"Boss Lin changes places every week, why can't he come to our city to set up a stall? I also want to try how delicious the roadside stalls that are sought after by so many people are!"

"The people of Jiangdong are really tight-lipped. If Boss Lin hadn't become popular in Koucheng this time, we wouldn't know.

"Everyone who has eaten it praises it as delicious, and the food sold every week is different. The craftsmanship must be very good!"

"I was tempted when I saw the videos they posted in the comment area. The appearance of each food can touch my heart. It looks really appetizing."

"The taste is probably not bad. Look at those people in Jiangdong. In order to prove that Boss Lin is from Jiangdong, each of them is at the level of a short essay per capita. If the food is not really delicious, no one would go to great lengths to argue about it."

"If it is not delicious, they can't say so many adjectives. It makes me laugh to death."

"Am I the only one who envy the people in Jiangdong and Koucheng? There are such delicious roadside stalls. ”

The heated discussion about Lin Zhou on the Internet has never stopped.

On the contrary, as Lin Zhou's stall business was exposed by old diners, everyone became more interested in him, and everyone wanted to try the food sold by Boss Lin.

For those who have eaten, they all expressed great envy.

As a result, a verbal agreement was derived that if you meet Boss Lin when you are out, you cannot eat alone.

"I voluntarily sign the contract that I will not eat alone if I meet Boss Lin when I am out!"

"Okay, stamp it, I will sign it too."

"Then let's put it this way, Chinese people don't lie to Chinese people, whoever meets Boss Lin must tell everyone!"

"Okay, I also voluntarily sign this agreement. ”


It was the next morning in a blink of an eye.

After Lin Zhou got up, he turned on the fire to heat the tea eggs in the stainless steel pot.

The prices in Linshui Town are generally low, and it is a small town composed of multiple villages.

Except for festivals, people in daily life tend to be middle-aged and elderly.

Lin Zhou went around with Xiao Wu yesterday and didn't see many young people.

It is also possible that young people were still working at that time.

These tea eggs are big and small.

For example, if it is two yuan, everyone will definitely buy the big one and leave the small one. At the same price, everyone will take the big tea egg, otherwise it will be a loss.

For a while, Lin Zhou fell into deep thought.

Finally, after washing up, he decided to keep the small one for himself or give it to others , the big ones are used for business.

When Xiao Wu came, Lin Zhou had already eaten four tea eggs with a bowl of noodle soup.

Not to mention, the tea egg recipe given by the system is really delicious.

The tea eggs soaked overnight absorbed the aroma of the stew and tea leaves. Every bite was really delicious.

Moreover, eating a tea egg on a sleepy morning can actually refresh the mind. This tea is really refreshing!

The recipe of the stew package not only contains ingredients such as big spices, but also some Chinese medicinal materials. The tea eggs stewed with various flavors are really delicious beyond imagination.

Lin Zhou was feeling disappointed that no one shared such delicious tea eggs, and Xiao Wu came.

"Xiao Wu, you came at the right time, try the tea eggs I made. "

Lin Zhou opened the door, excitedly pulled Xiao Wu to sit at the table, went back to the kitchen and scooped out a few tea eggs and put them in front of Xiao Wu.

I dare say this tea egg is invincible!

Xiao Wu smelled the fragrance of the tea eggs when he walked in the corridor.

But he didn't dare to think about the big boss he received this week.

Maybe it was the stereotype of rich people. Xiao Wu just thought that Lin Zhou came to the town to set up a stall just for fun or to relax.

He can't cook at all.

I didn't expect that the tea eggs that smelled ten miles away were really made by this young boss.

Xiao Wu was shocked, But his facial expression was not shown at all.

People in his line of work basically smile friendly no matter what they think, so as not to leave a bad impression on others.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't flatter the boss, but he is afraid of doing the wrong thing with good intentions and making the boss hate him.

If he shows his shock, doubt and other expressions at this moment, and the boss thinks that he is looking down on him, it will be more trouble than gain.

So Xiao Wu took the tea eggs handed over by Lin Zhou with a flattered look on his face, and said very politely.

"Then I am lucky today, eating the tea eggs made by the boss himself, they smell delicious! "

Xiao Wu didn't lie. He smelled the fragrance of the tea egg downstairs.

At this moment, the tea egg appeared in front of him, and the fragrance was even stronger.

After he carefully peeled off the dark brown eggshell, he couldn't help showing a hint of surprise.

No, he was eating a tea egg?

The peeled egg was like a perfect ceramic work. The egg white was still white where it was wrapped by the eggshell, and the gaps were dark brown lines. The two appeared in the same place, with clear boundaries, and it was very beautiful.

Xiao Wu couldn't help but take the peeled tea egg and turn it around in his hand, looking at the complete lines on the egg white.

"What a beautiful tea egg!"

The egg white was translucent and shiny, and it penetrated into the lines on the egg white, just like the cracks of ceramics. It was beautiful and had a strong fragrance.

Xiao Wu almost couldn't wait to bite it.

Although it was a little hot, it was really nothing compared to the fragrance in front of him.

In an instant, the mouth was full of fragrance.

The fragrance of tea leaves, the freshness of marinade, the salty and fresh taste of soy sauce and the flavor of sugar, the overall taste is multi-layered but harmoniously integrated, and is completely absorbed by the egg from the gap.

When you eat it in your mouth, every time you chew it, the salty, fresh and mellow taste becomes more intense.

At the same time, the fragrance of the egg itself is not covered up.

The fragrance of the ingredients is also outstanding.

Moreover, he ate half of the tea egg in one bite, and he didn't feel choked at all. On the contrary, the egg white was tender and smooth, and the egg yolk became more fragrant the more you chewed it. Every bite was a great stimulation to the taste buds.

Xiao Wu's eyes became brighter and brighter as he ate. He suddenly widened his eyes and met Lin Zhou's eyes.

Without words, the two could communicate with each other through their eyes.

Lin Zhou smiled with his eyebrows and eyes, and three big words in his eyes were bright, "Delicious!"

Xiao Wu's eyes were full of deliciousness and shock. He couldn't help nodding and finished a tea egg in two bites.

After eating, he was reluctant to drink water. He closed his eyes and carefully felt the salty fragrance in his mouth.

He had never eaten such delicious tea eggs.

First of all, the appearance was much better than those tea eggs sold outside.

Secondly, the fragrance of this tea egg was so overbearing that it could be smelled from a long distance. The closer you got, the stronger the fragrance became. The greedy people couldn't help but swallow their saliva.

The most important thing was the taste, which was also perfect and fragrant.


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