Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 304 He just got a little darker, but he really didn’t lose weight!


The owner sighed leisurely.

He patted the duck head in his arms.

Fortunately, I saved some for dinner, it's delicious~


Zhang's family, Zhang Jianjun sent a message to his son immediately after receiving Lin Zhou's reply.

"Xiao Lin is setting up a stall in Nanjin, I'll go and discuss your wedding banquet with him. I won't be home these days, so you can go find your wife."

Zhang Mingyuan who received the message: ? ? ?


No, my wedding, you won't take me with you to discuss it?

"Ahem, that... I'm not very busy recently, I'm worried about you going alone, I'll go with you, and I'll take care of you on the way."

The last time I ate the food made by Lin Zhou was the steak week, and the social death at that time had made him famous in the circle.

But the steak is really delicious.

As a domineering president who is about to get married, Zhang Mingyuan has no other hobbies except eating the food made by Lin Zhou.

Zhang Jianjun: ? ? ?

It’s so close to Nanjin, you don’t even need to take a plane, what’s there to take care of?

If you want to go for a meal, just say it directly.

He is so grown up, but he is still shy.

He is not like him at all, he is frank!

Zhang Jianjun didn’t bring any messages back, and when he was notified, he asked the housekeeper to pack the luggage.

Zhang Mingyuan obviously knew his father’s character.

After replying the message, he didn’t say a word, asked the driver to drive home, and sent a message to his wife in the car.

“Qianqian, Dad said he would go to Nanjin to find Lin Zhou to discuss our wedding banquet. I’m going back now and preparing to go with him. Are you going?”

Lu Qian received the message, and her saliva began to secrete just by mentioning Lin Zhou.

In order to have a beautiful engagement, she didn’t eat the food made by Boss Lin for a long time.

There is no need to mention the pain.

Even her bestie said she was a ruthless person.

She could resist eating all the delicious food made by Boss Lin.

This ruthless person is comparable to her father who quit smoking after decades of smoking. He quit as soon as he said he would.

Lu Qian once became the second most ruthless person in her bestie's heart.

Recently, in order to get married, she resisted eating steak and tea eggs.

She could only watch Zhang's father and son eat with tears in her eyes.

Who understands this kind of pain? She cried to death.

Lu Qian looked at the message and wanted to reply.

But seeing that the fat on her belly had not been completely reduced, she refused the invitation with tears in her eyes.

She had persisted for so long and would soon be able to wear a wedding dress and get married beautifully.

Giving up at this time, what would the previous efforts and giving up so many opportunities to eat delicious food mean.

Zhang Mingyuan knew that she was losing weight and sighed helplessly.

"Qianqian, you are really not afraid of getting fat, you are just a little round, how cute, you don't need to lose weight, eat whatever you want."

Lu Qian was unmoved.

She rejected him righteously.

Zhang Mingyuan had no choice but to bring her some when he came back.

Then he opened Lin Zhou's dialog box and sent him a message.

Asked him if he needed to bring anything.

When Lin Zhou saw Zhang Mingyuan, he thought of the steak incident, when this man put a hood on his head.

That picture was so beautiful and impressive.

When Lin Zhou thought of Zhang Mingyuan now, that picture appeared in his mind uncontrollably.

Zhang Mingyuan's image as a domineering president had completely collapsed in his eyes.

Now that he saw him coming, he just happened to treat him well and make up for the experience that Suona Steak brought him.

"Nothing is needed, everything is here, you guys come overnight?"

Lin Zhou had just arrived home and saw the messages sent to him by the father and son one after another. He thought they would come tomorrow, but he didn't expect them to come today.

"We also have a branch in Nanjin. No one has lived in the house there for a long time. I'd better clean it up at night and come to see you tomorrow."

The Zhang family father and son came to Lin Zhou, on the one hand, because they were greedy for the food he cooked, and on the other hand, they wanted to discuss the wedding banquet with Lin Zhou.

They asked a master to calculate the dates of their wedding, and they all found that they were auspicious days for marriage.

Ever since Zhang Mingyuan went to Lin Zhou's stall to eat suona steak and it became a hot topic, people in their business circle also knew the name of Boss Lin.

The news of the marriage between the two families was not only in the circle, but also on the Internet.

When some partners or relatives at home saw the hot search and teased him, they all asked if Boss Lin would be the chef at the wedding, so that everyone could taste the famous Boss Lin's cooking skills.

So the Zhang family father and son wanted to ask Lin Zhou what he thought.

For them, Lin Zhou was a very good friend. Zhang Jianjun liked Lin Zhou very much, and the two families had a close relationship.

Zhang Mingyuan's wedding must have invited people to be guests.

It would be very hard to let people busy themselves with the wedding banquet. It was not appropriate.

But too many people asked.

The woman's family also felt that it was a very face-saving thing to invite Boss Lin to be the chef. It was delicious and face-saving. At that time, the combination of the two families would definitely be talked about in the circle.

There was no other way, so Zhang Jianjun decided to go to Lin Zhou for dinner and ask him about it.

"Okay, I'll be at home during the day and will set up the stall in the evening."

After Lin Zhou replied, the two ended their chat.

After a while, Zhang Mingyuan arrived home and saw his father sitting on the sofa and instructing the housekeeper to bring this and that.

"Xiao Lin must be very tired running around setting up a stall. He even went to such a remote town to set up a stall last week. I don't know if he has lost weight. Bring some ginseng too."

Zhang Mingyuan:......

Lin Zhou is so young, he is probably healthier than him. It is better to bring some good ingredients than these supplements.

But he dared not say this.

If he said it, his father would despise him.

"Why are you back?"

Zhang Jianjun saw his son coming back, and he knew it, but he still had to say it.

The father and son would not feel comfortable if they didn't argue with each other every day.

Seeing that he was asking questions knowingly, Zhang Mingyuan ignored him and turned to pack his luggage.

"Hey, you little brat, you are getting more and more rebellious as you grow up."

I can't hear it, I can't hear it.

Zhang Mingyuan ran upstairs in a flash.

His father was so angry that he laughed.


In a blink of an eye, it was the next day, and Lin Zhou started making braised food early in the morning.

The villa was also preparing for the Zhang family father and son who were coming to visit.

At nine o'clock, the Zhang family father and son came to Lin Zhou's villa with things in the trunk of two cars.

There were too many things, so the father and son took a car each.

Everyone who saw Lin Zhou was silent.

"Xiao Lin, I haven't seen you for a week. Why have you lost weight? Is it because you are too tired to set up a stall in the town? You look a little tanned."

As soon as Zhang Jianjun saw Lin Zhou, he hurried forward to hold his hand and looked him up and down.

In fact, Lin Zhou didn't lose weight. His weight was the same as before, but he was a little darker.

Dark people will look a little thinner.

Lin Zhou looked at Zhang Mingyuan behind him for help.

Zhang Mingyuan looked at Lin Zhou carefully and found that he seemed to be a little thinner. The jawline on his face was clear.

He also said: "He is a little thinner."

It seems that the supplements his father brought are still useful.

Lin Zhou looked at the various gifts held by the bodyguards behind him and sighed helplessly.

He just got a little darker, he really didn't lose weight!


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