Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 265: The old guest from Jiangdong who was defeated

“Since it’s not about the steak, let’s move on.

After Lu Xin was taken away by the ambulance, Lin Zhou looked at the diners at the scene and stopped selling steaks.

I'm waiting for news with everyone.

After such an accident, the people watching around did not leave even if there was no suona performance to watch, waiting for the results from the hospital.

Now that it has been proven that the customer is fine and it is his fault, everyone can go about their business with peace of mind.

"Yes, Boss Lin, we have waited until now. If we don't eat, we may starve to death."

"No, I feel like I'm going to faint from hunger. Boss Lin will definitely be anxious to stuff steak into my mouth. Hehe, it's quite nice to think about it."

𝟔𝟗Book Bar

"You can give it a try and see if I can beat you."

"Hahahahaha, just kidding, Boss Lin, hurry up and fry the steak~"

Since the fallen diners have nothing to do with the food sold at Boss Lin's stall.

The diners who had been waiting in line for a long time began to feel relieved to Lin Zhou.

Lin Zhou smiled and nodded.

"Sorry for delaying everyone's meal time."

As Lin Zhou spoke, he returned to the back of the stall and started making steak.

The atmosphere at the scene returned to its previous liveliness.

"It's great. We can watch the suona performance again. I haven't seen enough yet."

"Although there was a little delay in the process, Boss Lin took a longer time to set up the stall today. Hehe, it would be good to see Boss Lin for a while longer."

"Hey, although Boss Lin is very handsome, I still like his food more. It's so delicious!"

"Although I can't afford to eat this week, today is Friday, and next week is coming soon. Then I can look forward to next week's food."

"I don't know where Boss Lin will set up a stall next week."

In addition to the people from Koucheng, there were also some old diners from Jiangdong. Even if they couldn't afford three thousand steaks, they still had to join in the fun.

Of course I have to support Boss Lin’s stall setting up.

"I hope Boss Lin will return to Jiangdong next week to set up a stall."

As soon as the old diner said this, the people in Koucheng next to him felt uncomfortable.

"It's better to go to Koucheng. Boss Lin should set up a stall in our Koucheng. You are welcome to come and have dinner then."

Jiangdong old diners:? ? ?

Good guys, didn’t Boss Lin come to Koucheng to set up stalls a few times, and you couldn’t find Bei?

Don’t even look at them. Jiangdong is the place where Boss Lin first set up his stall!

"Hey, I don't want to hear this anymore. Boss Lin is obviously from Jiangdong. He has come to your city a few times to set up stalls, but he can't find Bei?"

"No, when we were eating the food cooked by Boss Lin, you didn't know where you were!"

"Since your Jiangdong is so good, why does Boss Lin come to our Koucheng to set up a stall? See how much our Koucheng people value Boss Lin. We even send security and traffic police to maintain order when setting up stalls. When Boss Lin sets up a stall in your Jiangdong, No one cares about it, it’s not like it’s popular all over the internet now.”

"Oh, my bad temper is because Boss Lin likes to keep a low profile. You know, you don't know what people are saying here. You are so high-profile this week. If you can find Boss Lin next week, we will lose! "

"That's right, a bunch of idiots know how to make noise. When the time comes, Boss Lin will run away and we won't even have anything to eat."

"Who the hell are you calling an idiot!"

The war was about to break out. People from Koucheng and Jiangdong started quarreling directly over the issue of Lin Zhou's ownership. They quarreled and got angry and started fighting.

The crowd watching the excitement around them were all shocked, and they all stepped back to make room for some people.

Leave the space open for these guys to fight.

"Hey, what's going on? There's a fight suddenly?"

"I do not know......"

As soon as the crowd rioted, they were noticed by the security guards around them.

The flow of people in Times Square has skyrocketed in the past few days, and everyone attaches great importance to safety issues. Not only are there security guards, but there are also traffic police at intersections, and police cars parked on the roadside, just in case.

As soon as there was any movement here, the nearby security guards immediately stepped forward to separate them.

These people were pulled away from each other, still cursing angrily.

"Fuck you, boss Lin is obviously from Jiangdong."

"You're the one farting*****"


After setting up the stall, Lin Zhou returned home exhausted.

Just lie down on the sofa.

What happens every day!


It's uncomfortable to lie down in a suit.

Lin Zhou got up from the sofa irritably and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

The villa here also continued his habit, and only Huang Zhenghao arranged for someone to clean the house every day. Now he was the only one in the house.

He can rest assured.

After he came out of the shower, thinking about what happened today when setting up a stall, he lay on the bed and read the information on the Internet.

Sure enough, the popularity of Western food Suona has never come down since the first day it became a hot search topic.

It has dominated the hot search list for five consecutive days.

Click on the label, with the word "Explosion" behind it.

What, a man was sent away by Suona on the spot while eating Western food.

Why are people from two cities fighting over Boss Lin?

One glance at this title made Lin Zhou feel his eyes hurt.

These netizens are really good at keeping things together.

It's obviously all serious stuff, but there's something wrong with the title.

He originally thought it would be a surprise to find a diner with an alcohol allergy.

Unexpectedly, diners in the next two cities would actually argue over where he would set up a stall next week.

No, it’s a fight.

If it doesn't work out next week, he won't take on the assignment and will stay at home to avoid the limelight.

Otherwise, as soon as the stall is opened, so many people will come to watch, which is really a headache.

He just wants to set up a stall in a low-key manner and cook delicious food, why is it so difficult!

On the Internet, netizens are increasingly curious about the roadside steak stall that has been on the top of the list for five consecutive days.

The last two days of the stall were on weekends.

A large number of people came to watch the excitement.

Lin Zhou set up a stall in Times Square, and the people who came to watch directly stopped the surrounding traffic.

Before reaching Times Square, the road was already crowded with tourists and passers-by.

It also caused great inconvenience to Lin Zhou's stall.

Koucheng Cultural Tourism is very happy to have so many tourists. The publicity and supporting facilities are well done. It has steadily received this wave of traffic and fully supported Lin Zhou's stall.

It just broke the defense of the old diners in Jiangdong.

They have always regarded Boss Lin as a treasure. It’s not enough to set up a stall in other cities, but it was also posted online by people in Koucheng to promote it, making it so big.

Now when netizens mention Boss Lin, the first thing they think of is Koucheng.

This really pissed them off.

Boss Lin is obviously from Jiangdong.

The old customers in Jiangdong were so united that they corrected mistakes under every video of Boss Lin setting up a stall online, promoting that Boss Lin is from Jiangdong, and then they broke their defense and posted a short essay, listing various evidences to prove that Boss Lin was setting up a stall in Jiangdong from the beginning and was from Jiangdong.

In the past, they kept Boss Lin's stall secret, and even didn't promote it online when they couldn't find him.

They all enjoyed their life in silence.

Now, most netizens don't know.

They are the ones who broke their defense.

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