Xiao Wu attaches great importance to such a big order.

The other party said to wear a yellow hat to pick up the person, but he was afraid that it would not be obvious, so he directly found a yellow suit to pick up the person, standing in the crowd like a light bulb.

Sure enough, the boss could see him at a glance.

"Boss, let's go to the house now?"


Lin Zhou was not familiar with Linshui Town. From the road conditions and facilities on the street, it can be seen that this town is not prosperous. There are no high-rise buildings that can be seen everywhere in big cities, nor bright and colorful buildings. The overall look is very gray and plain.

Xiao Wu enthusiastically took the suitcase from Lin Zhou and took him to a van.

"Hehe, I thought the boss would have a lot of luggage, so I found a van. Is the boss used to it?"

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The not very new van was also cleaned and looked very tidy.

Lin Zhou felt Xiao Wu's enthusiasm in all aspects. Hearing this, he laughed and shook his head, "I can do it, don't bother too much."

People's experience is a magical thing. Lin Zhou used to live an ordinary life. Now even if he has money, he is more about enjoying life and doing tasks, not to the extent of being extravagant everywhere.

Besides, he rides a tricycle to set up stalls everywhere every day, which is not related to extravagance.

Along the way, Xiao Wu also introduced Lin Zhou to the facilities, environment, areas, etc. in the town.

He introduced everything he saw.

He didn't understand why rich people came to their town to do business and experience life.

But as long as there is money to be made, he is happy to do this job.

When he arrived at the residence, he saw a three-bedroom, two-living room house with a modern and simple decoration style, and basically all furniture and appliances were available.

Lin Zhou walked into the kitchen and didn't see any kitchenware. He immediately felt that he was very foresighted and asked someone to bring it to Zhou Zhou's stall.

The method of making tea eggs is not difficult, but you also need a pot to cook them.

"Xiao Wu, is there a vegetable market nearby?"

"Yes, according to the boss's needs, the house we found is well-decorated and no one has lived in it. It is a new house. There are vegetable markets, schools and other facilities nearby. It is the best location in the town."

Xiao Wu followed Lin Zhou nervously, watching the boss look at the house. If the boss is not satisfied, he has a backup house, and he must make sure that the boss lives comfortably and has fun.

"Okay, has my tricycle arrived?"

"It's here, and it's already parked in the parking space downstairs."

"Okay, let's go to the vegetable market to buy local eggs. Can we buy authentic local eggs?"

Lin Zhou nodded, feeling that it was okay, and planned to go to the vegetable market to buy eggs.

Tea eggs need to be kept overnight to be flavorful. If they are made tonight, they can be sold tomorrow.

This is the first time for him to ride a tricycle and sell tea eggs on the buses parked at various stations.

While feeling novel, he is also looking forward to it.

When life does not worry about money, the days of thinking about how to spend money every day to enjoy life are boring after a long time.

Then the system's weekly random stall tasks and random rewards became Lin Zhou's new source of fun.

He always looks forward to what to sell, where to go, and what rewards he can get in the next week's tasks.

In a life without surprises, the system is the surprise.

It makes his life full of color and no longer ordinary.

This was the first time that Xiao Wu had seen a boss like Lin Zhou who had just arrived at a place, did not ask for a rest, did not eat, and asked to go to the vegetable market to buy local eggs.

Although he was surprised and felt that the travel and dining plan he had planned in advance was in vain, he still said responsibly.

"If you want authentic local eggs, then we won't go to the vegetable market. I'll ask people to go to the rural villagers' homes to collect them. How many authentic ones do you need, boss?"

The local eggs in the vegetable market may not be real local eggs.

I was afraid that the boss would be cheated because he had just arrived in the town and did not understand the market.

"Let's bring more than a thousand. You don't have to send them all at once. Just send some every day."

Lin Zhou nodded. This was also fine.

He was not familiar with Linshui Town, so it was safer to listen to the guide.

"Okay, boss, wait a moment."

Xiao Wu walked aside to call a colleague.

Lin Zhou opened his suitcase and packed his luggage.

He was going to live in this town for a week, so he brought some clothes, toiletries, and other things.

After everything was packed, Lin Zhou still asked Xiao Wu to take him to the vegetable market.

He needs to buy some food for his daily meals, and he also needs some ingredients to make tea eggs.

"It's past three in the afternoon, and there may not be any good food in the vegetable market. I'll ask someone to bring fresh farm vegetables to the boss in the countryside, and the seasonings should be available in the small shops in the vegetable market."

Lin Zhou had no objection, nodded and turned around with Xiao Wu.

After buying everything he needed, he went home.

The local eggs were also delivered.

"Xiao Wu, I'm fine here, you can go off work."

"Oh, by the way, you know all the bus stops in the town, can vendors go up to sell food when they stop?"

"There has always been a tradition of vendors going up to buy food when the bus stops in our town, and they only need to give the driver a little kickback. I know the driver very well, just say hello when the time comes, boss, don't worry!"

Lin Zhou nodded, and the two agreed to sell tea eggs tomorrow, and Xiao Wu left with his colleague who was delivering eggs.

When they got downstairs, the guy who was delivering eggs dared to ask curiously.

"Brother Wu, what's the situation with this boss? Why did he come all the way to our town to sell tea eggs?"

"What did I tell you? Don't ask about the customers. We just need to get paid to do the work. We will do whatever the boss tells us to do. What's there to be curious about?"

Xiao Wu is famous in the whole Linshui Town because he is well-informed, has many connections, and has a good reputation. He never asks about the boss's affairs, and doesn't talk too much. Not only do outsiders come to him for work, but even locals come to him for work.

He takes a variety of jobs. As long as he is paid, he can do basically anything, whether it is being a guide, introducing business to people, finding houses, finding people to do things, etc.

"Okay, okay, I know I was wrong, and I won't ask again."

Seeing that he was about to be slapped on the back of his head, the guy who delivered eggs quickly ran away with his head in his hands.

"You must make good arrangements for the local eggs. Don't just make up the numbers. Go to the nearby villages and collect them one by one. Even if the price is a bit high, you must ensure the quality. Do you understand?"

As they talked, they got on the van and drove away.

In the house, Lin Zhou looked at these eggs of different sizes and felt that they should be local eggs. There was chicken shit on them.

They were collected temporarily and there was no time to wash them.

Lin Zhou filled the pool with water and put the eggs in one by one to wash them.

Tea eggs are boiled in shells, so the chicken shit must be washed clean.

After washing more than 200 eggs, he moved out the stainless steel bucket, put the eggs in, added water and boiled them for eight to ten minutes.

Then they became boiled eggs.

Lin Zhou was not in a hurry to stew them. He peeled a boiled egg first to try whether it was an authentic local egg.


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