Cook the hard-boiled egg just right. Peel off the shell and you will see the white and shiny egg white inside. Break it in half and you will see the yolk inside is very beautiful, without any green outside. The complete golden yolk smells very rich.

The temperature of boiling eggs is also very important. If you overcook them, the eggs will crack easily or the yolk will turn green, which will make the taste worse.

If the temperature is not enough, the eggs will not be cooked well. It is not easy to peel the shells. If the eggs are not edible raw, they will taste fishy.

This temperature is just right.

Lin Zhou nodded with satisfaction at the pure golden color of the egg yolk.

It is actually very easy to distinguish whether it is a free-range egg. You can tell by looking at whether the yolk is golden and orange enough.

The grass eggs generally sold in supermarkets do not have this color. The yolk is light yellow when beaten, very light, and does not taste good.

Eat half of the hard-boiled egg in one bite and chew it. The egg fragrance is very strong, the egg white is tender and smooth, and the egg yolk is mellow and dense.

Not bad, not bad.

The book was first published on 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar, providing you with a reading experience with no wrong chapters and no disordered chapters.

Except for the different sizes, which was a bit annoying, the taste was still very good.

Lin Zhou ate two boiled eggs in one bite, then took out all the remaining boiled eggs, rinsed them with cold water, and then cracked all the eggshells to make beautiful patterns.

Tea eggs have always been a very common breakfast, and can be seen in many breakfast shops.

Basically, the methods are similar.

But if you want every tea egg to be beautiful, you have to pay attention to the technique and strength when cracking the shell.

The pattern of the broken eggshell is the pattern of the finished braised tea egg. If you want to get a pattern like broken ceramics, first of all, you have to crack the shell according to the pattern.

Every boiled egg that Lin Zhou made has different broken patterns.

Then put it back in the stainless steel bucket, add water, the prepared marinade bag, sugar, and soy sauce.

Then the most important tea is tea.

Tea eggs, tea eggs, in addition to eggs, tea also accounts for a large proportion.

You have to choose good tea leaves with light soup, durable, strong flavor, and medium-to-high-quality to stew, so as to give simple tea eggs a rich and smooth taste.

Good tea is an important step to transform ordinary tea eggs into delicious ones.

Lin Zhou took out the black tea he brought, put some in the gauze pocket, tied a belt, and threw it into the pot, and the tea eggs can start to cook.

Boil the eggs for half an hour, then turn off the fire and soak them.

During this period, Lin Zhou cleaned up the ingredients and kitchen utensils he bought.

When the room could smell the obvious aroma of tea eggs, Lin Zhou felt hungry first.

So he opened the newly bought flour, kneaded a dough, and prepared to make a bowl of hand-rolled noodles, just to eat with tea eggs.

It was rare to have a leisurely and quiet dinner for myself.

Lin Zhou enjoyed this time alone, humming a song, very comfortable.

The windows in the room were all open for ventilation, and the aroma of tea eggs and food drifted out. It was dinner time.

Even passers-by can smell this fragrance upstairs and downstairs.

"It smells so good. It's past six o'clock. I'm hungry. Whose food smells so good!"

Passers-by in the community smell this fragrance and look around curiously, but they don't know which family is cooking.

The family who are eating upstairs smell this fragrance, and their own food tastes better in their mouths.

"Mom, it seems to be the fragrance of tea eggs. I want to eat tea eggs tomorrow."

The child sniffed carefully and smelled that it was tea eggs at once.

The taste of tea eggs is easy to distinguish. It has the aroma of tea and stewed food, which is rich and tempting.

"Okay, okay, I'll buy it for you. There are tea eggs in the breakfast shop downstairs. It just so happens that they don't make breakfast. Just go buy a cup of soy milk, two buns and a tea egg. It's enough for your breakfast."

Tea eggs are not worth much. When they were cheap before, they were 50 cents a piece, but now the price has risen to 1.5 yuan.

The price was still cheaper before.


The child got his mother's assurance and ate the food with big mouthfuls, enjoying the aroma.


Night fell.

The old customers in Jiangdong who had been looking for Boss Lin for a whole day looked at him as if he had evaporated from the face of the earth. They couldn't find any trace of him and shed pitiful tears.

In the group of customers at the steamed bun stall.

"What's going on? We have so many people now. We searched Jiangdong in one day, but there is no news at all. Could it be that Boss Lin is still setting up a stall in Koucheng this week?"

"He probably hasn't found it yet. According to the conspicuous people in Koucheng, if they find Boss Lin, they will definitely spread the news to anger us. Since they can't scold us, they know to use this trick."

"There has been no movement on the Internet in Koucheng so far. I guess no one has found Boss Lin."

"My friend in Koucheng said that the diners there are also organizing people to find Boss Lin, but there is no news yet."

"It's been a day. We will search again in the evening. If Jiangdong still can't find him, we will look for people in Koucheng next door."

"Didn't you think that according to Boss Lin's characteristics, he was so popular last week that he had to rely on bodyguards to help him close the stall. He is still setting up a stall this week?"

"There is nothing we can do about it. When I saw the hot search on the Internet, I had a bad feeling. I couldn't stop it at all. The people in Koucheng promoted it too much."

In fact, as old diners in Jiangdong, they already had a rough guess about how Lin Zhou would set up a stall.

Whenever there are a lot of people, Boss Lin will choose a place where no one can find him next week.

Or he will close the stall early.

If there are too many customers in a city, he will also set up a stall in another city.

Although the old customers don't want to admit it, it is true based on the location and time of Boss Lin's stall.

Everyone is very sad when they think that no one may find the place where Boss Lin sets up his stall this week.

How can we live without eating the delicious food made by Boss Lin!

"Where is the group leader? Is there any news?"

"It has been a long time since our group has produced a lucky child. Is it because there are fewer incense sticks recently? Boss Lin doesn't favor us anymore. No, I have to go and burn incense to the statue of the God of Cooking."

"I feel that Changzhong Temple is still a little bit spiritual. I will take a leave tomorrow to burn incense and make a wish."


In reality, the human resources can't find Boss Lin.

The group members began to pray to Buddha.

I don't know if it works, just for psychological comfort.

On the other hand, on the Internet, there was no Lin Zhou setting up a stall in Times Square on Monday.

The popularity of Western Suona dropped suddenly.

Without the subsequent updated videos and the excitement to watch, the popularity naturally dropped.

Koucheng has also made its presence known to netizens across the country through this popularity.

Now that the popularity has faded, it is better than before when not many people knew about it.

In response, Koucheng Culture and Tourism wanted to send a banner to Lin Zhou.

But when they looked back, they could no longer find Lin Zhou.

The popularity of Suona Western Food has faded, but the popularity of Lin Zhou himself has risen.

Netizens are very curious about this way of setting up stalls in a random place every week, and they have called on Boss Lin to set up stalls in their city.


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