Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 301 Who is performing an opera and being attacked from both sides?

Whose opera is being attacked from the front and back?

No matter where you go, you can smell the fragrance.

They ran all over the stage, front, back, left, and right, and there was no place that could not smell the fragrance.

The actors had to swallow their saliva quietly from time to time.

This opera is really difficult to sing.

I was afraid that the saliva would flow out as soon as I opened my mouth.

I don’t know if the troupe owner bought them duck necks.

It’s so annoying, why is this duck neck so fragrant!

The audience also ate it so fragrantly, and their mouths never stopped.

I don’t know if any audience gave them some.

They were so greedy, but they couldn’t eat it. The poor actors’ crying voices seemed particularly sincere.

The audience couldn’t stop cheering.


“This play is so well performed, it made me cry.”

“Damn it, how can you destroy their feelings!”

“This is Liang Shanbo and Zhu Yingtai, right?”

Young people who don’t watch operas much can see that they are performing well and are moved by the emotions of the characters in the play.

They looked reluctant while chewing duck necks vigorously.

If they didn't eat something to divert their attention, they would cry.


The audience in the front row was so fascinated by the show that they threw the prepared cash onto the stage.

The audience in the back row was not to be outdone. They rushed to the stage with their specialties, cigarettes, alcohol, gifts, and cash.

Soon, the actors' heads were full of cash, and they couldn't put it down and started to drop it.

Looking at the audience who came on stage to give rewards, the money and things in their hands were not enough to make the actors excited and confused.

They were immersed in the emotions of the characters and couldn't extricate themselves.

Until they saw an old man carrying a bag of duck goods on stage.

The smell of duck goods so close made the actors perk up one by one.

They approached the old man without leaving any trace.

Hoping to win this reward.

The old man thought they were here to ask for a reward, so he happily stuffed a hundred yuan into each person’s pocket.

Then, under the gaze of the crowd, he walked off the stage with the duck.

He walked off the stage just like that!!!

When the old man left, he even shook the duck in his hand.

Fortunately, it didn’t fall on the stage this time.

It took less than a minute for the actors to go from excitement to disappointment.

I knelt down on the ground and cried sadly.

The audience:

"Oh, this actor acted so well, I couldn’t help crying."

"That’s right, they have such a good relationship, how could you bear to separate them!"

"The people around cried so much, the atmosphere came all of a sudden."

"Why didn’t I find the play so good before?"

"Yes, you still have to watch it live, the sense of substitution is very strong, it’s like watching this story from the side, it’s much better than watching it on TV."

The praises are enough to prove how well the play was performed.

After the curtain call, Lin Zhou took a bag of cash and walked onto the stage to tip everyone. The money he earned from setting up a stall that day was not as much as the tips he gave out after watching a play.

But Lin Zhou was very satisfied with what he saw.

He felt like he had watched a very good movie and couldn't calm down for a long time.

He also took photos and posted them on WeChat Moments.

He immediately attracted Uncle Zhang, who likes to watch plays.

Zhang Jianjun happened to have something to ask Lin Zhou, so he asked him where he would set up a stall this week and went to find him.

"Uncle, what's the matter? Is it urgent? If not, I'll go back on Saturday."

Lin Zhou hadn't been home for several weeks. This week, he had a double day off, so he just went back to take a look.

Zhang Jianjun: "It's not urgent. What delicious food are you selling this week?"

Lin Zhou looked at this and didn't understand anything.

"Selling braised duck, duck necks and so on."

"This stuff goes well with wine. I just happen to have good wine. I'll bring two bottles for you to try."

He obviously wanted to eat it, but he insisted on sending him wine.

Lin Zhou replied with a smile.

I don’t know if it’s because older people are too proud to speak clearly.

Lin Zhou immediately sent the location.

Then he prepared to go back.


On the other side, the fans who came to find Boss Lin were still asking along the snack street.

The key is that they were not alone.

They didn’t come together.

Instead, they were scattered and asked one by one.

The owners of the snack stalls along the way were annoyed by the questions.

There are so many snack stalls along the way, and everyone can’t ask every stall owner and buy a portion of food, and they can’t finish it. They can only buy a portion and ask the owner when they see something they want to eat.

Then the owner of this stall will answer in detail.

“A stall selling duck necks? I didn’t pay attention, so I don’t know if there is such a stall, but I saw many people holding duck necks in their hands, so I guess there is.”

This is the answer of a fried skewers stall owner.

“Thank you, boss~”

A glimmer of hope ignited in the eyes of the fan, took the fried starch sausage, and continued to move to the next grilled squid stall.

"Boss, is there a stall selling duck necks here?"

"I don't know." The stall owner was busy and replied without looking up.

After the inquiring fan left, the stall owner couldn't help but mutter to the diners waiting for grilled squid.

"I don't know what happened today. Several people came to ask about the duck neck stall. This is the sixth one."

He was annoyed by the questions.

There are so many stalls on the same road. How can he know if there is a duck neck stall!

"It's probably delicious."

As a foodie, the first thing that came to his mind was that a stall that attracted so many people must taste good, so he would ask around after he couldn't find it.

The stall owner didn't say anything.

After the squid was ready, he immediately packed a portion for the customer.

"Do you want to eat it now or pack it up?"

"Eat it now, just wrap the stick underneath with a piece of paper."

The customer took the squid on the grill, sprinkled it with cumin and chili, and took a big bite.

Hmm~ It's okay, the texture is very tender, fragrant and spicy, but I don't know what the duck neck that so many people asked about tastes like. It should be better than the squid on the grill.

The customer was a little curious, and he quickly caught up with the fans who were still asking along the way in front of him.

"Beauty, I want to ask if the duck neck you asked about just now is from this snack street?"

The lady nodded and shook her head, making the customer a little confused.


"I don't know either. It's said online that Boss Lin sells duck necks on this snack street. I came to ask."

When the customer heard about Boss Lin, he didn't react for a while.

Seeing that he still didn't understand, the young lady said: "Boss Lin who sells Western food suona is very popular."

"Oh oh oh ~ I know this, suona brother, right? I have seen it on swiss."

The customer immediately understood and became excited.

"Boss Lin actually came to our Nanjin to set up a stall. My goodness, doesn't this mean we have the opportunity to eat the food made by Boss Lin? According to those who have tried it, everything Boss Lin makes is delicious."

"I'm not sure yet. I asked for a long time, but I didn't know if there is a duck neck stall here."

"Well, don't worry, I'll ask with you. You ask the stall on the left and I'll ask the right."

The customer didn't even bother to eat the big squid, and ran back and asked from the first stall on the right.

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