't set up the stall that week. If I set up the stall every day, I have to give myself a holiday occasionally."

"Okay, let's say that."


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