Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 302 Who wouldn’t be curious about this?

For this diner, he had never worked so hard to eat since he was a child.

He started from the first stall and asked one by one.

He didn't get the correct answer until he asked the stall near Lin Zhou's stall.

"Yes, it's right here."

The owner of the stall on the left pointed to the empty space next to him.

The man's eyes lit up when he heard this.

God will not let down those who work hard, he finally got the answer!

Where is the beautiful woman who kindly told him?

The man looked around, but it was really hard to find her because there were so many people coming and going.

He looked around and didn't see anyone, so he continued to listen to the two stall owners chatting.

"What's going on today? So many people come to ask about duck neck."

"Oh, their business is good. They close their stalls before the show starts. Unlike us, they haven't sold out until the show ends. I think there are many repeat customers."

The stall owners on both sides saw people coming to ask again, and they started chatting.

Just this night, they met several waves of people back and forth.

It was quite good. After these people learned the news, they would take care of their business, which was better than usual.

"Is it delicious? Have you bought one to try?"

The stall on the left sold sesame cakes, and the stall on the right sold radish cakes, both of which were staple foods. The man bought one each and asked while eating.

"Oh, there are too many people. Many people are waiting before the stall owner comes. We also have to do business ourselves, so where can we go to queue up?"

Speaking of which, those who are close to them are the most tortured.

Not only do they smell the fragrance, but they also have to hear the customers praising the duck neck for being delicious and the taste for being so-and-so.

None of them look like they are here to buy, but more like they are here to purchase goods.

Because there are performances in the theater these two days, many people come, and they are all customers. They are also busy, so they can only resist their greed and continue to do business.

Now that the stall has closed, so many people come to ask.

They are even more curious about the taste of duck neck.

"There will be a performance at the theater tomorrow. Let's buy some to try."

"Yes, yes, it's really delicious~"

Originally, these stall owners could still hold back, but when so many people were asking about the duck neck stall today, they couldn't help it.

They were so curious.

"Young man, have you all tasted the duck neck before?"

Everyone is curious. What is the magic of duck neck that makes people ask about it wave after wave?

In the cognition of these snack stall owners, only some famous restaurants and places in Nanjin will have many people asking about it.

There are quite a lot of people asking about some tourists from other places.

But today, many people asking about this duck neck stall are locals.

It's really strange.

"No, I heard that Boss Lin is setting up a stall here, so I looked for it by the way."

The man has never tasted the food made by Boss Lin, and he is more curious.

The food on the Internet is too exaggerated for Boss Lin's stall.

It's simply the living god of cooking.

Who wouldn't be curious about this?

When I saw the video about Boss Lin online before, a large number of netizens from all over the country called for Boss Lin to set up stalls all over the country, so that everyone can benefit the fans in one city.

I didn't expect that this wish would really come true.

Boss Lin is coming to Nanjin to set up a stall.

"Is Boss Lin famous?"

The two stall owners asked vaguely.

"He is a very popular stall-setting internet celebrity. It is said that his cooking skills are comparable to those of the living chef gods."

Lin Zhou usually doesn't like to browse news about himself when he goes online.

He has no idea how those fans are praising him online.

"So amazing, I'm going to try it tomorrow."


As long as the fans who come here have the perseverance to ask about the stalls near where Lin Zhou sets up his stall, they can basically get useful information.

So a lot of true information has appeared on the Internet.

A netizen posted a video and said: "According to the information heard on the scene, there is an 80% chance that this duck neck stall belongs to Boss Lin. First of all, the duck neck is very fragrant and the business is very good. He came here in the past two days, which happens to be a new week. Moreover, the boss will close the stall after selling out. According to my habit of general snack stall owners, with such good business, he will definitely think about continuing to do business before the show ends. After all, the end of the show will bring another wave of business. Only Boss Lin will be so willful and not care about these."

The analysis of netizens is very reasonable.

So the old fans who follow Lin Zhou basically know the news.

The diners who have time are already on their way.

For example, Song Chang, who is on a business trip in Nanjin.

After she finished her work, she saw the message in the diners group of Boss Lin's bun stall, and immediately replied to the news that she was on a business trip in Nanjin.

For a while, the group was boiling instantly.

"Sister Song, you are in Nanjin!!!"

"Oh my god, this is too lucky, can you go to Bahe District tomorrow?"

"We all think that it is Boss Lin who is setting up a stall, I don't know if it is true."

"If there is no purchase limit, can we pay to buy it all!"

"Sister Song, Dabao said he missed you, where are you, I will take Dabao to see you!"


Song Chang originally had a dinner party with a client in the evening.

After seeing this news, she pretended to be sick, saying that she was not feeling well, and asked her colleagues to attend the dinner party.

She rushed to the snack street near the theater to inquire about the news for the diners in the group.

Song Chang not only inquired about the news in the snack street, but also went to the theater. Although the show was over, there were still some audiences nearby.

After asking around, with her intuition as a woman, this must be Boss Lin!

So after asking clearly what time the show would start tomorrow and what time the snack stalls would open outside, she replied to the friends in the group.

"Boss Lin should set up a stall in the snack street outside the theater this week. Many audiences here know that there is a duck neck stall that is delicious, and many people eat it when watching the show. The show starts at 7 pm. Tomorrow is the last day. If you want to come, you have to hurry up. If you look at the show, it’s gone. It’s not clear whether Boss Lin will change the place."

With Song Chang's words, the old diners in the group started to ask for leave without saying a word, book tickets, and set off immediately.

Fortunately, Jiangdong and Nanjin are not far away.

This made the old diners this week breathe a sigh of relief.

"Fortunately, the transportation to Nanjin is well developed, and it is easier than going to Linshui Town last week."

"That's right, I can just take a day off and go back and forth."

"Hahahaha, Nanjin, wait for me, I will go there tomorrow during the day, and I must buy this week's duck neck. I haven't eaten the delicious food made by Boss Lin for a long time. As the saying goes, a day without seeing you feels like three autumns. It's been so many autumns, and I can't sleep because I miss Boss Lin!"

"Hey, brothers, I've set off overnight!"


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