Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 303 Who can withstand such temptation?

Song Chang's work ability has been unanimously recognized by everyone.

Since she came to the group, their group seemed to have a new fan.

She can be responsible for the news of Boss Lin to the outside world, and she will take pictures of Boss Lin.

Before, when Boss Lin set up a stall, everyone focused on eating.

When taking pictures, they often forgot to take pictures of Boss Lin, which resulted in a group of people not being able to find a photo of Boss Lin's face or a photo that could recognize him.

It was very passive.

Then when Song Chang came, she directly brought a camera to take pictures on the spot, and she took pictures of Boss Lin like a celebrity.

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

Song Chang's status in the group suddenly became Sister Song.

She is really worthy of being a star-chasing sister. This professional level is ten streets ahead of the old diners.

Now she has spoken.

Everyone in the group believes in Song Chang's judgment.

Everyone rushed in.

Now Boss Lin is no longer setting up a stall in Jiangdong.

It is not easy for these old diners to find Boss Lin once, so basically everyone who can rush in rushed in.

Such delicious food, knowing the location, few people can resist rushing.

Everyone has eaten the food from Boss Lin's stall so many times.

Everyone is very familiar with Boss Lin's cooking skills.

The food is different every week, and everyone has never eaten it. Isn't this tempting them!

Who can withstand such temptation!


Backstage on the other side of the theater.

The actors who got off the stage went straight to the backstage one by one.

Then they looked at the owner who was eating deliciously, and were caught off guard to find that he was eating secretly.

The main thing is that he couldn't cover it up. There were bones all around his seat.

The aroma of stewed food is strong and long-lasting.

At this time, the smell of duck neck in the whole backstage is stronger than that on the stage outside.

The eyes of a group of actors widened for a while.


"Boss, what are you doing!"

"Damn it!"

"Boss, you actually ate behind my back!"

"Oh my god, it's this smell. When I was singing, I was so greedy that I almost drooled!"

"Boss, how much did you buy? Do you have more?"

A group of people, not even caring about their costumes and makeup, rushed to the table where the ducks were placed, which made the boss tremble with fear.

"Oh, I bought a lot. Don't worry. There's no need to rush."

While the boss was talking, he was still protecting the ducks in front of him.

The credibility of this statement is basically zero.

"Boss, you are talking without any pain in your waist. We are only smelling the smell and haven't eaten it yet."

"No, it's obvious that you are sitting without any pain in your waist."

"It smells so good. Darling, let me try a piece first. I love duck feet."

A group of people took out all the ducks in the big bag, opened them one by one, and started to grab gloves and eat.

The fragrant duck, no matter which part it is, can bring people a different delicious experience.

When I ate it, the backstage dressing room, which was noisy just now, suddenly became silent, leaving only the sound of gnawing duck necks, duck feet, and duck heads.

The duck neck is the most exciting to chew, the meat is fresh and tasty, there are many bones, and the taste of the meat in the gaps between the bones is simply incomparable to other meats, it is so fragrant.

And the pleasure of chewing is really pleasant.

The same is true for duck feet. Gnawing them one by one can not only kill time, but also keep your mouth busy, and it is always delicious.

It's just too time-consuming. Someone gnawed a duck foot, and saw that the colleague next to him ate several duck hearts, duck livers, and kelp knots, and he was still gnawing the duck foot, and he was very anxious.

The more you taste the real food, the more you can feel the taste. When your mind starts to get anxious.

You can't concentrate on tasting it.

"Hey, this is not fair at all. I'm eating one duck paw, and you guys have already eaten several. Let's stop and share it equally, how about that?"

When a group of people heard this, they not only did not stop, but also grabbed it faster.

After grabbing it, only a fool would agree to share it equally.

They grabbed the duck with their own ability, why should they share it equally!

The person who was talking was dumbfounded when he saw this scene.

What a bunch of animals!

They actually took advantage of him to grab food while he was talking!

He stopped talking immediately. In front of the absolute delicacy, if he said one more word, he would eat one less bite.

It is still more reliable to suppress it with force and start grabbing directly.

"Hey, stop pushing, the ducks are being squeezed to the ground."

"If you want me to stop grabbing, it's fine to split it equally, and I can get some drinks."

"Leave me some duck necks, I haven't tasted them yet."

"You are so cunning, you actually eat duck tongues first, duck tongues are the most expensive, I seem to remember, they are delicious without too many bones, you are really beasts!"

The actors who couldn't grab them squeezed in the crowd, cursing angrily.

But it was useless.

Those who grabbed fiercely ignored them.

The owner of the troupe on the side saw this, holding his favorite duck head, and quietly moved to the door.

These people were grabbing too crazy.

Fortunately, he didn't wait until the curtain call to eat, otherwise he wouldn't be able to grab these people.

At this time, someone noticed the owner, thought of something, and squeezed out with a bag of ducks.

"Boss, are we leaving after the performance tomorrow? Can't we perform for a few more days?"

Hearing this, the actors who were having fun in the fight remembered this and turned to look at the boss.

The owner was so scared that he silently covered his duck head.

"It was originally scheduled for three days, and it was also advertised during the promotion. Will it have any impact if it is changed now?"

The owner felt that this was not good.

But the next sentence of the actor made him change his mind and became hesitant.

"We just tasted the taste. If we leave, won't we be unable to eat it?"

"That makes sense. I'm thinking about it."

"And the stage skills in these two days are very high. We can completely use the audience's enthusiasm as an excuse to perform for two more days. There are not many people who perform one show every day, right, owner?"

The owner thought it made sense, but performing here for five days means that the subsequent schedule will have to be changed.

So he didn't make up his mind for a while and wanted to think about it.

Mainly, this scene is not suitable for discussion.

A group of people were still fighting for the duck goods. He didn't dare to manage it at all. He could only run away with his duck head.

At this time, the only thing to do is to save his own duck goods first.

The owner ran away, and these actors suddenly grabbed more vigorously.

Everyone grabbed the duck goods.

But some people bought more and some bought less.

After eating, they were still not satisfied. When they saw others still had some, they would just grab it and stuff it into their mouths.

The battle was about to start.

The owner stood outside, listening to the roars and screams from the backstage, and patted his duck head in fear.

It seems that he bought too little.

If he had known that the taste was so good, he would have bought all the ducks in the car.

The actors would not have fought for the ducks.

Be careful to protect your throat!!!

He was so worried.


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