"Koucheng is a bunch of bastards! They are openly robbing our boss Lin!"

"I am so angry, brothers, this is intolerable!"

"Will this not go to their comment section?"

"Where is our Jiangdong Cultural Tourism? Why are we silent while watching Koucheng making a fortune with the promotion of boss Lin? Hurry up and snatch boss Lin back!"

"Where are those pioneers who fought? Are they back?"

"Boss Lin, please love us again. In the new week, come back to Jiangdong City to set up a stall!"

(Please remember 𝟔𝟗 Book Bar → 𝟡𝟞𝕤𝕙𝕦.𝕟𝕖𝕥 website to watch the fastest chapter updates)

"That's it , if Boss Lin comes back to set up a stall, I will definitely not keep it a secret this time. I must promote it well and let those rats next door see where Boss Lin is from! "

"I've been really pissed off these days surfing the Internet. I've never quarreled with so many people. I quarreled until three in the morning every night, got up at eight the next day to go to work, and continued at night. I almost died suddenly in the comment area. I was so pissed off!"


Old diners in Jiangdong gathered in the local forum, and they worked hard in an organized and disciplined manner to prove that Boss Lin was from Jiangdong.

For those who can make PPT, the old diners provided materials and then made a timeline to prove that Boss Lin's first stall was in Jiangdong.

It was not until this time that the diners in the steamed bun stall group knew that their steamed bun stall was not the first stall of Boss Lin.

The further they dug, the boss diners found that there was actually a grilled cold noodles stall in front of the steamed bun stall.

According to the video and photos provided by the diners, everyone realized that Boss Lin had actually sold grilled cold noodles.

Then there was the steamed bun stall.

These people are really tight-lipped!

If this didn't concern the reputation of the entire Jiangdong area, I guess no one would know about it.

These people really kept silent when there was something delicious.

If Boss Lin hadn't gone to Koucheng to set up a stall, the people of Jiangdong would have kept it a secret from Boss Lin.

"You don't know until you dig in. I was shocked. I thought I had met Boss Lin at my fried chicken stall early and that he was an old customer. I didn't expect that Boss Lin's first stall was grilled cold noodles, followed by steamed buns, porridge, and candied haws... Wow, I haven't eaten any of them!"

"My braised pork roll stall, what did I say? There are so many delicious foods, but I didn't know until I couldn't eat them. It's really painful!"

"Woo woo, it's okay that I couldn't eat them before, but I know about the steak stall but I can't afford it!"

"By the way, we can't always focus on proving that Boss Lin is from Jiangdong. It's a new week, and Boss Lin should change his stall. We have to find him!"

"Yes, yes, yes, where is the anchor? Has he set off?"

"Everyone, think about where Boss Lin will set up his stall this week!"

Lin Zhou, the center of the topic, has arrived in a new city at this moment.

In the new week, this week's tasks will be refreshed at 7 am.

The task location is in an unknown small county under Nanjin City.

Lin Zhou excitedly accepted the task.

An unknown place is good, the more remote the better, so that he doesn't have to continue to be active on the Internet, and he can attract a large number of people wherever he goes.

This week's task is also a form he has never encountered before.

Sell 1,000 tea eggs cumulatively on any rural bus in Linshui Town.

He doesn't mind even if the suggested retail price of a tea egg is 20 yuan.

He can choose not to accept suggestions.

Lin Zhou's impression of rural buses basically comes from his childhood, so he doesn't know anything about it.

So Lin Zhou asked Huang Zhenghao to arrange a car to take him to Linshui Town early in the morning.

Huang Zhenghao had already arranged for Linshui Town during his time on the road.

Lin Zhou's satisfaction with Huang Zhenghao increased day by day, and he doubled his bonus.

"Boss, the house in Linshui Town has been bought, a well-decorated house with three bedrooms and one living room. Time is urgent and we can't find a better house. You can stay here temporarily. I will arrange a new residence later and tell you."

Lin Zhou received a call from Huang Zhenghao as soon as he arrived in Linshui Town.

"No, I'll live alone and leave in a week. There's no need to make too much trouble. It's better to keep a low profile."

"Okay, I've sent a special car to deliver the tricycle to you. I've also found a local guide for you. He'll pick you up at the station entrance. Boss, look for a man with a sign on his chest and a yellow hat."

Lin Zhou sat in the nanny car, listening to Huang Zhenghao's words in the headphones while looking at the people outside the station.

Then he noticed a man in yellow in the crowd at a glance, wearing a bright yellow short-sleeved shirt, yellow tight trousers, a pair of yellow loafers and a yellow hat.

Lin Zhou:......

"It's not the hat that's yellow, it's the whole outfit."

Huang Zhenghao paused when he heard this, but he didn't see the guide's outfit, so he didn't say much.

"I told them to pick people up in bright yellow so they can be easily identified."

"It's really conspicuous, so let's say that."

"Okay, boss, I wish you a good week~"

Huang Zhenghao hung up the phone and relaxed in his seat.

These things Lin Zhou ordered were just trivial matters for their entire team.

In the past, their entire company was dedicated to external agents, and because of the high fees, they had all kinds of weird jobs.

Now they only serve Lin Zhou, managing the Ziyuan Building and the farm on a daily basis, and the salary is twice as much as before. Everyone is so satisfied.

For the boss's words, they are all completed as imperial edicts, and the efficiency is very high.

Huang Zhenghao even owns a small share of Ziyuan Building. He is completely tied to Lin Zhou's ship, serving him and maintaining the daily management of the building.

After all, this is also related to his money, it is difficult not to do his best.

"By the way, send someone to inspect the new orchard sent by the boss, just like the farm, and let someone go to guard it."

Huang Zhenghao's mind was not empty for a second, and he thought of the new orchard handed over by the boss. He had to send someone to check the specific situation.


Dadong had just listened to Mr. Huang calling the boss in the office, waiting for the next instruction.

Now that he received the task, he immediately went outside to arrange it.

There is no surprise that the boss likes to buy orchards and farms. After all, the boss prefers to set up stalls more than these!

Lin Zhou's work on Suona steak last week was not in vain. The system directly rewarded an orchard.

He was busy rushing for next week's tasks, just like the farm, and handed it directly to Huang Zhenghao for management.

Lin Zhou dragged his suitcase out of the nanny car and asked the driver to go back directly.

He came alone to the man dressed in yellow.

"Hello, I am Lin Zhou, are you waiting for me?"

"Yes, yes, hello, Boss Lin, just call me Xiao Wu, I am your guide in Linshui this week."

Xiao Wu has been waiting outside the station for more than four hours since he took this job.

Finally meeting the boss in person, his palms were sweating with excitement.

He quickly wiped the sweat off his hands and then enthusiastically shook the hand that Lin Zhou extended.

This is a big order. He only needs to go to the station to pick up a boss, be the boss's guide for a week, and do some work ordered by the boss, and he can earn several thousand yuan, which is more than what he earns in a month!

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