Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 270 Could it be that the egg-laying rooster is a golden rooster? (revised)

He never thought that such a simple tea egg could be so delicious.

After eating one, Xiao Wu reached out and took another without thinking.

Seeing him eating happily, Lin Zhou was also very satisfied.

He turned around and poured him a glass of water, fearing that he would choke.

After breakfast, it was getting late.

It was almost eight o'clock.

Lin Zhou picked out all the large tea eggs with good appearance, put them in the insulation bucket provided by the stall, and carried two boxes of tea eggs directly to the stall.

This week's stall is still not big, with only a stove on the table, gas tanks under the cabinet, and storage space.

After putting the tea eggs, Lin Zhou rode on the tricycle and looked at Xiao Wu.

Xiao Wu understood immediately, and rode on the electric donkey to lead the way.

It was not until this time that Lin Zhou had a little worry about this week's task.

He took another look at the task interface.

[This week's task: Go to Linshui Town and bring delicious and convenient tea eggs to the passing passengers on the shuttle bus. 】

(Task target: 1,000. Suggested retail price: 20 yuan)

[Recipe: "Secret Tea Eggs" has been issued! ]

[Task has been received, for a period of one week. ]

Without a time limit, Lin Zhou plans to sell some in the morning.

Generally, there should be more people who eat tea eggs in the morning.

And he doesn't plan to sell them at the retail price recommended by the system, because he is afraid that he can't sell them.

By then, the task will not be completed, and the food will not be spread. It will be a waste of time and work for a week in vain.

Including the cost, ten yuan a piece is about right.


It is really rare to find such rural buses now.

Only in remote and underdeveloped towns like Linshui Town can you still see them, and it is estimated that they will not last long.

Villagers basically take buses to go to town or county.

There are mostly tricycles and battery cars on the street, and even private cars are very few.

There are not many pedestrians on the wide road, which seems very empty.

"Boss Lin, there is a bus stop ahead. Shall we go and wait?"

There is a bus stop nearby. Xiao Wu stopped the car and looked at Lin Zhou and said.

The two parked the car on the sidewalk and waited at the platform with tea eggs.

"When will the bus usually come?"

"In the past, there was an average of one bus passing through the town every 5 minutes. Now, there is one every 30 minutes."

Most people in the town have gone out to work. Few people stay, and the number of buses has gradually decreased.

But because this is one of the few means of transportation in the town, it has been preserved until now.

Lin Zhou nodded and looked at the time while holding the tea eggs.

It was already eight o'clock. The two did not wait long before they saw a shabby bus slowly approaching.

Lin Zhou's eyes lit up, and he almost couldn't wait to move forward a little.

Selling tea eggs, selling tea eggs!

The bus slowly arrived at the station, the door opened, and the bus driver saw Xiao Wu outside the door and immediately greeted him enthusiastically.

"Xiao Wu, is this the friend you mentioned who wants to do some small business?"

"Come on, I'll stop for a few minutes."

Hearing the driver's loud voice, Xiao Wu, who had not yet had time to get on the bus to say hello, turned his head and smiled awkwardly at Lin Zhou.

At that time, he said to the bus drivers to show his closeness that he had a friend who wanted to stay in the town to develop and do some small business.

I didn't expect the driver to say it in front of everyone.

How embarrassing, and the person involved was still in front of him, he couldn't explain it immediately, otherwise it would be bad for both sides.

"Ahem, that, yes, Uncle Ding, please help me."

Uncle Ding looked like a middle-aged man in his forties or fifties. There was also a middle-aged woman sitting next to the door with a wallet in her hand, probably to collect money.

Lin Zhou listened to the conversation between the two without showing any expression.

Compared to big cities where people are used to following rules in everything, although Lin Zhou has never lived in such a small town, he also understands that this is a place where people talk about human feelings everywhere.

Xiao Wu has lived in the town for so long that Huang Zhenghao asked him to be his guide. He must know many people and be familiar with the things in the town.

Lin Zhou smiled and got on the car with a box of tea eggs under the gaze of everyone in the car.

Xiao Wu stayed at the door of the car to talk to Uncle Ding.

"Uncle Ding, thank you for your trouble. Here, this is the Huangshan you smoke. Hide it. Don't let my aunt find it."

Xiao Wu secretly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and stuffed it into Uncle Ding's pocket.

The two looked at each other and smiled happily as if they had completed a deal.

"Hehe, look at you, kid. Don't do it next time. Forget it this time. That..."

Before the two finished speaking, they heard the excited voice of an old man coming from the back of the car.

"What? Ten yuan for a tea egg, why don't you go to the street to rob money? It's faster than this!"

The old man in front of him stood up excitedly.

His face was flushed.

Ten yuan for a tea egg?

The old man didn't know how many times he had taken this route, and how many times he had bought these tea eggs.

Today, he just changed the seller.

What happened? These tea eggs, which used to cost two yuan each, were already very valuable!

They have increased five times?

Could it be that the egg that laid this egg is a golden rooster?

The old man couldn't hide his excitement.

"You young man, how can you do this kind of business! You are so evil!"

Lin Zhou felt helpless after hearing this.

He just got in the car, and the old man saw him holding a transparent insulated box filled with tea eggs.

Just know that he is selling things.

I ordered a tea egg when I came up.

By the way, I asked how much it cost.

Lin Zhou reported the price to him.

Who would have known that after hearing the price, this man would be instantly stabbed on the spot.

To be honest, ten yuan for a tea egg is already a very cheap price.

The system also suggested that he sell it for twenty yuan.

He didn't even listen to the system's advice.

At this moment, Lin Zhou looked at the old man in front of him and said helplessly.

"Uncle, my price is really not expensive! And I clearly marked the price..."

Lin Zhou hasn't finished speaking yet.

This uncle also has a loud voice.

The shouting continued.

"Isn't this expensive? How many eggs can I buy for ten yuan! They can't support a person to death..."

Xiao Wu, who was chatting with Uncle Ding, saw such a scene.

Came over quickly.

Asked hurriedly.

"Sorry, sorry! What's going on? What's wrong?"

See Xiao Wu asking this.

The old man said angrily.

"Ask him, he sells tea eggs for ten yuan each! I have never seen such a black person."

The uncle was also very angry. He hadn't eaten breakfast. He saw a tea egg seller in the car and wanted to buy one to soothe his stomach.

As a result, such a dark thing happened to my belly before it was ready.

The old man finished his words.

When Xiao Wu heard this, his eyes widened and he looked at Lin Zhou in shock.

He knew that Lin Zhou was here to sell tea eggs, but he didn't know that the starting price of tea eggs was ten yuan.

Who can afford this?

So busy.

"Uncle, if this is too expensive, we won't buy it! Forget it, okay?"

The uncle has probably never seen anything like this in his life.

I also got angry and angry.

laughed angrily.

"That won't work! It's a shame that I asked. If I hadn't asked, wouldn't the ten dollars have been hacked? Your uncle, I have lived here for decades, and this is the first time I have seen such a gangster. If I don’t give you some advice, do you really think I’m easy to bully?

Why do you still want to shake people?

Lin Zhou was stunned when he heard this.

He just sells tea eggs.

Even if it's a bit dark, why is this so shocking?

I saw the old man finished speaking.

He took out his cell phone and suddenly shouted at the phone with a loud voice.

"Hey! Police? Have you ever eaten tea eggs that cost ten yuan each?"

Damn it, call the police!

Everyone in Linzhou was dumbfounded.

The uncle kept talking about shaking people, but Lin Zhou didn't think much about it when he made the call.

But after a while, the uncle actually called the police directly.

When I got there, I asked the police directly if I had eaten the ten-yuan tea eggs...

This was something Lin Zhou never thought of.

Immediately, everyone was confused for a while.

Fortunately, Lin Zhou responded quickly.

Call the police?

He quickly shouted to the uncle.

"Hey, eh... uncle..."

The old man glanced at Lin Zhou and ignored him.

He even spoke to the other end of the phone.

"Come quickly, right! This tea egg seller is in the car! I'm telling you, such a black-hearted vendor will be severely punished! I guarantee that he won't let him run away, and I'll keep an eye on you! If not I asked too much and he almost blackmailed me for ten dollars, can you believe it? "

Faced with such a scene.

Lin Zhou originally planned to dissuade him.


The whole person was completely speechless.

In fact, we were faced with such a scene at this time.

Xiao Wu was also dumbfounded.

After all, he was still younger and didn't know how to deal with this situation.

But Uncle Ding has been running this route for a long time and has met more people.

A bit more sophisticated.

I have met this man many times, and I know that he hates evil, has a hot temper, and is upright.

Also know what happened.

He quickly stepped forward and said.

"Brother, this is all a misunderstanding! If you don't believe him, you still don't believe me..."

Uncle Ding hasn't finished speaking yet.

The old man holding the mobile phone glanced sideways at Uncle Ding.

The next moment, he said to the other end of the phone.

"A gang commits a crime! Come faster, I'm afraid I won't be able to withstand it!"

Uncle Ding: "..."

Well, I won’t give you any face!

At this moment, a smile uglier than crying appeared on his face.

No, this is an acquaintance after all.

Uncle Ding didn't understand. How could this become a gang crime?

At this time, Lin Zhou was helpless when he saw this.

I originally wanted to explain more to this old man.

But I saw this old man put down the phone.

"have to……"

This time it was completely hopeless.

At this time, the old man hung up the phone.

Looking at Lin Zhou, Xiao Wu, Uncle Ding and the others.

He said with great energy.

"Today I'm going to let you see my connections! I'm telling you, the police will be here soon! I'll call the police, and they'll be right! Don't even think about running away. Don't look at my age. You can't run away even if you want to..."

How rare.

Can calling the police also call people?

It seems that no one can call the police.

Xiao Wu was helpless when he saw this scene.

But in a flash, he thought about it and moved closer to Lin Zhou, and then whispered.

"Why don't you run away, I'll stop this old man for you?"

However, Lin Zhou didn't know whether to laugh or cry after hearing this.

He didn't understand, he was just selling tea eggs!

Why would he run away.

Even if he sold them a little more expensive.

But the things he handled were at least worth the money.

Besides, the price of these tea eggs was clearly marked...

Lin Zhou wanted to say a few words.

But in a flash, he smiled bitterly and shook his head.

"Forget it, forget it, let's talk about it when the police come."

Even if he sold them a normal tea egg.

Could he still go to the police station just because he sold them a little more expensive?

Speaking of which, only Uncle Ding was the most helpless.

He just drove a car...

Why is it like this?

Seeing that the old man was blocking the door, staring at them with a fierce look.

Uncle Ding finally understood.


The departure time today will be later in the evening.

Fortunately, this is a regular bus for towns and villages.

The departure time is basically not set.

It is okay to be a little earlier or later.

There are some other passengers on the bus.

They are all old men and women.

They also commented on the scene just now.

"You are a little dark, young man."

"That's right, how can tea eggs be sold so expensive!"

"It can't be sold so expensive abroad, right?"

"Could it be that tea eggs are imported?"

Lin Zhou: "..."

Lin Zhou didn't say anything, but the old man was even more excited about the voices of support.

Let's not say that he was full of fighting spirit.

At least at this moment, he was righteous.

His eyes were wide open.

Fortunately, this situation did not last too long.

Not long after, there was a humming sound outside.

A police car stopped in front of the bus.

Two policemen got off the car.

The policemen just walked towards the bus.

The old man was extremely excited.

"I called the police! I called the police!"

The policemen couldn't help but twitch their mouths when they heard this, and walked into the car in an instant.

He spoke as soon as he got on the car.

"What's going on?"

When the old man heard this.

He immediately pointed at Lin Zhou and told him what happened just now.

He didn't forget to add fuel to the fire during the period.

"How dark! How dark! It's not like this on the first night of the first lunar month! It's a good thing that he met me. If it was someone else, he would ask for the tea egg first without asking, and then he would ask for ten yuan from someone else. How can this be tolerated?"

"If he dares to sell it for ten yuan today, he will dare to sell it for a hundred yuan tomorrow! He will dare to sell it for a thousand the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow..."

Lin Zhou once again.


He felt that what the old man said was that he was not selling tea eggs, but making profits.

Fortunately, the police in front of him couldn't listen anymore.

He quickly waved his hand.

He roughly knew the situation of calling the police before coming, plus the old man's words and the words of other people in the car.

The police had roughly known what was going on.

Then he walked in front of Lin Zhou.

He couldn't help but say.

"Your tea eggs are ten yuan each? It's really a bit expensive! This is not how you do business..."

Hearing this, Lin Zhou said helplessly.

"I clearly marked the price, not forced buying or selling! Who knew that the old man called the police, do you think I was wronged?"

The police in front of him nodded when he heard the words.

He asked in a flash.

"Really no forced buying or selling?"

Lin Zhou waved his hands quickly.

"It's really not like that!"

The police said.

"It's ok as long as there is no forced buying or selling! Forced buying or selling is illegal..."

After a pause, the policeman continued.

"But the price of your tea eggs is too outrageous. How much do ordinary tea eggs cost? Although you didn't force buying or selling! But in the eyes of ordinary people, how much is a tea egg? If someone buys from you without asking, you will charge them ten yuan later? How can this be justified?"

"That's right!"

The old man echoed on the side.

Looking indignant.

Lin Zhou was helpless and spoke.

"So, when the old man asked, I told him the price first! I didn't give him the tea eggs directly! And although my tea eggs are expensive, they are definitely worth the money. I actually sell them cheaply at ten yuan..."

Listening to Lin Zhou's words, the policeman nodded slightly in the first half.

It's reasonable to tell the price first and then take the tea eggs.

It avoids others from spending money unknowingly.

But what Lin Zhou said later...

What kind of tea egg is worth ten yuan?

"You're selling it cheaply for ten yuan?"

The policeman in front of him was a little unhappy.

He reached out to take out his wallet, took out ten yuan, and handed it to Lin Zhou.

At the same time, he said.

"Ten yuan is worth ten yuan, right? Okay, give me one! I want to see if it's the same as what you said!"

He made up his mind that if it was not worth ten yuan, he would bring Lin Zhou to the police station for a verbal education!

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