Food: Randomly set up a stall, customers chase me ten blocks away

Chapter 264 Buddy? Buddy? Don't lie down, the ground is quite cold.

No wonder everyone thinks Lu Xin is playing tricks.

Who is a good person who falls asleep after eating?

Coupled with the live high-pitched suona music, the program's effect was immediately maximized.

All the Internet celebrity bloggers who came to the scene today were compared to each other, and it all depended on Lu Xin performing alone.

Lin Zhou looked at Lu Xin, who was sleeping on the ground with a peaceful face, and felt a sense of disobedience.

Something is wrong!


It is impossible for a normal person to lie down and not make any movement at all, even if his eyelids don't tremble.

And this position is not very comfortable.

"Brother? Brother? Stop lying down, the ground is quite cold."

Lin Zhou originally thought that this person was just trying to make ends meet, but after shouting twice and seeing no response, he suddenly broke out in a cold sweat.

The sound of the suona stopped suddenly, and the noise of people talking around suddenly became obvious.

This sudden change even stunned the onlookers, but there was no reaction from the diners on the ground.

At this moment, Lin Zhou was extremely panicked.

This man collapsed after eating the steak he cooked.

Is there something wrong with eating?

No, what's wrong with his steak? He can't blow the suona and send people away!

Lin Zhou was so panicked that he quickly squatted down and tentatively put his hand under Lu Xin's nose for a while to make sure that he was still alive, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Don't do it!

He just came out to set up a stall, why is he doing such a big thing?

The old diner next to him was still protecting Lu Xin's red wine. When he saw Lin Zhou reaching out to test the man's breathing, his eyes widened in horror.

Good guy, this person won't really be sent away, right?

"Boss Lin, what...what's going on?"

"Are you still breathing?"

He is the last person to talk to the other party. If something happens to this person, what will he do if he is relied on!

When the old diners think of this, their legs feel a little weak.

Lin Zhou lay on Lu Xin's body and felt his heartbeat. His breathing was within the normal range. He said calmly, "You're still breathing. Don't panic. Call 120."

With Lin Zhou's calm handling of the situation, the old diner stopped thinking and took out his cell phone to make a call.

At this time, the diners and onlookers nearby also knew that something had happened.

"What's going on? Did you faint?"

"Isn't it a whole job?"

"Why did the suona music stop? What happened?"

"Are there any medical staff on site?"

Everyone became anxious when they saw that Lu Xin was not recovering but had fainted.

"Isn't it food poisoning?"

"How is it possible? There were so many people eating, but he was the only one who fell down. It must be for other reasons."

"Isn't it because of porcelain?"

"It doesn't feel like it. I wasn't very happy just after eating. Then I suddenly collapsed. I thought it was a serious illness."


The crowd was talking a lot, and some people were holding up their mobile phones to take pictures and join in the fun.

When this incident occurred, all nearby security guards rushed over to maintain order.

Times Square is in the city center, with convenient transportation, and the ambulance arrived soon.

Under the guidance of security guards, the onlookers gave way to the ambulance.

Several ambulance personnel learned about the situation at the scene when they received the call. When they got out of the car, they saw Lu Xin lying on the ground and hurriedly carried a stretcher to the ambulance.

We are all strangers. Lin Zhou still has a lot of customers waiting here, and the incident happened at his stall. Lin Zhou was about to close the stall and follow him to the hospital. The old diner stepped forward and offered to follow the ambulance to check the situation. , so Lin Zhou doesn’t have to worry.

"Boss Lin, so many people are here just for you. You continue to do business, and I will accompany you to take a look."

There were other regular diners nearby who saw this and said they could come together, with more than one person, so that if anything happened, they could explain it clearly.

Don't rely on them if anything happens.

You can't be careful about this kind of thing!

"Okay, please."

Lin Zhou glanced at the diners lining up and agreed.

Even though he said so, the steak couldn't be cooked.

I don’t know what the situation is, but if it’s food poisoning, he can’t sell the steak.

It can't be food poisoning, right?

It's impossible. He has all the ingredients flown in every day. It's okay for so many people to eat.

Lin Zhou was still a little panicked. This was the first time such a thing had happened in such a long time.

But there was still a long queue at the stalls. It was really not good to leave people behind, so we had to go and see it with the company of diners.

This week, too many people came to watch the stalls.

It made him a little passive.

Originally, the task did not stipulate how many copies to sell. If there were not so many people watching, it would be no problem for him to sell one copy and leave, or if there were no customers and he wanted to set up a stall and close it, it would be fine.

But the popularity was too great and the fans were too enthusiastic, which made Lin Zhou very passive.

More and more ingredients are needed every day.

The stall setting time is also getting longer and longer.

After closing the stall and returning home, he was extremely tired.

Frying steak is not difficult, but playing the suona is also very physically demanding.


Lu Xin was sent to the hospital. After an examination, the doctor came out with a strange look on his face. He asked the two old diners anxiously, but hesitated to speak.

The two old diners looked panicked.

This man fell down in Boss Lin’s stall.

What if something goes wrong, there are so many people watching at the scene, what if some media marketing account talks nonsense, puts the blame on Boss Lin, and affects their ability to work!

"Doctor, what's going on? Tell me quickly!"

"Doctor, are you okay?"

"Well, I'm fine. I'm just allergic to alcohol and fell asleep. I'll just take a nap and wait for the alcohol to evaporate."

The doctor did not expect that such a small amount of alcohol could directly make people fall asleep.

Old diners:......

The old diner recalled that the man seemed to have taken a sip of red wine before he collapsed.

It's quite unexpected.

"Well, Boss Lin is still waiting for news. I'll stay here and you can go back and give everyone a message."

"Okay, let's just say that."

After a false alarm, and after confirming that Lu Xin was fine and could not be blamed on them or Boss Lin, the old diners were relieved immediately.

Of the two diners, one stayed at the hospital to check on the situation, and the other took a taxi back to Times Square.

No one at the scene had left yet. When he saw the diner who had gone to the hospital with the ambulance coming back, he immediately asked about it.

The old diners didn't show off and explained directly.

"I'm fine. I was allergic to alcohol and fell asleep. The doctor said I'll be fine if I wake up."

Lin Zhou didn't expect this to be the reason.

I have never sold alcohol at a stall before, so I forgot that some people are allergic to alcohol.

"When everyone is eating, be sure to tell them if you have any allergies. Don't let any accidents happen. Not all people with allergies are so lucky. They can just sleep and get better. Some allergies can be fatal if they are severe."

Lin Zhou was really afraid that someone would eat something allergic to food at his stall and cause an accident. Although it had little to do with him, it did have an impact.

"People with general allergies should know this. For example, I am allergic to seafood. I get red rashes on my body when I eat. I will definitely pay attention when eating out."

"That's right, if you don't mention the allergy, then you don't take it seriously. What does it have to do with Boss Lin?"

"Maybe people don't know they are allergic."

"Fortunately, it's okay..."

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